== 0.8.7
- Fix Facebook share title & description (#61)
== 0.8.6
- Allow hashtags param for Twitter (#110)
- Fix Facebook Share (#108)
== 0.8.5
- Fix Wechat URL has escaped bug.
== 0.8.4
- Fix share to wechat title.
- Fix default I18n files as Rails Engine way, now you do not need copy them in to you config/locales (You can delete them).
== 0.8.2
- Add google analytics code to track share button click events. (#106)
== 0.8.1
- Fix wechat typo. (#103)
== 0.8.0
- Add support for Hacker News (#99)
== 0.7.0
- Add support for Reddit (#98)
- Use ActiveSupport.on_load looks to inject behavior into ActionView::Base (#82)
== 0.6.0
- Add support for xing social network (#95)
== 0.5.0
- Fix QRCode WeChat typo error.
== 0.4.0
- QRCode for WeChat share.
== 0.3.4
- Add linkedin summary parameter (#89)
== 0.3.1
- New SVG icon, new style.
- Removed
tqq renren kaixin001 baidu plurk
support. - Share with popup window.
- Add Weixin (WeChat).
== 0.2.1
- Allow for override of allowed sites in helper.
== 0.2.0
- Added social share with LinkedIn feature.
== 0.1.10
- Add
== 0.1.9
- Add
to allow{ via: "MyTwitter" }
- Add the special title for the corresponding social network by
{ 'data-twitter-title' => 'TheTitleForTwitter'}
== 0.1.8
- Allow you custom appKey.
== 0.1.7
- Add desc support;
== 0.1.5
- Add Tumblr;
== 0.1.4
- Add Plurk support;
- Fix Renren share link;
== 0.1.3
- Support Rails 4;
== 0.1.2
- Add tumblr.
== 0.1.1
- Add delicious.
- Use new version of Weibo, Douban share URL to speed up page open.
== 0.1.0
- Retina support.
== 0.0.9
- Allow to give :url option to custom url.
== 0.0.8
- Add Google Bookmark;
- Improve Google+ icon.
== 0.0.7
- Douban, TQQ add image support.
== 0.0.6
- Transparent icon fix
== 0.0.5
- Transparent icon
- More site added (Renren,TQQ, Google+, Baidu, Kaixin001)
== 0.0.4
- Add image support for Weibo share.
== 0.0.3
- Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, Douban, QQZone 分享功能;