Appium Flutter Driver is a test automation tool for Flutter apps on multiple platforms/OSes. Appium Flutter Driver is part of the Appium mobile test automation tool maintained by the community. Feel free to create PRs to fix issues/improve this driver.
Even though Flutter comes with superb integration test support, Flutter Driver, it does not fit some specific use cases, such as
- Writing tests in other languages than Dart
- Running integration test for Flutter app with embedded webview or native view, or existing native app with embedded Flutter view
- Running tests on multiple devices simultaneously
- Running integration tests on device farms that offer Appium support (Please contact the availability for each vendor)
Under the hood, Appium Flutter Driver uses the Dart VM Service Protocol with extension ext.flutter.driver
, similar to Flutter Driver, to control the Flutter app-under-test (AUT).
Appium community currently has two drivers for Flutter environment:
- Appium Flutter driver (this driver)
- Run Flutter commands over websocekt connection against the observaory URL (calls Flutter APIs directly)
- Base APIs are
Appium Flutter Integration Driver
- Run a server on DartVM as part of the application under test in order to call Flutter APIs via the server
- Base APIs are
As a baseline, we recommend using official testing tools and strategy to test Flutter apps as possible in Dart.
If you'd like to test a release app, which can be released from app store as-is, Appium UIAutomator2/XCUITest driver is a good choice. Since Flutter 3.19, Flutter apps can expose identifier
for SemanticsProperties
as resource-id
in Android and accessibilityIdentifier
in iOS. They should help to achieve automation against release apps with Appium UIAutomator2/XCUITest as blackbox testing.
- Appium Flutter driver has three contexts to manage the application under test and the device under test. To achieve the
context, the test package requires testing tools to import. The application under test cannot release as-is.FLUTTER
context sends commands to the Dart VM directly over the observatory URL. This allows you to interact with Flutter elements directly.NATIVE_APP
context is the same as the regular Appium UIAutomator2/XCUITest driverWEBVIEW
context manages the WebView contents over Appium UiAutomator2/XCUITest driver
- (Recommended if possible) Appium UIAutomator2/XCUITest driver directly must be sufficient to achieve automation if the application under test had
properly. Then, the accessibility mechanism in each OS can expose elements for Appium through OS's accessibility features.- In addition to
, Flutter 3.19+ may haveidentifier
(introduced by flutter/flutter#138331). It setsresource-id
for Android and iOS, then UiAutomator2/XCUITest drivers might also be able to interact with these elements without Appium Flutter Driver."appium:settings[disableIdLocatorAutocompletion]": true
or configuringdisableIdLocatorAutocompletion
via Settings API would be necessary to makeresource-id
idea work without any package name prefix like Android compose.- e.g. flutter/flutter#17988 (comment)
- In addition to
Appium Flutter Driver version 1.0 and higher require Appium 2.0.
appium driver install --source=npm appium-flutter-driver
As a local:
appium driver install --source local /path/to/appium-flutter-driver/driver
If you are unfamiliar with running Appium tests, start with Quickstart Intro first.
Your Flutter application must be compiled in debug
or profile
mode. The dependency must have flutter_driver
package like the below pubspec.yaml
example with enableFlutterDriverExtension
configuration in the main.dart
# pubspec.yaml
sdk: flutter
This snippet, taken from example directory, is a script written as an appium client with webdriverio
, and assumes you have appium
server (with appium-flutter-driver
installed) running on the same host and default port (4723
). For more info, see example's
This means this driver depends on
. In the past, the Flutter team announced replacingflutter_driver
, but according to this ticket, this discussion is still ongoing. So flutter_driver would continue to be maintained for now.
Each client needs each finder module to handle Finders. Appium Flutter Driver communicates with the Dart VM directory in the FLUTTER
Since driver version 2.4.0 you can automate the validation for the most of the above requirements as well as various optional ones needed by driver extensions by running the appium driver doctor flutter
server command.
The check runs for Android for UIAutomator2 driver and iOS for XCUITest driver.
environment variable helps to skip these checks.
# skip Android check
SKIP_ANDROID=1 appium driver doctor flutter
# skip iOS check
SKIP_IOS=1 appium driver doctor flutter
- Flutter context does not support page source
- Please use
command instead
- Please use
- You can send appium-xcuitest-driver/appium-uiautomator2-driver commands in
context scrollUntilVisible
command : An expectation for checking that an element, known to be present on the widget tree, is visible. Using waitFor to wait elementscrollUntilTapable
command : An expectation for checking an element is visible and enabled such that you can click it. Using waitTapable to wait elementdriver.activateApp(appId)
starts the given app and attaches to the observatory URL in theFLUTTER
context. The method may raise an exception if no observaotry URL was found. The typical case is theappId
is already running. Then, the driver will fail to find the observatory URL.getClipboard
depend on eachNATIVE_APP
context behavior- Launch via
or 3rd party tool (via instrument service) and attach to the Dart VM for an iOS real device (profile build)- Do not set
to start a session without launching apps - Start the app process via 3rd party tools such as go-ios to start the app process with debug mode in the middle of the new session process in 1) the above.
- Then, the appium flutter session establish the WebSocket and proceed the session
- Do not set
- keyboard interaction may not work in Android because of flutter/flutter#15415 that is caused by
Capability | Description | Example Values |
appium:retryBackoffTime | The interval to find the observetory url from logs. (default 3000ms) | 500 |
appium:maxRetryCount | The count to find the observatory url. (default 10) | 20 |
appium:observatoryWsUri | The URL to attach to the Dart VM. The Appium Flutter Driver finds the WebSocket URL from the device log by default. You can skip the finding the URL process by specifying this capability. Then, this driver attempt to establish a WebSocket connection against the given WebSocket URL. Note that this capability expects the URL is ready for access by outside an appium session. This flutter driver does not do port-forwarding with this capability. You may need to coordinate the port-forwarding as well. | 'ws://' |
appium:isolateId | The isolate id to attach to as the initial attempt. A session can change the isolate with flutter:setIsolateId command. The default behavior finds main isolate id and attaches it. |
isolates/2978358234363215 , 2978358234363215 |
appium:skipPortForward | Whether skip port forwarding from the flutter driver local to the device under test with observatoryWsUri capability. It helps you to manage the application under test, the observatory URL and the port forwarding configuration. The default is true . |
true, false |
appium:remoteAdbHost | The IP/hostname of the remote host ADB is running on. This capability only makes sense for Android platform. Providing it will implicitly override the host for the Observatory URL if the latter is determined from device logs. localhost be default | |
appium:adbPort | The port number ADB server is running on. This capability only makes sense for Android platform. 5037 by default | 9999 |
appium:forwardingPort | The port number that will be used to forward the traffic from the device under test to locahost. Only applicable if skipPortForward is falsy. Not applicable if the test is executed on iOS Simulator. By default, it is the same as in the provided or autodetected Observatory URL. |
9999 |
Please check each driver's documentation
Appium Flutter Driver allows you to send flutter_driver
commands to the Dart VM in the FLUTTER
context, but it does not support native Android/iOS since the Dart VM can handle in the Dart VM contents. NATIVE_APP
context provides you to use the UIA2 driver for Android and the XCUITest driver for iOS automation. WEBVIEW_XXXX
context helps WebView testing over the UIA2/XCUITest driver that is not available via the flutter_driver.
Thus, you need to switch proper contexts, FLUTTER
, to automate a proper application target.
# webdriverio
const wdio = require('webdriverio');
const assert = require('assert');
const { byValueKey } = require('appium-flutter-finder');
const osSpecificOps = process.env.APPIUM_OS === 'android' ? {
'platformName': 'Android',
'appium:deviceName': 'Pixel 2',
'appium:app': __dirname + '/../apps/app-free-debug.apk',
}: process.env.APPIUM_OS === 'ios' ? {
'platformName': 'iOS',
'appium:platformVersion': '12.2',
'appium:deviceName': 'iPhone X',
'appium:noReset': true,
'appium:app': __dirname + '/../apps/',
} : {};
const opts = {
port: 4723,
capabilities: {
'appium:automationName': 'Flutter',
'appium:retryBackoffTime': 500
(async () => {
const counterTextFinder = byValueKey('counter');
const buttonFinder = byValueKey('increment');
const driver = await wdio.remote(opts);
if (process.env.APPIUM_OS === 'android') {
await driver.switchContext('NATIVE_APP');
await (await driver.$('~fab')).click();
await driver.switchContext('FLUTTER');
} else {
console.log('Switching context to `NATIVE_APP` is currently only applicable to Android demo app.')
assert.strictEqual(await driver.getElementText(counterTextFinder), '0');
await driver.elementClick(buttonFinder);
await driver.touchAction({
action: 'tap',
element: { elementId: buttonFinder }
assert.strictEqual(await driver.getElementText(counterTextFinder), '2');
Please check example in this repository for more languages.
You have a couple of methods to start the application under test by establishing the Dart VM connection as below:
- Start with
in the capabilities- The most standard method. You may need to start a new session with
capability. Then, appium-flutter-driver will start the app, and establish a connection with the Dart VM immediately.
- The most standard method. You may need to start a new session with
- Start with
: for users who want to start the application under test in the middle of a session- Start a session without
capability - Install the application under test via
command - Activate the app via
command- Then, appium-flutter-driver establish a connection with the Dart VM
- Start a session without
- Launch the app outside the driver: for users who want to manage the application under test by yourselves
- Start a session without
capability - Install the application under test via
command etc - Calls
command to keep finding an observatory URL to the Dart VM - (at the same time) Launch the application under test via outside the appium-flutter-driver
- Once
identify the observatory URL, the command will establish a connection to the Dart VM
- Start a session without
- Launch the app with
for iOS and attach to the Dart VM: for users whom application under test do not print the observatory url via regular launch/activate app method- Start a session without
capability - Install the application under test via
command etc - Calls
command to start an iOS app via instrument servicedriver.execute_script 'flutter:launchApp', 'com.example.bundleId', {arguments: ['arg1'], environment: {ENV1: 'env'}}
is example usage- This launching method is the same as the above 3rd party method, but does the same thing only via the appium flutter driver.
- Start a session without
Please make sure the target app process stops before starting the target app with the above.
Please check each driver's documentation
Icon | Description |
✅ | integrated to CI |
🆗 | manual tested without CI |
available without manual tested | |
❌ | unavailable |
Flutter Driver API | Status | WebDriver example |
ancestor | 🆗 | |
bySemanticsLabel | 🆗 | |
byTooltip | 🆗 | byTooltip('Increment') |
byType | 🆗 | byType('TextField') |
byValueKey | 🆗 | byValueKey('counter') |
descendant | 🆗 | |
pageBack | 🆗 | pageBack() |
text | 🆗 | byText('foo') |
The below WebDriver example is by webdriverio.
prefix commands are mobile:
command in appium for Android and iOS.
Please replace them properly with your client.
Flutter API | Status | WebDriver example (JavaScript, webdriverio) | Scope |
FlutterDriver.connectedTo | 🆗 | wdio.remote(opts) |
Session |
checkHealth | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:checkHealth') |
Session |
clearTextbox | 🆗 | driver.elementClear(find.byType('TextField')) |
Session |
clearTimeline | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:clearTimeline') |
Session |
enterText | 🆗 | driver.elementSendKeys(find.byType('TextField'), 'I can enter text') (no focus required) driver.elementClick(find.byType('TextField')); driver.execute('flutter:enterText', 'I can enter text') (focus required by tap/click first) |
Session |
forceGC | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:forceGC') |
Session |
getBottomLeft | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:getBottomLeft', buttonFinder) |
Widget |
getBottomRight | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:getBottomRight', buttonFinder) |
Widget |
getCenter | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:getCenter', buttonFinder) |
Widget |
getRenderObjectDiagnostics | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:getRenderObjectDiagnostics', counterTextFinder, { includeProperties: true, subtreeDepth: 2 }) |
Widget |
getWidgetDiagnostics | 🆗 (v2.8.0+) | driver.execute('flutter:getWidgetDiagnostics', counterTextFinder, { includeProperties: true, subtreeDepth: 2 }) |
Widget |
getRenderTree | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter: getRenderTree') |
Session |
getSemanticsId | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:getSemanticsId', counterTextFinder) |
Widget |
getText | 🆗 | driver.getElementText(counterTextFinder) |
Widget |
getTopLeft | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:getTopLeft', buttonFinder) |
Widget |
getTopRight | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:getTopRight', buttonFinder) |
Widget |
getVmFlags | ❌ | Session | |
requestData | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:requestData', json.dumps({"deepLink": "myapp://item/id1"})) |
Session |
runUnsynchronized | ❌ | Session | |
setFrameSync | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:setFrameSync', bool , durationMilliseconds) |
Session |
screenshot | 🆗 | driver.takeScreenshot() |
Session |
screenshot | 🆗 | driver.saveScreenshot('a.png') |
Session |
scroll | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:scroll', find.byType('ListView'), {dx: 50, dy: -100, durationMilliseconds: 200, frequency: 30}) |
Widget |
scrollIntoView | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:scrollIntoView', find.byType('TextField'), {alignment: 0.1}) driver.execute('flutter:scrollIntoView', find.byType('TextField'), {alignment: 0.1, timeout: 30000}) |
Widget |
scrollUntilVisible | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:scrollUntilVisible', find.byType('ListView'), {item:find.byType('TextField'), dxScroll: 90, dyScroll: -400}); , driver.execute('flutter:scrollUntilVisible', find.byType('ListView'), {item:find.byType('TextField'), dxScroll: 90, dyScroll: -400, waitTimeoutMilliseconds: 20000}); |
Widget |
scrollUntilTapable | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:scrollUntilTapable', find.byType('ListView'), {item:find.byType('TextField'), dxScroll: 90, dyScroll: -400}); , driver.execute('flutter:scrollUntilTapable', find.byType('ListView'), {item:find.byType('TextField'), dxScroll: 90, dyScroll: -400, waitTimeoutMilliseconds: 20000}); |
Widget |
setSemantics | ❌ | Session | |
setTextEntryEmulation | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:setTextEntryEmulation', false) |
Session |
startTracing | ❌ | Session | |
stopTracingAndDownloadTimeline | ❌ | Session | |
tap | 🆗 | driver.elementClick(buttonFinder) |
Widget |
tap | 🆗 | driver.touchAction({action: 'tap', element: {elementId: buttonFinder}}) |
Widget |
tap | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:clickElement', buttonFinder, {timeout:5000}) |
Widget |
traceAction | ❌ | Session | |
waitFor | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:waitFor', buttonFinder, 100) |
Widget |
waitForAbsent | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:waitForAbsent', buttonFinder) |
Widget |
waitForTappable | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:waitForTappable', buttonFinder) |
Widget |
waitUntilNoTransientCallbacks | ❌ | Widget | |
- | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:getVMInfo') |
System |
- | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:setIsolateId', 'isolates/2978358234363215') |
System |
- | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:getIsolate', 'isolates/2978358234363215') or driver.execute('flutter:getIsolate') |
System |
❓ | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:longTap', find.byValueKey('increment'), {durationMilliseconds: 10000, frequency: 30}) |
Widget |
❓ | 🆗 | driver.execute('flutter:waitForFirstFrame') |
Widget |
- | 🆗 | (Ruby) driver.execute_script 'flutter:connectObservatoryWsUrl' |
Flutter Driver |
- | 🆗 | (Ruby) driver.execute_script 'flutter:launchApp', 'bundleId', {arguments: ['arg1'], environment: {ENV1: 'env'}} |
Flutter Driver |
dragAndDropWithCommandExtension | 🆗 | (Python) driver.execute_script('flutter:dragAndDropWithCommandExtension', payload) |
Command Extension |
launches an app via instrument
are via XCTest API. They are a bit different.
- Get available isolate ids
key in the value ofisolates
- Set the id via
# ruby
info = driver.execute_script 'flutter:getVMInfo'
# Change the target engine to "info['isolates'][0]['id']"
driver.execute_script 'flutter:setIsolateId', info['isolates'][0]['id']
- Get available isolates
- Get a particular isolate or current isolate
- Current isolate:
(JS) - Particular isolate:
driver.execute('flutter:getIsolate', 'isolates/2978358234363215')
- Current isolate:
These Appium commands can work across context
key to not try to attach to an observatory url. e.g.driver.execute_script 'mobile:activateApp', {skipAttachObservatoryUrl: true, appId: ''}
installApp(appPath, options)
This is a command extension for Flutter Driver, utilizing the CommandExtension-class within ext.flutter.driver
Available commands:
– performs a drag-and-drop action on the screen by specifying the start and end coordinates and the action duration.getTextWithCommandExtension
- get text data from Text widget that contains TextSpan widgets.
Copy the sample dart files to the lib
folder of your project. Please note that you don't need to copy all files, just copy the file matched with the command you need.
- dragAndDropWithCommandExtension: drag_commands.dart
- getTextWithCommandExtension: get_text_command.dart
The entry point must include the List<CommandExtension>?
commands argument in either main.dart
or test_main.dart
to properly handle the command extension.
import 'drag_commands.dart';
import 'get_text_command.dart';
void main() {
commands: [DragCommandExtension(), GetTextCommandExtension()]);
runApp(const MyApp());
# Extended commands: flutter:dragAndDropWithCommandExtension
coord_item_1 = driver.execute_script("flutter:getCenter", item_1)
coord_item_2 = driver.execute_script("flutter:getCenter", item_2)
start_x = coord_item_1["dx"]
start_y = coord_item_1["dy"]
end_y = coord_item_2["dy"]
payload = {
"startX": start_x,
"startY": start_y,
"endX": "0",
"endY": end_y,
"duration": "15000" # minimum 15000ms needed to drag n drop
driver.execute_script("flutter:dragAndDropWithCommandExtension", payload)
# Extended commands: flutter:getTextWithCommandExtension
text_finder = finder.by_value_key('amount')
get_text_payload = {
'findBy': text_finder,
result = driver.execute_script('flutter:getTextWithCommandExtension', payload)
// Extended commands: flutter:dragAndDropWithCommandExtension
const payload = {
"startX": "100",
"startY": "100",
"endX": "100",
"endY": "600",
"duration": "15000"
const result = await driver.execute("flutter:dragAndDropWithCommandExtension", payload);
// Extended commands: flutter:getTextWithCommandExtension
import {byValueKey} from "appium-flutter-finder";
const payload = {
'findBy': byValueKey('amount'),
const getTextResult = await driver.execute('flutter:getTextWithCommandExtension', payload);
For debugging or testing in other programming languages, you can use the APK available in this repository or build an IPA.
- Input texts #417
- Looks hanging in
#181 (comment)flutter:setFrameSync
may help
would help to handle "an element does not exist/is not enabled" behavior. exmaple issue- Appium Inspector does not work with FLUTTER context
must be called before callingWidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized
to avoidBinding is already initialized to WidgetsFlutterBinding
error which could cause"ext.flutter.driver" is not found in "extensionRPCs"
error. issue
- switching context between Flutter and AndroidView
- switching context between Flutter and UiKitView
- Web:
context? - macOS: with
- Windws?
- Linux?
$ cd driver
$ sh
$ npm version <major|minor|patch>
# update changelog
$ git commit -am 'chore: bump version'
$ git tag <version number> # e.g. git tag v0.0.32
$ git push origin v0.0.32
$ git push origin main
$ npm publish