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Building the Linked Data Theatre

This document describes the steps to build the Linked Data Theatre.


You should have a sound build environment, please install:

Dependancy on open source components

The Linked Data Theatre depends on a couple of open source components:

  1. Virtuoso Open Source, the triple store
  2. Orbeon, a portal implementation. The LDT uses Orbeon only for the MVC framework within an XPL context
  3. Tomcat, the web application service used to deploy Orbeon and the LDT itself
  4. Bootstrap, the responsive UI framework
  5. A couple of javascript libraries (mainly: jQuery, D3.js, Leaflet.js and Yasqe.js)


You can download Virtuoso from this location: Prebuild versions are avaiable, you can also try to build virtuoso yourself. Installing Virtuoso isn't necessary for the build process, but should be done as part of the installation.


You need the orbeon.jar file to build some of the LDT components. And the orbeon code is necessary to build to whole Linked Data Theatre. The latest version of orbeon Community Edition from this location: The LDT is tested with version 4.7.0 of Orbeon.

Execute the following steps to download the required files and place them in the correct directories:

  1. Fork and clone the Linked-Data-Theatre from to a local directory.
  2. In command prompt: cd {local directory}\Linked-Data-Theatre\orbeon
  3. Execute: mvn package


You need an installation of Tomcat to run Orbeon, and within Orbeon the Linked Data Theatre. You can download Tomcat from this location: The LDT is tested with Tomcat version 7.0.33.

  1. Download Tomcat from The LDT is tested with Tomcat version 7.0.33.
  2. Unpack the distribution so that it resides in its own directory
  3. Create an environmental variable CATALINA_HOME and set it to the directory where the distribution of tomcat resides
  4. In command prompt execute: cd %CATALINA_HOME%\bin
  5. Run Tomcat bij executing the following command: startup.bat
  6. Visit http://localhost:8080/ to check the default web application included with Tomcat. In case the web application cannot be reached go to the directory where Tomcat is installed and open RUNNING.txt. Possible solutions for not being able to visit the default web application can be found at the end of this document.
  7. Close tomcat with the command: shutdown.bat

Java library dependencies, bootstrap and other javascript libraries

The LDT uses a couple of javascript libraries. It is not needed to download these libraries: the build process will take care of this. Fetch all libraries by:

  1. Go to the ext-resources directory.
  2. Execute the command mvn package.

Build proces

The Linked Data Theatre consists of four different components:

  1. Java source code, for custom Orbeon processors
  2. Virtuoso stored procedures
  3. Javascript
  4. Orbeon app (mainly XPL and XSL source code)

Build the java source code

To build the java source code perform the following steps (only ones):

  1. Go to \license-builder and execute: mvn clean install
  2. Go to \orbeon and execute mvn clean package
  3. Go to \processors and install the orbeon.jar in your local maven repository by executing: maven-install-orbeon-jar.bat.
  4. Go to \processors and install the virt_rdf4j.jar in your local maven repository by executing: maven-install-virtuoso-jar.bat.
  5. Go to \processors and execute mvn clean install

Virtuoso stored procedures

No build is needed for the virtuoso stored procedures.


No build is needed for the javascript sources.

Orbeon app

You should only perform this step after all other steps! To build the full orbeon app (including the orbeon code):

  1. Go to the root directory of the Linked Data Theatre.
  2. Execute: mvn clean package.