Holohub uses Development Containers to provide consistent and convenient development environments for Holoscan and Holohub. This guide covers using the Holohub Dev Container with Visual Studio Code.
💡 Note: This guide is specific to the Linux development environment and is tested on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
💡 Note: This Dev Container does not support Github Codespaces and does not support the Open Folder in Dev Container feature from VS Code. Please use the following guide to start the Holohub Dev Container.
- Docker
- NVIDIA Container Toolkit
- VS Code with the Dev Container Extension Pack
- Install Dev Container Extension Pack via the command line
code --install-extension ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers
Clone the Repository
git clone git@github.com:nvidia-holoscan/holohub.git
Open the cloned directory in the terminal.
Launch a Dev Container with the
script as follows:./dev_container vscode
The above command starts a new Dev Container for Holohub using the default Dockerfile.
VS Code will build and initialize the selected Dev Container. This can take a few minutes for the first time.
Once initialized, a new VS Code window will open with the following prompts. Click Yes and Trust Folder & Continue to continue the Dev Container build process.
When ready, the Holohub directory is mirrored into the container under
to preserve any changes.
💡 Note: VS Code creates a new container image for each Dev Container instance. To clean up the container images, run the following command in the terminal:
docker images --format '{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}' | grep '^vsc-holohub' | xargs -r docker rmi
Most Holohub applications are pre-configured with one or more launch profiles. Click the Run & Debug tab and select the application you want to run/debug from the dropdown.
💡 Note: Some applications requires special instructions for debugging. Please refer to the Application-Specific Dockerfile for more information.
To debug multi-fragment applications, find and locate launch profiles prefixed with (compound)
For example, the Distributed Endoscopy Tool Tracking application is configured with (compound) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/cpp
and (compound) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/python
launch profiles.
Each of these compound launch profiles links to three pre-configured launch profiles, one for each fragment (video_in
, inference
, and viz
(compound) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/cpp
(gdb) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/cpp - video_in fragment
(gdb) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/cpp - inference fragment
(gdb) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/cpp - viz fragment
(compound) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/python
(gdb) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/python - video_in fragment
(gdb) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/python - inference fragment
(gdb) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/python - viz fragment
When you start debugging with one of these compound launch profiles, VS Code starts three terminals to build the application, one terminal per fragment. After each terminal completes the build process, VS Code launches another terminal to start the fragment. This compound task feature lets us launch and debug all three fragments simultaneously.
💡 Tip: If VS Code does not launch all three debugger terminals, close all terminals first, then start the compound launch profile again. If the problem persists, try adjusting the start-up delays in the tasks.json file. Refer to the troubleshooting section for more information.
💡 Note: Launch profiles prefixed with
for Python applications default todebugpy
debugger, which only allows debugging of Python code. To debug both Python and C++ code, modify the compound launch profile in the launch.json and change(debugpy)
The Holohub Dev Container derives from the Holoscan NGC Container, which supports debugging of Holoscan source code in C++ and Python. To simplify the process, add the Holoscan source code to the workspace by clicking the Add Folder to Workspace menu item from the File menu.. Enter /workspace/holoscan-sdk/
in the Add Folder to Workspace dialog box. If VS Code prompts you to reload the window, please do so. Expect to see both the holohub and holoscan-sdk folders appear under the Explorer tab.
Let's give it a try:
Expand the holoscan-sdk folder and open application.cpp
file from src/core/
Please scroll down to find the void Application::run()
function and set a breakpoint inside the function.
With any launch profile prefixed with gdb
or pythoncpp
, hit F5 to start a new debugging session. Expect the debugger to hit the breakpoint in the Application::run()
💡 Important: Holoscan NGC Container version 2.3.0 or later version is required to enable debugging of Holoscan source code.
⚠️ Warning: Build error may occur when switching between building inside and outside the Dev Container. When this happens, execute the following command to clear the build cache:./run clear_cache
⚠️ Warning: Build error may occur if an application provides its own Dockerfile with additional dependencies. In this case, refer to the Application-Specific Dockerfile section to launch a new Dev Container session with the appropriate Docker image.
Holoscan Flow Benchmarking is a tool to evaluate the performance of an Holoscan application. The VSCode setup provides a task to automatically build, run and analyze an application. From the menu, select View->Command Palette...->Tasks: Run Task and then the Holoscan Flow Benchmarking task. There will be a prompt asking for the application name. Enter the name, for example multiai_ultrasound and press return.
The application executable will now be patched, compiled, executed, the results will be anaalyzed and displayed in the terminal.
For Holohub applications that bundle with a Dockerfile with additional dependencies and tools, pass the application's name to the ./dev_container
./dev_container vscode <application_name> [--language [cpp|python]]
Take the endoscopy_depth_estimation application as an example. The command will launch a Dev Container using applications/endoscopy_depth_estimation/Dockerfile as the base image that builds OpenCV
./dev_container vscode endoscopy_depth_estimation
The language
argument is optional with cpp
as default. This argument allows you to use a language-specific Dockerfile when available.
The ./dev_container vscode
script can launch a Dev Container using a custom base image and/or Dockerfile.
./dev_container vscode --base_img <image>
For example, if an application is designed for Holoscan 1.0 on NVIDIA IGX Orin with integrated GPU, you may want to use Holsocan 1.0.3 as the base image with iGPU support:
./devcontainer vscode --base_img nvcr.io/nvidia/clara-holoscan/holoscan:v1.0.3-igpu
In addition, if you have a custom Dockerfile that you would like to use on top of the base image, you may pass it to the ./dev_container
script as follows:
./devcontainer vscode --base_img nvcr.io/nvidia/clara-holoscan/holoscan:v1.0.3-igpu --docker_file /path/to/my/Dockerfile
Refer to the Add a Custom Dockerfile section if you have your own Dockerfile.
Use the -h
or --help
option to see all available options for the ./dev_container
$ ./dev_container vscode -h
Launch VSCode in DevContainer
Launch a VSCode instance in a Docker container with the development environment.
Usage: ./dev_container vscode <application_name> [options]
application_name: Name of an existing Holohub application found in the applications folder.
If specified and exists: the application-provided DevContainer configuration is used.
Otherwise, the top-level DevContainer configuration.
--base_img: Fully qualified base image name, e.g. holoscan-sdk-dev:latest
--docker_file: Path to Dockerfile to use for building container.
Defaults to:
- Application-provided "Dockerfile", if it exists;
- Otherwise the top-level HoloHub "Dockerfile"
--language : Specify the app language implementation to run.
Some applications provide both `cpp` and `python` implementations.
--docker_opts : Additional options to pass to the Docker launch
💡 Note: See CONTRIBUTING.md for details on how to contribute to Holohub. This section describes adding a custom Dockerfile and Dev Container for a Holohub application.
The following steps allow the ./devcontainer vscode
script to find your custom Dockerfile
- Create a new
in your application's root directory or a language-specific directory:
├── Dockerfile # option 1: put the Dockefile in the root of the application's directory
├── cpp
│ └── Dockerfile # option 2: put the Dockerfile in a language-specific directory
└── python
└── Dockerfile # option 2: same as above
- Include the following at the top of your custom
FROM ${BASE_IMAGE} as base
Using the following steps enables the ./devcontainer vscode
script to find your custom Dev Container:
- Create a new directory in the
directory (same directory as this README file) with a name that matches the name of your application. - Create
in the new directory:
│ └── my_application/
│ ├── devcontainer.json
│ └── Dockerfile
└── applications/
└── my_application/
A compound launch profile may not launch all the linked launch profiles. For an example, look at the (compound) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/python
launch profile.
This profile links to three launch profiles, one for each fragment: inference
, inference
, and viz
(debugpy) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/python - video_in fragment
(debugpy) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/python - inference fragment
(debugpy) endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/python - viz fragment
The second launch profile, the inference
fragment, has preLaunchTask
configured with the Build endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed (delay 3s)
task, which can be found in the tasks.json file. This task depends on another task called Delay Task (3s)
with a bash command sleep 3
via the dependsOn
property. This delay task allows the Build endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed (delay 3s)
task to put a delay before building the application and enable VS Code to start a terminal session properly. Similarly, the viz
fragment has a delay of 5 seconds configured. These default values may not work in all scenarios; adjust the sleep value to match your needs.
When switching between Dev Container and other build environments, the build may fail with the following error:
CMake Error: The current CMakeCache.txt directory /workspace/holohub/build/endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed/CMakeCache.txt is different than the directory /home/host/github/holohub/build/endoscopy_tool_tracking_distributed where CMakeCache.txt was created.
When this error occurs, run the clear cache command in the terminal or from VS Code Command Palette:
Terminal: ./run clear_cache
VS Code Command Pallette (CTRL+SHIFT+P
): Tasks: Run Task
-> Clear Build Cache