.. currentmodule:: ansys.scadeone.core.swan
The Swan language has two syntaxes to express state machines:
- a state machine is a collection of states, each state having strong and weak transitions;
- a state machine is a collection of:
- states, where states do not have transitions;
- transition declarations, which describe the transitions as separate items.
A :py:class:`StateMachine` contains therefore a list of states and possibly transition declarations, all as instances of :py:class:`StateMachineItem`.
The following figure shows the classes hierarchy when one uses states with transitions syntax.
The following figure shows the classes hierarchy when one uses states without transitions and separate transition declaration syntax.
Both representations are not exclusive, though it is not expected to have a mixed definition of a state machine with states and their transitions, and separate transitions.
.. autoclass:: StateMachine
.. autoclass:: StateMachineItem
.. autoclass:: State
.. autoclass:: StateRef
.. autoclass:: TransitionDecl
.. autoclass:: Transition
.. autoclass:: Arrow
.. autoclass:: Target
Forks are transitions which split into several branches.
A fork a succession of if then else with :py:class:`Arrow`.
.. autoclass:: ForkTree
Fork is a list of if and one else arrows with priorities.
.. autoclass:: ForkWithPriority
.. autoclass:: ForkPriorityList