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225 lines (175 loc) · 8.99 KB
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API Gateway
Batch Requests
This document contains information about the Apache APISIX batch-request Plugin.


After enabling the batch-requests plugin, users can assemble multiple requests into one request and send them to the gateway. The gateway will parse the corresponding requests from the request body and then individually encapsulate them into separate requests. Instead of the user initiating multiple HTTP requests to the gateway, the gateway will use the HTTP pipeline method, go through several stages such as route matching, forwarding to the corresponding upstream, and then return the combined results to the client after merging.


In cases where the client needs to access multiple APIs, this will significantly improve performance.


The request headers in the user’s original request (except for headers starting with “Content-”, such as “Content-Type”) will be assigned to each request in the HTTP pipeline. Therefore, to the gateway, these HTTP pipeline requests sent to itself are no different from external requests initiated directly by users. They can only access pre-configured routes and will undergo a complete authentication process, so there are no security issues.

If the request headers of the original request conflict with those configured in the plugin, the request headers configured in the plugin will take precedence (except for the real_ip_header specified in the configuration file).





This plugin adds /apisix/batch-requests as an endpoint.


You may need to use the public-api plugin to expose this endpoint.


Enable Plugin

You can enable the batch-requests Plugin by adding it to your configuration file (conf/config.yaml):

  - ...
  - batch-requests


By default, the maximum body size that can be sent to /apisix/batch-requests can't be larger than 1 MiB. You can change this configuration of the Plugin through the endpoint apisix/admin/plugin_metadata/batch-requests:

:::note You can fetch the admin_key from config.yaml and save to an environment variable with the following command:

admin_key=$(yq '.deployment.admin.admin_key[0].key' conf/config.yaml | sed 's/"//g')


curl -H "X-API-KEY: $admin_key" -X PUT -d '
    "max_body_size": 4194304


Name Type Required Default Valid values Description
max_body_size integer True 1048576 [1, ...] Maximum size of the request body in bytes.

Request and response format

This plugin will create an API endpoint in APISIX to handle batch requests.


Name Type Required Default Description
query object False Query string for the request.
headers object False Headers for all the requests.
timeout integer False 30000 Timeout in ms.
pipeline array[HttpRequest] True Details of the request.


Name Type Required Default Valid Description
version string False 1.1 [1.0, 1.1] HTTP version.
method string False GET ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "CONNECT", "TRACE"] HTTP method.
query object False Query string for the request. If set, overrides the value of the global query string.
headers object False Headers for the request. If set, overrides the value of the global query string.
path string True Path of the HTTP request.
body string False Body of the HTTP request.
ssl_verify boolean False false Set to verify if the SSL certs matches the hostname.


The response is an array of HttpResponses.


Name Type Description
status integer HTTP status code.
reason string HTTP reason-phrase.
body string HTTP response body.
headers object HTTP response headers.

Specifying a custom URI

You can specify a custom URI with the public-api Plugin.

You can set the URI you want when creating the Route and change the configuration of the public-api Plugin:

curl -H "X-API-KEY: $admin_key" -X PUT -d '
    "uri": "/batch-requests",
    "plugins": {
        "public-api": {
            "uri": "/apisix/batch-requests"

Example usage

First, you need to setup a Route to the batch request API. We will use the public-api Plugin for this:

curl -H "X-API-KEY: $admin_key" -X PUT -d '
    "uri": "/apisix/batch-requests",
    "plugins": {
        "public-api": {}

Now you can make a request to the batch request API (/apisix/batch-requests):

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "headers": {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "timeout": 500,
    "pipeline": [
            "method": "POST",
            "path": "/community.GiftSrv/GetGifts",
            "body": "test"
            "method": "POST",
            "path": "/community.GiftSrv/GetGifts",
            "body": "test2"

This will give a response:

    "status": 200,
    "reason": "OK",
    "body": "{\"ret\":500,\"msg\":\"error\",\"game_info\":null,\"gift\":[],\"to_gets\":0,\"get_all_msg\":\"\"}",
    "headers": {
      "Connection": "keep-alive",
      "Date": "Sat, 11 Apr 2020 17:53:20 GMT",
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "Content-Length": "81",
      "Server": "APISIX web server"
    "status": 200,
    "reason": "OK",
    "body": "{\"ret\":500,\"msg\":\"error\",\"game_info\":null,\"gift\":[],\"to_gets\":0,\"get_all_msg\":\"\"}",
    "headers": {
      "Connection": "keep-alive",
      "Date": "Sat, 11 Apr 2020 17:53:20 GMT",
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "Content-Length": "81",
      "Server": "APISIX web server"

Delete Plugin

You can remove batch-requests from your list of Plugins in your configuration file (conf/config.yaml).