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Programming in Arcadia

Ramsey Nasser edited this page Sep 15, 2016 · 6 revisions

Arcadia is different from both Unity and Clojure in important ways. Knowledge of both is important, but so is understanding how Arcadia itself works is

Clojure CLR

Most Clojure programmers are familiar with the JVM-based version of the langauge, but Arcadia does not use that. Instead, it is built on the official port to the Common Language Runtime that David Miller maintains. We maintain our own fork of the compiler so that we can introduce Unity specific fixes.

As an Arcadia programmer you should be aware of the differences between ClojureCLR and ClojureJVM, and the ClojureCLR wiki is a good place to start, in particular the pages on interop and types.

Unity Interop

Arcadia does not go out of its way to "wrap" the Unity API in Clojure functions. Instead, a lot of Arcadia programming bottoms out in interoperating directly with Unity. For a function to point the camera at a point in space could look like

(defn point-camera [p]
  (.. Camera/main transform (LookAt p)))

This uses Clojure's dot special form to access the static main field of the Camera class, which is a Camera instance and has a transform property of type Transform that has a LookAt method that takes a Vector3. It is the equivalent of Camera.main.transform.LookAt(p) in C#.

Unity is a highly mutable, stateful system. The above function will mutate the main camera's rotation to look at the new point. Furthermore, the reference to Camera/main could be changed by some other bit of code. Unity's API is single-threaded by design, so memory corruption is avoided. Your own Clojure code can still be be as functional and multi-threaded as you like, but keep in mind that talking to Unity side effecting and impure.

There are parts of the Unity API that we have wrapped in Clojure functions, however. These are usually very commonly used methods that would be clumsy to use without wrapping, or would benifit from protocolization. The scope of what does and does not get wrapped is an on going design excersise of the framework, but in general we plan to be conservative about how much of our own ideas we impose on top of the Unity API.