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myco_sra is the SRA version of myco. Use this version of myco if you want to analysze fastqs from SRA. This is powered by SRANWRP, most notably the pull-FASTQs-from-biosample workflow. (For the sake of simplicity this readme calls the part of myco_sra that downloads from SRA "SRANWRP", even thought SRANWRP contains a few additional utility functions and workflows.)

Notable inputs

biosample_accessions -- a single text File which contains BioSample accessions, one BioSample accession per line, ex:


SAME, SAMN, SRS, ERS, and numeric BioSample accessions are all supported, as well as any combination of these formats. Run accessions (SRR, ERR, DRR) are not supported, but you can use this workflow to convert your run accessions to BioSample accessions.

All other inputs are documented here:

How does the fastq downloading part differ from similar workflows?

There are several existing workflows which can pull from SRA, such as SRA Fetch and DownloadFromSRA. If you need your reads downloaded with no processing, need PacBio reads downloaded, or need your fastqs saved to a specific GCS directory, these workflows might be better suited to your needs than SRANWRP. SRANWRP assumes you only want paired-end Illumina data while also making no assumptions that the BioSamples you are giving it actually have any paired-end Illumina data.

How does myco_sra handle "weird" data?/What checks does it perform?

The "ideal" scenario is that each BioSample has some number of run accessions, and each run accession returns one pair of Illumina-created fastq files. But sometimes life isn't so simple, so SRANWRP handles:

  • BioSamples which contain run accessions created with different sequencing technologies (ex: SAMN03257097 has two Illumina run accessions and two PacBio run accessions)
  • Run accessions that return three fastq files
  • Run accessions that return one fastq file
  • Run accessions that return more than one pair of fastqs
  • Run accessions that return large fastqs -- by default, fastqs larger than 450 megabytes will be randomly subsampled down to 1,000,000 random reads
  • BioSamples with any combination of the above exist -- ex: A single BioSample with one run accession returning one pair of fastqs, one run accession returning three fastqs, one run accession actually being a PacBio run, and one run accession returning two pairs of 2 GB fastqs

For example, let's say this task got SAMN08436121. This has only one run associated with it: SRR6650260. Pulling that yields three files: SRR6650260_1.fastq, SRR6650260_2.fastq, and SRR6650260.fastq. Only SRR6650260_1.fastq and SRR6650260_2.fastq will be passed to the decontamination and variant calling steps.

Are there any SRA accessions known to break SRANWRP?

Accessions belonging to "sample groups" are not supported, as it isn't very clear which run accessions correlate to which sample accessions. Known "sample group" accessions can be found in SRANWRP's denylists. Non-TB accessions are also not supported.

Samples with a very large number of run accessions could be problematic on a GCP backend. GCP backends require you request a certain amount of disk size before runtime, which can get dicey when what you want to do at runtime is download an unknown number of files of unknown size. As such, SRANWRP requests more disk size than you probably need, but there could come a time that guess doesn't prove to be enough.

The only other accessions known to fail SRANWRP are ones which break prefetch or fasterq-dump. Usually this means the fastqs themselves are invalid (ex: SAMEA1877221, SAMEA2609926, SAMEA2609935) or were not fully processed by NCBI (ex: ERR760606, although SAMEA3231653 has two other run accessions which do work fine).

What if an SRA accession passes SRANWRP, but isn't good enough for the rest of the pipeline?

We can't always tell that data isn't up to our standards until later down the pipeline. myco (including myco_sra) will filter out samples which:

  • are too heavily contaminated to complete decontamination in a timely manner
  • take too long in the variant caller
  • have low overall coverage

This sort of filtering can be disabled by setting the timeout optional variables to 0 -- but be aware that GCP will kill any VM that is still alive after about a week, so if you're on Terra, your samples need to process faster than that!

There is a small number of BioSamples known to return fastqs which, after decontamination, will cause a runtime error in the variant caller. As of version 3.0.1 of myco, this runtime error is handled by throwing out the sample rather than stopping the entire pipeline (unless you set crash_on_error to true). Throwing out samples like this was decided as the default behavior as a quick analysis indicates the runtime error only happens when clockwork's variant calling removes >95% of the fastq during a Trimmomatic run (ie, the sample probably shouldn't be used anyway). The list of these samples can be found in SRANWRP's denylists.

Process in detail

[1] Extract BioSample accessions from input file

The user is expected to input a text containing BioSample accessions. This task grabs all unique lines in that file and outputs an Array[String] of BioSample accessions.

[2] Pull fastqs for the BioSample accession

This task pulls all fastqs for a given BioSample accession using SRANWRP, which itself uses sra-tools. One BioSample might have multiple run accessions; all of them are pulled. Once pulled, my script attempts to remove everything that is not a set of paired fastqs.

There are some samples that return no valid fastqs. There is an additional task that keeps track of every sample's run accessions, and the result of trying to pull fastqs from each run accession. The "pull report" is a workflow-level output.

[3] Run fastp and decontaminate

This task is based on clockwork's decontamination process, which runs clockwork map_reads and clockwork remove_contam in a single WDL task. In recent updates, it has also been merged with fastp as a preliminary cleaning and QC step. On default settings, this is the order of events:

  1. Cleaning of the reads via fastp
  2. clockwork map_reads to map reads to the decontamination reference
  3. clockwork remove_contam to generate cleaned fastqs
  4. A second run of fastp, but instead of cleaning the reads again, we focus on the QC metrics and determine if these samples are good enough

Part three of this process will merge FASTQs if a single sample has more than one pair of FASTQs. For example, SAMN02599053 has four fastqs associated with it:

  • SAMN02599053_SRR1173122_1.fq.gz
  • SAMN02599053_SRR1173122_2.fq.gz
  • SAMN02599053_SRR1173191_1.fq.gz
  • SAMN02599053_SRR1173191_2.fq.gz

The decontamination step will output a single pair: SAMN02599053_1.fastq and SAMN02599053_2.fastq

[4] (optional) Run TBProfiler

If TBProf_on_bams_not_fastqs is false, TBProfiler will be run on the fastqs here. This form of TBProfiler is a fork by Thiagen Genomics that features some improvements to its database and generates special outputs for LHJs. Because myco_sra's use case is different from that of myco_raw, this step is optional in order to save money.

[5] Call variants

Based on clockwork variant_call_single, which itself combines samtools, cortex, and minos. For each sample, the output is a single VCF file and a BAM file.

[6] (optional) Run covstats

Covstats checks how much of a sample ends up unmapped, and the average coverage. This takes some time to calculate, so it's optional, but it also gives us two additional QC metrics.

[7] Mask the outputs create diff files

When feeding outputs into UShER, we want to make use of diff files. But first, we perform a little bit of data processing -- it common for some regions of the TB genome to be masked. We want to avoid those problematic regions in our final output, as well as any regions without much coverage. This task cleans up our outputs and optionally creates a diff file, one per sample, which can be used to make some happy little trees.

[8] Collate QC information

This pipeline generates a large amount of metadata and intermediate files. This task summarizes QC information into a single file for easy reference.

[9] (optional) Generate UShER, Taxonium, newick, and NextStrain trees

If decorate_trees = true, and an input tree is passed in, each sample will be placed on the tree by UShER. The resulting tree will then be converted to Taxonium format, allowing it to be viewed in taxonium. NextStrain subtree JSONs will also be generated.