If you are familiar with processing you probably know that
there are two main functions which set the picture into motion.
They are setup
and draw
The function:
initializes the window scene and state of the animation. -
is for redrawing the animation and updating the state.
We are going to draw the Sun and a planet that spins around the Sun. The typical processing code may look like this:
// constants
float rad = 55;
float winWidth = 300;
float winHeight = 300;
float centerX = winWidth / 2;
float centerY = winHeight / 2;
// state
float t;
// standard callbacks
void setup() {
size(winWidth, winHeight);
t = 0;
void draw() {
// user defined functions
void drawSun() {
ellipse(centerX, centerY, 30, 30);
void drawPlanet() {
float x = centerX + rad * cos(t);
float y = centerY + rad * sin(t);
ellipse(x, y, 12, 12);
void updateState() {
t += 0.025;
If you know the Java you already know the syntax of Processing. The Processing uses simplified version of Java syntax (no need for many boilerplate keywords, ability to write top-level functions).
Let's read this code by blocks. The first block of code defines the constant parameters. They stay fixed for the lifetime of the program:
// constants
float rad = 55;
float winWidth = 300;
float winHeight = 300;
float centerX = winWidth / 2;
float centerY = winHeight / 2;
The next thing is to define a variable for the state:
// state
float t;
Then we set the window sizes and state:
void setup() {
size(winWidth, winHeight);
t = 0;
The setup
is keyword. The user should define this function to initialize the state.
We are ready to draw the picture of our universe on the screen:
void draw() {
The first command clears the background with white color.
The color values are measured in values from the interval 0 to 255.
The draw
is also a keyword.
Then we invoke user-defined functions to draw the sun, planet and to update the state.
Let's draw the Sun:
void drawSun() {
ellipse(centerX, centerY, 30, 30);
The first command (fill
) sets the fill color for all following shapes that we are going to draw.
We set it to black. The next command draws a centered circle. The planet is more interesting, because
it's going to move:
void drawPlanet() {
float x = centerX + rad * cos(t);
float y = centerY + rad * sin(t);
ellipse(x, y, 12, 12);
There is a bit of trigonometry going on. We just calculate the position of planet
that depends on the state t
. The t
is the angle of rotation. The next steps are similar
to the drawing of the Sun. We draw a circle that is a bit smaller.
The last step is to update the state so that with every new frame the angle increases:
void updateState() {
t += 0.025;
The code is complete. We can hit the run button in the Processing environment and it will show us the tiny movie.
Let's discuss how to write this program in Haskell with our library. I've tried to make the library as close to Processing as possible, but there are some tricks that can not be done in Haskell. The processing is imperative or object oriented language and Haskell is purely functional. So some stuff like access to global variables is not available in Haskell. But we will find the way out of it. I promise! So read on.
Let's start with importing our library:
import Graphics.Proc
Then we can define a block of constants:
-- constants
rad = 55
width = 300
height = 300
centerX = width / 2
centerY = height / 2
The code is quite the same. No surprises here.
There is a tiny difference in naming. I've renamed the winWidth
to just width
In the processing width is a special name that returns the current width of the window.
It's often used in the drawing to scale things. But with Haskell
I've decided to rename width to winWidth. So that we can use this name as a simple constant.
It's rare case when we want to change the size of the window so it's much convenient
to use as a pure constant. So the winWidth
and winHeight
are special functions
in Haskell to read current width and height of the window.
The next thing is to define a state and initialize it with setup.
With Java it was a simple global variable definition.
But we can not use globals in Haskell. The trick is to augment
our standard functions setup
and draw
with state passing.
In the Java or Processing code the setup
has no arguments
and produced nothing. Java folks are used to this way of
state manipulation but we are going to do it going functional way.
Our setup
function is going to produce initial state value:
setup :: Pio Double
setup = do
size (P2 width height)
return 0
With the first command (size
) we set the sizes of the windows.
The P2
constructs 2D point. Also we have P3 when we need to use one more dimension.
With second command we return the value of our state. Later we are going
to pass it as an argument to draw
function. Notice the type signature of the function.
The value is wrapped in Pio
. The Pio
is short for Processing IO-monad.
That's familiar to Haskellers IO-monad that is augmented with Processing features
(drawing primitives, noise generators, time queries and so on).
So the bottom line is that haskell setup
function should produce a state
wrapped in special case of IO-monad.
Let's draw everything:
draw :: Double -> Draw
draw t = do
background (grey 255)
drawPlanet t
We do the same things we did in Processing. but now we get the state as an argument
and we pass it to the function drawPlanet
that is going to need the state.
Also notice that there is no state update. We are going to do it with the separate function.
Notice the type Draw
. It's just an alias for Pio ()
There is a slight difference in color handling.
The function grey
constructs RGB-color out of single value. Why do we need that?
In Processing like in Java we can define several functions with the same name. They are
distinguished with type-signatures of the arguments. But Haskell is more restrictive.
We should have only one function with the given name. So Processing background
can take one or three arguments. If it has only one it constructs the grey color if it has three
it uses them as red, green and blue parameters of the color. In Haskell we use the function
to construct the grey colors and rgb
to construct simple colors.
Also there are functions greya
and rgba
they have another one argument for alpha or transparency.
Let's draw the sun and the planet:
drawSun = do
fill (grey 0)
ellipse (P2 centerX centerY) (P2 30 30)
The Sun is static so we don't need any input.
Notice the difference of ellipse
function. In Haskell I've decided to
express arguments of all 2D functions with points or pairs of doubles (type P2
). The Processing always uses a plain float values.
It's ok for introduction but I often find that the point type is much more convenient.
Let's draw a planet:
drawPlanet t = do
fill (grey 145)
ellipse (P2 x y) (P2 12 12)
x = centerX + rad * cos t
y = centerY + rad * sin t
You can see that in Haskell we pass the state into the function in order to use it. The trigonometry stuff goes on here and we draw it in the same manner as the Sun.
The cool thing about using points in place of numbers is that in Haskell we have numeric instances for points. We can rewrite the code like this:
winSizes = (P2 300 300)
center = 0.5 *^ winSizes
drawPlanet t = do
fill (grey 145)
ellipse p 12
p = center + rad *^ (P2 (cos t) (sin t))
The operator *^
multiplies both values o the pair with the given value.
So it multiplies a double value by point or scales the point with the value.
The +
and numeric literals are overloaded for points. We can sum them up
and a numeric value 12
produces a pair of (P2 12 12)
. So the formula becomes
a single line definition:
p = center + rad *^ (P2 (cos t) (sin t))
We are ready to update the state:
update :: Double -> Pio Double
update t = return (t + 0.025)
It's much the same thing we did, but now the state update is written explicitly in the type signature of the function.
So we can set the things in motion! But the Haskell language knows nothing about
special meaning that we put into the names setup
and draw
. We need to give it a hint!
To run the standard processing callback functions we use the function runProc
main = runProc $ def
{ procSetup = setup
, procDraw = draw
, procUpdate = update
The function runProc
takes in a Proc
data structure. The Proc
all callbacks that we are going to use. Many callbacks are specified with default
values. To specify only part of callbacks that we are going to use we use the trick
with Haskell default values. The Proc has instance of class Data.Default
This class has only one method:
class Default a where
def = a
instance Default st => Default (Proc st) where
def = Proc { ... }
So the def
contains all callback we need. Then we can set the callbacks we need with our functions:
def { procSetup = setup
, procDraw = draw
, procUpdate = update
and pass this value to the runProc
Here is the complete code for Haskell program:
import Graphics.Proc
main = runProc $ def
{ procSetup = setup
, procDraw = draw
, procUpdate = update
-- constants
rad = 55
sizes = (P2 300 300)
center = 0.5 *^ sizes
-- standard functions
setup :: Pio Double
setup = do
size sizes
return 0
draw :: Double -> Draw
draw t = do
background (grey 255)
drawPlanet t
update :: Double -> Pio Double
update t = return (t + 0.0025)
-- drawing
drawSun = do
fill (grey 0)
ellipse center 30
drawPlanet t = do
fill (grey 145)
ellipse p 12
p = center + rad *^ (P2 (cos t) (sin t) )
You can save the file and run it with runhaskell utility.
The code is almost the same as Processing code but there are differences. Let's briefly recall all of them:
In Processing we can use global variables to update the state. In Haskell we explicitly pass the state and update it. Standard callbacks take in state as an argument or pass it as a result.
function produces initial state. Thedraw
takes in state as an argument. The functionupdate
takes in the state and produces the new value. -
In Haskell the state update is separated from drawing process. We have two function
:draw :: st -> Draw update :: st -> Pio st
We have a special monad
, that augments the IO-monad with processing functionality. We can useliftIO
function to turn IO-actions toPio
s:text <- liftIO (readFile "file.txt")
There is a handy alias:
type Draw = Pio ()
Processing has standard names for drawing and setup functions. In Haskell we should use the
function to run the animation and specify the callbacks in the special data structureProc
. -
Processing often uses simple numbers where point type can be more appropriate. So in Processing we draw a line with four arguments:
line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
But in Haskell two points is enough:
let p1 = P2 x1 y1 p2 = P2 x2 y2 line p1 p2
We can do all numerical operations with points and quite more. The points implementation is based upon the package
. See it on hackage for complete API of points/vectors. -
We use special functions to construct colors:
grey :: Double -> Col greya :: Double -> Double -> Col rgb :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Col rgba :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Col fill :: Col -> Draw stroke :: Col -> Draw background :: Col -> Draw
That's enough to start coding something interesting! For the next tips
you can read the reference of Processing language. The structure of the Graphics.Proc
module is the same as in the reference document. I've tried to be as close to original definitions as possible
so I hope that you can easily grasp the meaning of the Haskell function by reading the original
Processing documentation.
You can find that many functions are already implemented. But some are not.
The processing-for-haskell is far from completion, but still you can write some cool graphics with it.
Hope you enjoy it. You can read and execute the examples (see the directory examples
in the source code).
In Processing we can write animation and accumulate the pictures on the screen if we not redraw it with background. In Haskell right now we can only use animation mode. The accumulation of pictures is not reliable.
We can emulate the desired behavior by accumulating state. We can create a list of objects to draw and re-render all of them on each step.
In Haskell library the
is split to two functions. One for drawing (procDraw
) and another one fro state update (procUpdate
). -
is not yet implemented properly. So it's better to use circles in place of big points and rectangles or quads in place of weighty lines. -
The angle for
function is measured in TAUs. It's modern way to measure rotation which is much more convenient then traditional degrees or radians. The TAU is a ratio of full circle. So the interval is[0, 1]
. For example 90 degrees is 0.25, 180 degrees is 0.5.