.. currentmodule:: ansys.scadeone.core.swan
Groups can be declared using the group :ref:`declaration <sec_group_decl>`.
Groups are used either as a list of group items or as adaptation of an expression may for groups.
Group constructor is : ( group ). A group is itself a list of group items.
.. autoclass:: GroupConstructor
.. autoclass:: Group
.. autoclass:: GroupItem
A group projection accesses to fields in a group and returns a group of the matching fields, using renamings.
The syntax is: expr .( group_renamings ) where .( group_renamings ) is a group adaptation, also used for :py:class:`Connection` in diagrams.
.. autoclass:: GroupProjection
.. autoclass:: GroupAdaptation
.. autoclass:: GroupRenaming
.. autoclass:: ProtectedGroupRenaming