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#CMU Pronouncing Dictionary

There is no way to know how an English word should be pronounced given only its spelling. However, in the course of creative language generation, we're often in need of information about how a particular word would be pronounced, if read aloud; we might want to use this information for a number of creative and poetic purposes, such as automated rhyming and assonance, or to generate text that conforms to a particular meter.

Fortunately, the powers that be (i.e., DARPA and "member companies of the Carnegie Mellon Sphinx Speech Consortium) have gifted us with the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary. The CMU Pronouncing Dictionary is a plain-text, computer-readable database that maps English words to their pronunciations. It's an incredible boon to poets and researchers alike.

Visit the home page of the dictionary, or download the dictionary itself.

##Modules and libraries

I've made a Python module for parsing and using the CMU pronouncing dictionary. You can install it like so:

$ pip install pronouncing

Full documentation here.

For the Javascript folks out there, I made this module that you can install with npm or use in the browser: pronouncing-js. Create a new project with npm init and install like so:

$ npm install aparrish/pronouncingjs --save

##File format

But before we start working with libraries, I want to explain a little bit about how the dictionary itself is structured, so you can parse it on your own if you need to!

The dictionary is a plain-text file. Each line of the file has a word and its pronunciation, separated by two spaces. Here's a sample line:


This is the entry for the word CARNEGIE, which has a pronunciation of K AA1 R N EH0 G IY0 (for more on what the characters in the pronunciation mean, see below).

Occasionally, one word will have several pronunciations associated with it. In those cases, the dictionary has an entry for each possible pronunciation, with a parenthesized number that increments for each subsequent entry:


Additionally, there are some lines (at the beginning of the file) that begin with a semicolon (;). These are comments and should be ignored.

Parsing the dictionary is as easy as this:

  • Read each line, discarding if the line is a comment;
  • Split the line at the point where the double space occurs;
  • Strip off the parenthesized portion rand add an item to a map/dictionary data structure mapping the string to a list of pronunciations for that string.

A dictionary/map data structure works great for storing this information, but I also like to use a list of tuples, with one tuple for each word/pronunciation pair. (Lookups are slower with this data structure, but it has the advantage of retaining the order of the words.)

##Phonetic alphabet

So what are those weird symbols that make up the pronunciations? They're letters is what's called the "ARPAbet," which is a way of representing (in ASCII plain text) all of the sounds that occur in English. The CMU Dictionary home page has a table that describes what each syllable represents.

Linguistics nerds might say at this point, "Hey you bigshots, there's already a standard alphabet for phonetic transcription! It's called IPA and it's rad!" This is all true: the IPA does exist, and it is, indeed, rad. I need to do some research to be sure, but I imagine that the ARPAbet was designed and chosen for this task because it's easier to type and parse than IPA (which, in the pre-Unicode days from which the CMU dictionary originates, would require a custom character encoding in addition to custom keyboard mappings). Having a specialized phonetic alphabet for English is also helpful, because it abstracts away some of the trickier aspects of English phonology (such as regional variation, post-vowel glides, aspirated consonants, etc.)

The pronunciation information for each word also includes information the where the stress falls in each word. The stress is indicated by the number next to each vowel. 1 is primary stress; 2 is secondary stress; and 0 is unstressed.

##Simple parsing

##Counting syllables

To count syllables the number of syllables, you need only to count how many vowels there are. Because all vowels in the dictionary have a number next to them (for stress), you can simply count how many times those numbers occur. A simple implementation in Python:

def syllable_count(phones):
	return sum([phones.count(i) for i in '012'])

In Javascript (using underscore):

function syllableCount(phones) {
  return _.reduce(, function(i) { return (i.match(/[012]/g)||[]).length; }),
    function (a, b) { return a+b; })


Code example in Python. Note: to use this example code, you'll need to download both the Python file and the CMU pronouncing dictionary itself. Similar code example in Javascript.

Rhyming isn't as simple as it seems! Many people when asked think that two words rhyme if they both have the same final syllable. This isn't true: think "lessen" and "strengthen"---same last syllable, but hardly rhymes. A better way to think about rhymes: two words rhyme if they have matching "rhyming parts," where the "rhyming part" is defined as "everything from the stressed syllable nearest the end of the word up to the end of the word."

Here's an implementation in Python of finding the "rhyming part" of a word, based on its CMU pronunciation:

def rhyming_part(phones):
	idx = 0
	phones_list = phones.split()
	for i in reversed(range(0, len(phones_list))):
		if phones_list[i][-1] in ('1', '2'):
			idx = i
	return ' '.join(phones_list[idx:])


The CMU dictionary is amazing, but it isn't perfect! Here are some shortcomings to watch out for:

  • The pronunciations are sometimes inaccurate (I've found this to be true particularly with stress assignment)
  • While multiple pronunciations are provided, no information is given about the contexts in which these variations occur: whether one of the alternate pronunciations is a regional variation, or whether the pronunciations are different based on how the word is being used (as, e.g., a noun or a verb)
  • Stress is provided, but syllable boundaries are not.
  • Even though the dictionary has over 100,000 entries, it's still woefully incomplete!