here is an example for cis compliance report:
id: k8s-cis-1.23
title: CIS Kubernetes Benchmarks v1.23
description: CIS Kubernetes Benchmarks
platform: k8s
type: cis
version: '1.23'
- id: 1.1.1
name: Ensure that the API server pod specification file permissions are set to
600 or more restrictive
description: Ensure that the API server pod specification file has permissions
of 600 or more restrictive
- id: AVD-KCV-0073
- id: CMD-0001
severity: HIGH
id field is the name used to execute the compliance scan via trivy example:
trivy k8s --compliance k8s-cis-1.23
id naming convension: {platform}-{type}-{version}
The platform field specifies the type of platform on which to run this compliance report. supported platforms:
- k8s (native kubernetes cluster)
- eks (elastic kubernetes service)
- aks (azure kubernetes service)
- gke (google kubernetes engine)
- rke2 (rancher kubernetes engine v2)
- ocp (OpenShift Container Platform)
- docker (docker engine)
- aws (amazon web services)
The type field specifies the kind compliance report.
- cis (Center for Internet Security)
- nsa (National Security Agency)
- pss (Pod Security Standards)
The version field specifies the version of the compliance report.
- 1.23
Specify the check ID that needs to be evaluated based on the information collected from the command data output to assess the control.
Example of how to define check data under ./checks folder:
# title: "Ensure that the --kubeconfig kubelet.conf file permissions are set to 600 or more restrictive"
# description: "Ensure that the kubelet.conf file has permissions of 600 or more restrictive."
# scope: package
# schemas:
# - input: schema["kubernetes"]
# related_resources:
# -
# custom:
# id: KCV0073
# avd_id: AVD-KCV-0073
# severity: HIGH
# short_code: ensure-kubelet.conf-file-permissions-600-or-more-restrictive.
# recommended_action: "Change the kubelet.conf file permissions to 600 or more restrictive if exist"
# input:
# selector:
# - type: kubernetes
package builtin.kubernetes.KCV0073
import data.lib.kubernetes
types := ["master", "worker"]
validate_kubelet_file_permission(sp) := {"kubeletConfFilePermissions": violation} {
sp.kind == "NodeInfo"
sp.type == types[_]
violation := {permission | permission =[_]; permission > 600}
count(violation) > 0
deny[res] {
output := validate_kubelet_file_permission(input)
msg := "Ensure that the --kubeconfig kubelet.conf file permissions are set to 600 or more restrictive"
res :=, output)
for additional info on writing checks look at contribution guide
Note: This field is not mandatory, it relevant to k8s compliance report when node-collector is in use
Specify the command ID (#ref) that needs to be executed to collect the information required to evaluate the control.
Example of how to define command data under ./commands folder:
- id: CMD-0001
key: kubeletConfFilePermissions
title: kubelet.conf file permissions
nodeType: worker
audit: stat -c %a $kubelet.kubeconfig
- k8s
- aks
Find the next command ID by running the command.
make command-id
- Re-use an existing key or specifiy a new one (make sure key name has no spaces)
Note: The key value should match the key name evaluated by the Rego check.
Represent the purpose of the command
Specify the node type on which the command is supposed to run.
- worker
- master
Specifiy here the shell command to be used please make sure to add error supression (2>/dev/null)
The list of platforms that support this command , name should be taken from this list Platforms
The commands use a configuration file that helps obtain the paths to binaries and configuration files based on different platforms (e.g., Rancher, native Kubernetes, etc.).
For example:
- kubelet
- hyperkube kubelet
- /etc/kubernetes/kubelet-config.yaml
- /var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml
currently checks files location are :
proposed command files location:
under command file
Note: command config files will be located under
as well
The node collector will read commands and execute each command, and incorporate the output into the NodeInfo resource.
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "NodeInfo",
"metadata": {
"creationTimestamp": "2023-01-04T11:37:11+02:00"
"type": "master",
"info": {
"adminConfFileOwnership": {
"values": [
"adminConfFilePermissions": {
"values": [