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R-package problem with "predict" function : array shapes mismatch #6919

ChrisBotella opened this issue Jul 3, 2017 · 4 comments


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Environment info

Operating System: Windows 10
Package used : R
MXNet version: 0.10.1 (given by R). I installed the gpu version by following this tutorial one month ago, and it was working fine until now.
R sessionInfo():
R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)

Error Message:

[18:18:32] d:\program files (x86)\jenkins\workspace\mxnet\mxnet\dmlc-core\include\dmlc./logging.h:304: [18:18:32] d:\program files (x86)\jenkins\workspace\mxnet\mxnet\src\operator\tensor../elemwise_op_common.h:33: Check failed: assign(&dattr, (*vec)[i]) Incompatible attr in node _mul11 at 1-th input: expected (89,), got (89,10)
Error in symbol$infer.shape(list(...)) :
Error in operator _mul11: [18:18:32] d:\program files (x86)\jenkins\workspace\mxnet\mxnet\src\operator\tensor../elemwise_op_common.h:33: Check failed: assign(&dattr, (*vec)[i]) Incompatible attr in node _mul11 at 1-th input: expected (89,), got (89,10)

Minimum reproducible example

# This example is a multi-label regression on a generalized linear model with poisson likelihood
# we simulate random data
p = 32
n_label = 10
n = 89
X = matrix(runif(p*n,0,1),p,n)
y = matrix(round(rpois(n_label*n,10)),n_label,n)
# model building
data <- mx.symbol.Variable("data")
# we create a parametrized linear combination of input variables in fc
fc <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data, num_hidden=n_label,name="fc")
# As the loss, we write the Negative Log-Likelihood associated with an exponential link function
vecto.symb = mx.symbol.MakeLoss(data= mx.symbol.exp(fc) - label * fc , name="poisson")
devices = mx.gpu(0)
model = mx.model.FeedForward.create(symbol = vecto.symb,ctx = devices, X=X,y=y,num.round=5,array.layout="colmajor",learning.rate=0.01, optimizer="sgd",initializer=mx.init.normal(0.03),array.batch.size=20)
p = predict(model,X,array.layout="colmajor")

What have you tried to solve it?

The error appears when using the predict function. The same code works fine on another machine (same Windows 10, same R version) which has the classic cpu R install (used install.packages) of mxnet.

So the error might be an installation problem with the gpu version? or it might be related to #113 ?

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It seems the Windows pkg needs update.

On my Linux machine:

> library(mxnet)
> p = 32
> n_label = 10
> n = 89
> X = matrix(runif(p*n,0,1),p,n)
> y = matrix(round(rpois(n_label*n,10)),n_label,n)
> data <- mx.symbol.Variable("data")
> label=mx.symbol.Variable('label')
> fc <- mx.symbol.FullyConnected(data, num_hidden=n_label,name="fc")
> vecto.symb = mx.symbol.MakeLoss(data= mx.symbol.exp(fc) - label * fc , name="poisson")
> devices = mx.gpu(0)
> model = mx.model.FeedForward.create(symbol = vecto.symb,ctx = devices, X=X,y=y,num.round=5,array.layout="colmajor",learning.rate=0.01, optimizer="sgd",initializer=mx.init.normal(0.03),array.batch.size=20)
Start training with 1 devices
> p = predict(model,X,array.layout="colmajor")
> p
          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]     [,4]     [,5]     [,6]      [,7]     [,8]     [,9]    [,10]
 [1,] 7.816670  8.157823 10.474072 11.39288 7.779306 6.970769  9.895404 12.01964 7.290720 8.944089
 [2,] 7.453233  8.445386 10.373491 12.59584 7.349095 6.664856 10.164314 11.51193 6.594102 8.864347
 [3,] 8.928808 10.708864 10.548546 13.22053 7.846766 7.146811 10.764274 13.85162 7.298235 9.293221
 [4,] 8.230606  9.123090 11.217604 13.23091 8.138767 7.019768 10.248020 14.35250 7.356753 8.135243
 [5,] 8.071321  8.288631 10.508270 12.12168 7.196826 6.733716  9.084327 12.06030 6.710617 8.396719
 [6,] 8.482371 10.366955  9.545642 11.35876 7.762624 6.653240 11.191854 13.40291 7.470777 8.287533
 [7,] 7.665237  9.516909 10.175713 12.69094 7.598200 6.970988 11.616826 13.16461 6.503124 9.161448
 [8,] 7.701565  9.458061  9.218641 12.51689 7.938196 6.988401 11.182857 12.04601 7.121068 8.645683
 [9,] 7.566068  8.341774  8.861707 10.38127 6.559480 6.436257  9.217819 10.99246 6.040694 7.019975
[10,] 8.520127  9.488525 10.543437 12.88380 7.868061 7.011839 10.414857 12.94717 7.134251 9.127591
          [,11]     [,12]    [,13]    [,14]    [,15]     [,16]     [,17]     [,18]     [,19]    [,20]
 [1,]  9.168724  8.523341 7.678204 7.943961 7.256366 10.397227  9.454224  9.628304 10.630404 9.333558
 [2,]  8.994869 10.060082 8.047057 7.978253 8.053446  9.684225  8.919069  9.212090 10.225703 9.098025
 [3,]  9.813600 10.093615 8.200279 7.718523 7.769364 11.378102  9.855852 10.003072 10.997955 9.812004
 [4,]  9.079152 11.014524 7.525928 8.309593 6.809573 12.059962 10.649134  9.013678 12.408504 9.326276
 [5,]  7.977436  9.912253 6.456532 7.237380 6.385749 10.745084  8.633645  8.501617 10.114634 7.791702
 [6,]  9.058272  8.981851 7.984339 7.783956 7.703894 10.208138 10.439919 11.094374 11.401168 8.967443
 [7,]  9.031200 10.548182 9.062616 8.302197 7.647370 10.454777 10.687029  9.221517 13.639665 8.928701
 [8,] 10.083397  9.335425 8.125834 9.245922 7.748134 10.652124  9.383847  9.822195 10.822229 8.678563
 [9,]  8.763423  8.120615 6.653493 7.085348 6.808999  8.905265  8.267180  8.320374  9.960668 8.852212
[10,]  9.612265  9.996041 8.390809 8.186895 7.708246 10.205514  9.550326  9.781266 12.611280 9.213140
          [,21]     [,22]     [,23]    [,24]     [,25]    [,26]     [,27]    [,28]     [,29]    [,30]
 [1,] 11.308876  9.288301  9.569324 12.46846 10.172219 8.790600  9.483993 13.28197 10.465868 11.33658
 [2,] 11.253362  8.632038  9.748217 11.87590 10.855169 9.407741 10.046068 11.42039  9.945236 11.29840
 [3,] 12.477365  9.152213 11.524874 15.02225 11.458111 9.633025  9.971084 14.89848 10.365815 12.15181
 [4,] 11.579143 10.519217 11.190501 14.75211 12.171769 9.657764 11.083182 14.42005 11.121315 11.32189
 [5,] 10.637225  9.505926  9.946135 12.60800 11.126405 8.921020  9.440014 13.36149  9.041626 10.35690
 [6,] 12.291706  8.437302 10.696656 14.43274 10.379085 9.411674  9.331091 12.90256  9.731915 11.89710
 [7,] 12.905643  9.070361 11.840013 14.30707 11.611399 9.670755  9.901644 14.70455  9.644423 11.26303
 [8,] 11.293889  8.842366 10.220294 14.22478 10.802110 8.745304 10.874222 14.66447  9.923064 11.58790
 [9,]  9.354656  7.657266  8.565167 11.63647  9.593769 8.502037  9.264493 11.46476  9.335666 10.89800
[10,] 11.988859  9.438472 10.797145 14.80075 11.518509 9.250444  9.859594 13.98825 10.614679 11.72729
          [,31]    [,32]    [,33]     [,34]     [,35]    [,36]    [,37]    [,38]     [,39]    [,40]
 [1,]  9.866580 10.49420 8.642398  8.790415  9.733511 11.99423 6.756829 7.628892  9.427886 7.902532
 [2,]  8.441378 10.91738 7.268434  9.354983  8.620921 11.54677 6.560183 7.412773  9.592722 7.433565
 [3,] 11.526748 12.11366 9.255115 10.099893 11.629895 13.73594 7.003594 8.172505 11.263753 7.457634
 [4,]  9.954642 11.29973 9.896523 10.200948  9.685892 14.23606 7.303020 8.677130 10.437410 7.933517
 [5,]  9.637197 10.60180 8.510577  9.413569  8.995958 12.14189 6.585538 8.386744  9.185835 7.152886
 [6,] 11.354940 10.81478 9.096291  9.356621 10.409036 13.30373 6.882611 7.748830 10.529068 6.938926
 [7,] 10.151248 11.24501 9.504297 10.656692  9.294201 14.29821 8.126706 7.991077 10.253646 7.316355
 [8,]  9.457038 12.77455 9.239510  9.746669 11.279565 14.08356 6.649528 9.087983  9.574911 8.240922
 [9,]  8.786914  9.41922 7.200623  8.183215  8.312158 11.07285 5.736485 6.726950  8.709372 6.553879
[10,]  9.437313 11.99361 9.123729  9.999371  9.689675 12.84750 7.461349 8.532560 10.222152 7.424592
          [,41]    [,42]     [,43]    [,44]     [,45]     [,46]     [,47]    [,48]     [,49]    [,50]
 [1,]  8.649339 5.314861 12.621219 5.514723 10.003050  9.503062 11.746906 11.38585 11.742462 8.583298
 [2,]  7.704547 5.672434 10.236336 5.900691  9.757183  8.363594 11.409889 10.86170 10.496987 7.399814
 [3,] 10.187313 5.949660 12.824229 6.548615 11.043896 11.143600 12.783177 13.57207 12.047352 8.578787
 [4,]  8.473114 5.517111 12.646370 6.752975 11.089304 10.094254 12.687654 14.06325 12.750614 8.981051
 [5,]  8.205828 5.278526 11.942309 6.155215 10.293086  9.945828 11.597883 11.71625 10.327518 7.684636
 [6,]  9.521443 6.392505 12.312798 6.588591 11.302396  9.797333 11.525074 12.75276 12.482216 8.209350
 [7,]  8.503182 6.182213 13.231131 6.001590 11.974772 10.321801 14.011294 11.64822 13.432488 7.991267
 [8,]  9.458187 6.004597 12.362864 5.971149 11.299578  8.827434 12.157065 12.39539 11.267076 7.882904
 [9,]  7.755996 5.199047  9.454911 5.931271  9.107282  7.602388  9.795255 11.51299  9.897947 7.584461
[10,]  9.022410 6.131191 11.992719 6.484079 11.273059  9.595859 12.916764 12.10417 11.582853 8.536198
         [,51]     [,52]    [,53]    [,54]    [,55]     [,56]    [,57]    [,58]     [,59]    [,60]
 [1,] 9.244983  9.026376 11.60768 7.445289 12.20319  9.007307 8.202882 11.69678 11.291792 11.53786
 [2,] 8.126652  8.328223 13.41882 7.544335 10.47258  9.024238 9.460758 11.10555 10.212744 10.30471
 [3,] 8.480664 10.294396 13.88592 8.045505 12.07821  9.582493 9.304089 11.37732 12.087280 13.55252
 [4,] 9.313348  9.124362 13.88364 9.203846 12.22964  9.436004 8.649411 12.50475 11.735001 12.62620
 [5,] 7.924311  8.885804 12.02092 7.150859 10.57416  8.598110 8.200793 10.52620 10.053449 10.77155
 [6,] 8.096569  9.666099 12.58955 7.703288 12.29899  8.817454 8.296067 10.80231 10.658768 11.92008
 [7,] 8.842400  9.423360 13.69213 9.047062 11.73560  9.024308 8.826710 11.14274 12.560871 12.56917
 [8,] 9.414310  9.070774 12.86080 7.420550 12.20953 10.125348 9.079483 12.66835 11.415252 12.35455
 [9,] 7.392401  7.960190 11.09324 6.392342 10.30098  8.214180 8.085503 10.24684  9.695411 10.35095
[10,] 9.260792  9.340340 14.07300 8.074622 12.85251  9.981878 9.257211 11.91849 11.715885 12.43994
          [,61]     [,62]     [,63]     [,64]     [,65]     [,66]     [,67]     [,68]    [,69]    [,70]
 [1,]  8.964652 10.141632  9.096560  8.861149 10.476036  9.345021 10.259480  9.010168 11.57214 6.659705
 [2,]  8.534002 10.257945  7.253962  8.705607  9.481013  7.980782 10.571997  8.232688 10.29385 6.539469
 [3,] 10.711432 10.380169  8.970151  9.116873 11.060877 11.656600 11.390860 11.598317 12.59681 7.431988
 [4,] 10.769454 10.100412 10.068944 10.034698 11.652020 10.033549 11.318120 10.702707 12.96376 7.485595
 [5,]  9.410174  9.412863  9.099507  9.225079 10.146431 10.289325 11.106381 10.103276 11.16685 6.908048
 [6,]  9.705215  9.786076  8.753164  8.416007 11.158924  9.879974 11.187751 10.781698 11.69304 7.059194
 [7,]  9.968441 10.295626  9.260633  9.638412 10.761553  9.065764 11.900574  9.745747 11.93590 6.707314
 [8,]  9.288058  9.857211  8.992968  9.769420 10.898926  9.228750 10.567677  8.946614 11.19650 7.743548
 [9,]  8.392508  8.878320  7.380243  8.299747  8.773889  8.152227  8.889181  8.789065 10.46103 6.591502
[10,] 10.565228 10.766788  9.772991  9.537443 11.391335  9.922419 11.529438 10.707608 12.25396 7.643187
         [,71]    [,72]     [,73]    [,74]     [,75]    [,76]     [,77]    [,78]    [,79]     [,80]
 [1,] 8.496582 5.932070  8.736745 7.127186 10.683019 11.51356  8.878646 7.619807 11.38468 11.048352
 [2,] 7.593750 6.164192  8.259268 6.310826  9.306476 11.35056  9.147801 7.353465 10.92469  9.857203
 [3,] 9.020813 6.697681 10.578875 8.397291 11.469223 13.95665  9.171689 8.823219 13.22135 12.855165
 [4,] 8.484274 6.673910  9.801679 6.904182 11.306722 12.91221  9.277265 9.201324 12.87133 11.594430
 [5,] 8.706759 6.278548  8.878038 6.869167 10.205997 11.35329  8.014498 8.201095 11.34289 10.734923
 [6,] 9.373224 6.283204 10.551237 7.767508 10.409093 13.09805  9.084136 7.589930 11.67227 11.563037
 [7,] 8.381074 6.922416 10.277338 7.866474 11.223840 13.72707 10.068846 8.340858 10.85645 10.862444
 [8,] 8.100209 6.363280  9.032307 7.740890 11.322384 11.65092  8.911162 7.813134 12.39743 11.608423
 [9,] 6.830784 5.390416  7.995050 6.114217  9.249428 10.38231  7.801753 7.293544 10.63287  9.385077
[10,] 8.761749 6.808009  9.693430 7.363374 10.770193 12.13806  9.655453 8.921905 11.41752 11.697877
         [,81]    [,82]    [,83]    [,84]     [,85]     [,86]    [,87]    [,88]     [,89]
 [1,] 8.319080 9.214132 7.316243 8.342993  8.825691 10.382159 6.941805 8.265296 11.088474
 [2,] 7.492801 7.521801 7.128818 8.230494  7.547138 11.223130 6.734413 8.538315  9.608241
 [3,] 8.821959 9.503194 7.671940 9.203848 10.735788 13.862556 7.180660 8.137114  9.824462
 [4,] 8.719627 9.177809 8.077137 9.009045 10.390970 12.364767 7.818877 8.203750 10.473236
 [5,] 7.458200 8.372662 7.605329 8.418344  9.782778 11.312627 6.777676 7.380335  9.437925
 [6,] 9.505312 9.496328 7.079411 8.963075 11.295750 12.375880 7.207112 7.754936  9.533134
 [7,] 9.581206 9.374516 7.761055 9.984800  9.554749 12.038147 6.906099 8.259149 10.723992
 [8,] 8.620052 9.202593 7.301843 9.875078  9.660048 12.118854 7.423788 7.825188 11.017103
 [9,] 7.345890 7.959776 6.273556 7.370767  8.206044  9.588604 6.565289 7.717051  8.245582
[10,] 8.573742 8.522071 7.391146 9.527450  9.333231 11.119854 7.414830 8.066483 10.641735

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@thirdwing , So you reckon it should work if I re-do the installation ( with the last update of windows build (by downloading the last version of mxnet_x64_vc14_gpu.7z and prebuildbase_win10_x64_vc14.7z ) ?

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It should work if you use the latest code.

You can also wait for a while. I will update the Windows pkg.

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The prebuilt pkgs have been updated.

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