To access ThingsBoard Sandbox navigate to:
ThingsBoard is a multi-tenant application which means:
ThingsBoard Admin 1::many Tenants
Admin creates tenants and assigns admins to each tenant. Tenants are siloed entities managed by tenant admins
Tenant 1::many Tenant Admins
Tenant Admins create/manage/assign resources such as dashboards to their respecitve customer/end users
Tenant Admin 1::many customers
Customers can view assets
The admin login is: - password: RapidPhoto1
The existing users are:
- Tenant Name: AOMSConsumerEnd
- Tenant admins
- - password: userdemo
- The tenant's customers:
- - password: userdemo
- The tenant's customers:
- - password: userdemo
- Tenant admins
The VideoStreaming Dashboard relies on the video player running on your localhost server (which obviously you are not running). I will soon deploy my working code on Azure Cloud so you can start testing video streaming dashboard.