% VCFALLELICPRIMITIVES(1) vcfallelicprimitives (vcflib) | vcfallelicprimitives (VCF transformation) % Erik Garrison, Pjotr Prins and other vcflib contributors
vcfallelicprimitives - Converts stdin or given VCF file and reduces alleles.
vcfallelicprimitives converts stdin or given VCF file to tab-delimited format,
Realign reference and alternate alleles with WFA, parsing out the primitive alleles into multiple VCF records. New records have IDs that reference the source record ID. Genotypes are handled. Deletion alleles will result in haploid (missing allele) genotypes.
-h, --help
: shows help message and exits.
See more below.
0 : Success
not 0 : Failure
>>> head("vcfallelicprimitives -h",28)
usage: ./vcfallelicprimitives [options] [file]
Note that this tool is considered legacy and will emit a warning! Use
[vcfwave](./vcfwave.md) instead.
Realign reference and alternate alleles with WFA or SW, parsing out
the primitive alleles into multiple VCF records. New records have IDs
that reference the source record ID. Genotypes are handled. Deletion
alleles will result in haploid (missing allele) genotypes.
-a, --algorithm TYPE Choose algorithm (default) Wave front or (obsolete)
Smith-Waterman [WF|SW] algorithm
-m, --use-mnps Retain MNPs as separate events (default: false).
-t, --tag-parsed FLAG Annotate decomposed records with the source record
position (default: ORIGIN).
-L, --max-length LEN Do not manipulate records in which either the ALT or
REF is longer than LEN (default: unlimited).
-k, --keep-info Maintain site and allele-level annotations when
decomposing. Note that in many cases,
such as multisample VCFs, these won't be
valid post decomposition. For biallelic
loci in single-sample VCFs, they should be
used with caution.
-d, --debug debug mode.
Type: transformation
vcfallelicprimitives picks complex regions and simplifies nested alignments. For example:
>>> sh("grep 10158243 ../samples/10158243.vcf")
grch38#chr4 10158243 >3655>3662 ACCCCCACCCCCACC ACC,AC,ACCCCCACCCCCAC,ACCCCCACC,ACA 60 . AC=64,3,2,3,1;AF=0.719101,0.0337079,0.0224719,0.0337079,0.011236;AN=89;AT=>3655>3656>3657>3658>3659>3660>3662,>3655>3656>3660>3662,>3655>3660>3662,>3655>3656>3657>3658>3660>3662,>3655>3656>3657>3660>3662,>3655>3656>3661>3662;NS=45;LV=0 GT 0|0 1|1 1|1 1|0 5|1 0|4 0|1 0|1 1|1 1|1 1|1 1|1 1|1 1|1 1|1 4|3 1|1 1|1 1|1 1|0 1|0 1|0 1|0 1|1 1|1 1|4 1|1 1|1 3|0 1|0 1|1 0|1 1|1 1|1 2|1 1|2 1|1 1|1 0|1 1|1 1|1 1|0 1|2 1|1 0
After aligning it reduces into two records with variant alleles
and adjusts the genotypes accordingly splitting into two records using the original (but arguably OBSOLETE) SW algorithm:
>>> sh("../build/vcfallelicprimitives -a SW -m -L 1000 ../samples/10158243.vcf|grep -v ^\#")
grch38#chr4 10158243 >3655>3662_1 ACCCCCACCCCCAC ACCCCCAC,ACAC,AC,A 60 . AC=3,1,64,3;AF=0.0337079,0.011236,0.719101,0.0337079;LEN=6,10,12,13;ORIGIN=grch38#chr4:10158243,grch38#chr4:10158243,grch38#chr4:10158243,grch38#chr4:10158243;TYPE=del,del,del,del GT 0|0 3|3 3|3 3|0 2|3 0|1 0|3 0|3 3|3 3|3 3|3 3|3 3|3 3|3 3|3 1|0 3|3 3|3 3|3 3|0 3|0 3|0 3|0 3|3 3|3 3|1 3|3 3|3 0|0 3|0 3|3 0|3 3|3 3|3 4|3 3|4 3|3 3|3 0|3 3|3 3|3 3|0 3|4 3|3 0
grch38#chr4 10158255 >3655>3662_2 ACC AC,A 60 . AC=2,1;AF=0.0224719,0.011236;LEN=1,2;ORIGIN=grch38#chr4:10158243,grch38#chr4:10158243;TYPE=del,del GT 0|0 .|. .|. .|0 2|. 0|0 0|. 0|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. 0|1 .|. .|. .|. .|0 .|0 .|0 .|0 .|. .|. .|0 .|. .|. 1|0 .|0 .|. 0|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. 0|. .|. .|. .|0 .|. .|. 0
With the default wavefront algorithm we get a different result
>>> sh("../build/vcfallelicprimitives -m -L 1000 ../samples/10158243.vcf|grep -v ^\#")
grch38#chr4 10158244 >3655>3662_1 CCCCCACCCCCACC CC,C 60 . AC=1,3;AF=0.011236,0.0337079;LEN=12,13;ORIGIN=grch38#chr4:10158243,grch38#chr4:10158243;TYPE=del,del GT 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 1|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 2|0 0|2 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|2 0|0 0
grch38#chr4 10158245 >3655>3662_2 CCCCACCCCCACC C 60 . AC=64;AF=0.719101;LEN=12;ORIGIN=grch38#chr4:10158243;TYPE=del GT 0|0 1|1 1|1 1|0 .|1 0|0 0|1 0|1 1|1 1|1 1|1 1|1 1|1 1|1 1|1 0|0 1|1 1|1 1|1 1|0 1|0 1|0 1|0 1|1 1|1 1|0 1|1 1|1 0|0 1|0 1|1 0|1 1|1 1|1 .|1 1|. 1|1 1|1 0|1 1|1 1|1 1|0 1|. 1|1 0
grch38#chr4 10158251 >3655>3662_3 CCCCACC C 60 . AC=3;AF=0.0337079;LEN=6;ORIGIN=grch38#chr4:10158243;TYPE=del GT 0|0 .|. .|. .|0 .|. 0|1 0|. 0|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. 1|0 .|. .|. .|. .|0 .|0 .|0 .|0 .|. .|. .|1 .|. .|. 0|0 .|0 .|. 0|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. 0|. .|. .|. .|0 .|. .|. 0
grch38#chr4 10158256 >3655>3662_4 CC C 60 . AC=2;AF=0.0224719;LEN=1;ORIGIN=grch38#chr4:10158243;TYPE=del GT 0|0 .|. .|. .|0 .|. 0|. 0|. 0|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|1 .|. .|. .|. .|0 .|0 .|0 .|0 .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. 1|0 .|0 .|. 0|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. .|. 0|. .|. .|. .|0 .|. .|. 0
Note the wave front version has no problem with longer sequences:
>>> run_stdout("vcfallelicprimitives -a SW -m -L 1000 ../samples/grch38#chr8_36353854-36453166.vcf", ext="vcf")
output in <a href="../data/regression/vcfallelicprimitives_5.vcf">vcfallelicprimitives_5.vcf</a>
>>> run_stdout("vcfallelicprimitives -a SW -m -L 1000 ../samples/grch38#chr4_10083863-10181258.vcf", ext="vcf")
output in <a href="../data/regression/vcfallelicprimitives_6.vcf">vcfallelicprimitives_6.vcf</a>
>>> run_stdout("vcfallelicprimitives -L 10000 -m ../samples/grch38#chr8_36353854-36453166.vcf", ext="vcf")
output in <a href="../data/regression/vcfallelicprimitives_7.vcf">vcfallelicprimitives_7.vcf</a>
>>> run_stdout("vcfallelicprimitives -m ../samples/grch38#chr4_10083863-10181258.vcf", ext="vcf")
output in <a href="../data/regression/vcfallelicprimitives_8.vcf">vcfallelicprimitives_8.vcf</a>
Copyright 2022 (C) Erik Garrison, Pjotr Prins and vcflib contributors. MIT licensed.