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Solving Laplace equation with ArcaneFEM

Here, we employ Arcane to solve the Laplace equation, which stands as one of the fundamental partial differential equations (PDEs). The provided code presents a straightforward implementation of a 2D unstructured mesh Galerkin finite element method (FEM) solver.

The Laplace equation, also known as the harmonic equation, appears in various scientific and engineering applications. It plays a crucial role in fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. By solving the Laplace equation, we can gain insights into phenomena such as steady-state heat conduction, electrostatics, fluid flow, potential fields, and more. The code showcased here provides a foundation for tackling problems governed by this fundamental equation.

Problem description

The 2D Laplace equation is solved for a closed meshed domain $\Omega^h$ in order to know the Laplace solution $u(x,y)$ within the domain. The equation reads

$$\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial x} \right) + \frac{\partial}{\partial y}\left(\frac{\partial u}{\partial y} \right) = 0 \quad \forall (x,y)\in\Omega^h $$

or in a more compact forms

$$\nabla(\nabla u)= 0 \quad \forall (x,y)\in\Omega^h.$$ or

$$\nabla^2 u= 0 \quad \forall (x,y)\in\Omega^h.$$ or

$$\Delta^2 u= 0 \quad \forall (x,y)\in\Omega^h.$$ or

To complete the problem description, three first type (Dirichlet) boundary conditions are applied to this problem:

$u = 50.0 \quad \forall(x,y)\in\partial\Omega^h_{\text{inner}}\subset\partial \Omega^h,$

$u = 20.0 \quad \forall(x,y)\in\partial\Omega^h_{\text{outer}}\subset\partial \Omega^h,$ and

We work with approximation, $\lambda$ is homogeneous $\lambda : \Omega^h \in \mathbb{R}^{+}$, in this case the variational formulation in $H^1_{0}(\Omega) \subset H^1{\Omega}$ reads

search FEM trial function $u^h(x,y)$ satisfying

$$- \int_{\Omega^h}\lambda\nabla u^h \nabla v^h + \int_{\partial\Omega_N} (\overline{q} \cdot \mathbf{n}) v^h v^h = 0 \quad \forall v^h\in H^1_0(\Omega^h)$$


$u^h=50.0 \quad \forall (x,y)\in\partial\Omega^h_{\text{inner}}$,

$u^h=20.0 \quad \forall (x,y)\in\partial\Omega^h_{\text{outer}}$,

$\int_{\Omega^h_{{N}}}(\mathbf{q} \cdot \mathbf{n}) v^h=0$

The code


The mesh plancher.msh is provided in the Test.ring.arc file


Please not that use version 4.1 .msh file from Gmsh.

Boundary conditions

The Dirichlet (constant $u$) boundary conditions are provided in Test.ring.arc file


So in the snippet above, three Dirichlet conditions are applied ($50, 20.0$) on three borders ('inner', 'outer') for the loaded mes ring.msh.

The Neumann boundary conditions are absent but could be provided in such a way


Post Process

For post processing the Mesh0.hdf file is outputted (in output/depouillement/vtkhdfv2 folder), which can be read by PARAVIS. The output is of the $\mathbb{P}_1$ FE order (on nodes).

Tests available in this module

The tests are present in the form of .arc files with a prefix Test.:

Name Dimension Boundary Condition Solver Comment
L-shape 3D Dirichlet + Null flux Default (PETSc) - Serves as validation test
ring 2D Dirichlet only Default (PETSc)
PointDirichlet 2D Point Dirichlet + Null flux Sequential Direct LU - Serves as validation test
PointDirichlet-refined 2D Point Dirichlet + Null flux Default (PETSc) - Refined version of test

Point loading example
