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autoMemoize (automatic caching)
simple-react 0.99.3 and above allow the results of each stage to be cached (or memoized) using a pluggable cache provider (such as a simple ConcurrentMap or Guava cache).
The autoMemoizeOn method in LazyReact accepts a Cachable Functional Interface.
public LazyReact autoMemoizeOn( Cachable memoizeCache)
Cachable itself looks like this
public interface Cachable<OUT> {
public OUT computeIfAbsent(Object key, Function<Object,OUT> fn);
This means that autoMemoizeOn accepts a higher-order function with two parameters, the data input (next element in the Stream) into the current Stage of the Stream, and a function that represents the work to be done at that stage of the Stream.
To help explain how autoMemoize works, let's take a look at an example that just passes data through to the next stage. In this case we will simply call the provided function, with the data input (cache key).
LazyReact react = new LazyReact().autoMemoizeOn((input,fn)-> fn.apply(input));
List result = react.of("data1","data1","data2","data2")
In the above example, no caching occurs, data is simply passed directly to the provided function. But we do now have our Cachable lambda expression acting as an intermediary for every operation!
Next step, let's plugin a simple cache!
LazyFutureStreams can be configured to cache the results of operations at each stage. Caches can be pluggable so LRU or TTL based caches can be used.
Map cache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
LazyReact react = new LazyReact().autoMemoizeOn((key,fn)-> cache.computeIfAbsent(key,fn));
List result = react.of("data1","data1","data2","data2")
We aren't limited to using ConcurrentHashMaps, we can plug in any cache implementation we like. Let's try a Guava cache!
//configure LRU cache with max time to live
Cache<String, String> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
LazyReact react = new LazyReact().autoMemoizeOn((key,fn)-> cache.get(key,()->fn.apply(key));
List result = react.of("data1","data1","data2","data2")
oops - my bad