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File metadata and controls

408 lines (324 loc) · 11.5 KB


A directive-driven runtime and schema validator for gRPC-backed GraphQL APIs.

⚠️ Disclaimer ⚠️

This project is experimental and is not a fully-supported Apollo Graph project. We may not respond to issues and pull requests at this time. See Known Limitations.


Generate a GraphQL schema from a Protocol Buffer IDL. The result is most likely not the GraphQL API you want, but it's a good starting point!

Generate some boilerplate

npx github:apollosolutions/schema-driven-grpc generate --proto file.proto \
   --service com.example.ServiceName \
   --name SERVICE \
   --address localhost:50051

Validate that your schema matches your protocol buffers

Validate a schema against a Protocol Buffer IDL, ensuring that the runtime behavior will work against a gRPC API.

npx github:apollosolutions/schema-driven-grpc validate --schema schema.graphql --federated

(You can also pass --watch to continuously validate your schema during development.)

Serve your GraphQL API

Serve a GraphQL API in front of a gRPC API.

npx github:apollosolutions/schema-driven-grpc serve --schema schema.graphql \
   --federated \
   --port 4000

Using Docker

docker run \
  -e FEDERATED=true \   # optional
  -v $PWD:/etc/config \ # directory with your schema.graphql and .proto files
  -p 4000:4000 \



Apply this directive to values in an enum in order to define:

  1. The location of the .proto files (relative to this GraphQL schema file).
  2. The fully-qualified service name.
  3. The gRPC service address.
  4. Any client metadata (i.e. headers).
enum grpc__Service {
      protoFile: "path/relative/to/schema/file/service.proto"
      serviceName: "com.example.MyService"
      address: "localhost:50051"
      metadata: [
        { name: "authorization", valueFrom: "req.headers.authorization" }
        { name: "headername", value: "staticvalue" }


Add the fetch directive to any field on any object type, including the Query and Mutation types. Reference a service with its annotated enum value.

type Query {
  post(id: ID!): Post! @grpc__fetch(service: MY_SERVICE, rpc: "GetPost")

type Post {
  id: ID!
  comments: [Comment]
    # you'll most likely need the mapArguments and dig arguments; see below
    @grpc__fetch(service: MY_SERVICE, rpc: "GetCommentsForPost")

dig argument

It's common to use a response message in gRPC, while in GraphQL you may not want that extra layer. Use the dig argument to "dig" a value out of the response message.

service MyService {
   rpc GetPost (GetPostRequest) returns (GetPostResponse) {}

message GetPostRequest {
   string id = 1;

message GetPostResponse {
   Post post = 1;
type Query {
  post(id: ID!): Post!
    @grpc__fetch(service: MY_SERVICE, rpc: "GetPost", dig: "post")

mapArguments argument

Use the mapArguments argument to pluck values off the parent object for use as fields on the request message. In this example, the Post Protocol Buffer message has an author_id field (which we don't expose in GraphQL). We can pass that value as the id field of the GetPerson request message.

type Post {
  id: ID!
  author: Person
      service: MY_SERVICE
      rpc: "GetPerson"
      mapArguments: { sourceField: "author_id", arg: "id" }

dataloader argument

To efficiently batch RPCs and avoid the N+1 query problem, use the dataloader argument. You can specify the cache key, the RPC request message field for the list of cache keys, and the field that must match the cache key to correctly store the response message for the lifetime of the request.

type Post {
  id: ID!
  author: Person
      service: MY_SERVICE
      rpc: "BatchGetPerson"
      dataloader: {
        key: "$source.author_id" # value on parent message
        listArgument: "ids" # field on the request type
        responseKey: "id" # field on the items in the response type that must match the key

The dataloader.key argument can come from the parent message ($source.author_id) or from the field arguments ($ The latter is used mostly in Entity Resolvers, but you can also use it in other fields if you want to aggressively cache-and-batch RPCs.

type Query {
  post(id: ID!): Post
      service: POSTS
      rpc: "BatchGetPosts"
      dig: "posts"
      dataloader: { key: "$", listArgument: "ids", responseKey: "id" }

type Post {
  id: ID
  title: String

Entity Resolvers

When using Apollo Federation, you can add the fetch directive to object types as well to create the equivalent of the __resolveReference resolver.

type Post
  @key(fields: "id")
    service: MY_SERVICE
    rpc: "BatchGetPosts"
    dig: "posts"
    dataloader: { key: "$", listArgument: "ids", responseKey: "id" }
  ) {
  id: ID!
  title: String

In this example, $args refers to the entity representation passed to __resolveReference.


The renamed directive allows renaming elements from your gRPC API. You can rename field arguments:

type Query {
  product(id: ID! @grpc__renamed(from: "sku")): Product
    @grpc__fetch(service: PRODUCTS, rpc: "GetProduct")


type Product {
  price: Int @grpc__renamed(from: "amount")

Enum values:

enum Status {
  UNAVAILABLE @grpc__renamed(from: "NOT_AVAILABLE")


Takes a value off the Protocol Buffer message and wraps it in separate GraphQL type. The primary use-case is converting foreign keys into nested objects (especially useful in federation if the nested object is an entity provided by another service.)

message Post {
   string id = 1;
   string title = 2;
   string author_id = 3;
type Post {
  id: ID!
  title: String
  author: Person @grpc__wrap(gql: "id", proto: "author_id")

type Person @key(fields: "id") @extends {
  id: ID! @external


GraphQL and gRPC differ in their approach to nullability.

  • In GraphQL, nullability is a first-class feature of the schema definition language.
  • gRPC's wire protocol (Protocol Buffers) do not differentiate between "zero values" and omitted values. On the wire you can't tell if a string field was omitted from the response or is a zero-length string.

With this in mind, this project takes the stance that no scalar values are nullable. You're free to add ! to your GraphQL schema for scalar, enum, and list fields — they will never be null.

Field Type Zero Value
String ""
Int 0
Float 0
Boolean false
ID ""
enum First value of the Protobuf enum
list []

Fields that return messages types can be null, and there's no built-in way to determine nullability from .proto files, so the safest choice is to never use a ! on a GraphQL field that returns a composite type.

Usage in your own GraphQL server

npm i github:apollosolutions/schema-driven-grpc#v0.1.0

This library exports two functions for loading the schema and providing the resolver function:

import { load, makeFieldResolver } from "@apollosolutions/schema-driven-grpc";

const { schema, services } = load("path/to/schema.graphql", {
  federated: true,

const server = new ApolloServer({
  fieldResolver: makeFieldResolver(services),
  plugins: [ApolloServerPluginInlineTraceDisabled()],
  context(args) {
    return args; // used for metadata

  .then(({ url }) => console.log(`Running GraphQL API at ${url}`));

With Apollo Studio & Federation

The grpc directives and types should be stripped from your API schema so as not to expose implementation details to API consumers. Also, types like the grpc__Service enum will conflict with other schemas if you are composing multiple schema-driven-grpc services together using Apollo Federation.

Before publishing a schema-driven-grpc API to Apollo Studio or another schema registry, run the make-api-schema command from this package:

schema-driven-grpc make-api-schema \
  --schema schema-with-grpc-directives.graphql \
  --federated > api-schema.graphql

Known Limitations

  • gRPC client credentials are currently hardcoded to createInsecure (appropriate when you're using a service mesh that supports mutual TLS, but otherwise not a good idea).
  • Will not support protocol buffer Maps.
  • Does not yet support protocol buffer oneof.
  • Supports only the proto3 syntax.
  • Does not validate non-nullability/required.
  • To use the metadata argument in @grpc, you must create a GraphQL context object for each request that maps to your valueFrom arguments.
  • Support for protocol buffer bytes field types is buggy.
  • Does not support Apollo Federation subgraph introspection (the { _service { sdl } } operation).
  • Does not support nested @key directives when using mapArguments with entities.


Validation algorithm

  1. Find all fields and entity types marked with @grpc__fetch. These are the "fetch roots".
  2. From each fetch root, walk the graph and compare GraphQL fields against the relevant Protocol Buffer message, starting with the RPC response type. Because RPC APIs are not recursive, all paths must terminate.
    • A path terminates at scalar or enum fields, or at another fetch root.
    • If type recursion is encountered, the field must be nullable and we can end a path here as well.
    • While walking the graph, each time we encounter a fetch root, record the protobuf type corresponding with the parent of the fetch root. We'll use that type for validating arguments plucked off parents with mapArguments: { sourceField: }.
  3. At each node in the graph, check that field names and type match (taking rename directives into account).
  4. Validate that the field arguments on a fetch root match the fields on the RPC request type.

Boilerplate generation algorithm

  1. Create a grpc__Service enum value for the service.
  2. Create a Mutation field for each RPC (there's no way to differentiate between side-effectful and side-effectless RPCs, so we must assume they're all mutations). Add a @grpc__fetch directive on each.
  3. Use RPC request types to create field arguments.
  4. Recursively create types and enums starting with RPC response types.

Future ideas

  • Additional validation rules:
    • Root fields must have a fetch directive.
    • Wrap and Rename directives can't exist on the same field.
    • Federation: @keyd entities must have a @grpc__fetch directive.
    • Disallow unreachable fields?
  • Support error unions?
  • Subscriptions with gRPC streams?