This repository also publishes standalone instrumentation for several libraries (and growing) that can be used if you prefer that over using the Java agent:
- Apache Dubbo
- Armeria
- AWS Lambda
- AWS SDK 1.11
- AWS SDK 2.2+
- gRPC
- Guava
- GraphQL Java
- Ktor 1.0
- Ktor 2.0
- Lettuce
- Log4j appender
- Log4j thread context
- Logback
- MongoDB Driver
- OkHttp
- Reactor
- RocketMQ
- Runtime metrics
- RxJava 1.0
- RxJava 2.0
- RxJava 3.0
- Spring RestTemplate
- Spring Web MVC
- Spring WebFlux Client
And some libraries are publishing their own OpenTelemetry instrumentation (yay!), e.g.
If you know of additional libraries that are publishing their own OpenTelemetry instrumentation, please let us know!