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Running FDB Client API Locally

Nim Wijetunga edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 3 revisions

When developing on FDB it may be important to run a .cpp/.py/.java file using the client bindings built locally (for example you added a new function to the C API and want to test it).

Using a local version of the C API

  1. Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to a directory containing using the following command: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/<user>/build/lib/
  2. Compile your C++ file(s) using a command similar to: g++ -o <exe_name> -I ~/build/bindings/c/foundationdb/ -I ~/build/bindingtester/tests/c/ -std=c++17 -L ~/build/bindings/c/ -lfdb_c -lpthread a.cpp b.cpp
  3. When you now run ./<exe_name> it should reflect any changes you made to the C client API

Using a local version of the Python API

  1. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/<user>/build/lib/
  2. Given a python file you can simply run the following command: PYTHONPATH=~/build/bindings/python/ python <file>.py

Using a local version of the Java API

  1. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/<user>/build/lib/
  2. First compile your file using the following command: javac -cp ".:/home/<user>/build/packages/fdb-java-7.0.0-PRERELEASE.jar"
  3. Run the java file as follows: java -cp ".:/home/<user>/build/packages/fdb-java-7.0.0-PRERELEASE.jar"
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