- v1 --> v2
- rpc ReceiveMessage(ReceiveMessageRequest) returns (stream ReceiveMessageResponse) {}
- Removed Nack RPC to honor ChangeInvisibleDuration RPC in consistent way;
- SendMessageRequest supports repeated messages; Corresponding response syncs with repeated SendReceipts
- rpc Telemetry(stream TelemetryCommand) returns (stream TelemetryCommand) {}
- Removed ProducerGroup;
- FIFO flags moved from HeartbeatRequest to ConsumerData
- Removed MessageModel enumeration as concept of broadcasting is totally deprecated;
- Enums field number = 0 is redefined to meet requirement Each enum value should end with a semicolon, not a comma. Prefer prefixing enum values instead of surrounding them in an enclosing message. The zero value enum should have the suffix UNSPECIFIED.
- Nested enumerations are externalized due to the same guide item as above.
Remaining Issues: How server publishes conf and conf changes to clients.