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File metadata and controls

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Getting started

Installing the extension

This extension can be installed form the community repository:

INSTALL faiss FROM community;

From then on you can load the extension using sql:

load faiss;

If at any point you update duckdb, you have to install the extension again.

This extension can also be compiled yourself, see Building the extension.


If you are on Macos, you will need to install openmp runtime libraries. This can be done via brew:

brew install libomp

Running the extension

To run the extension code, simply start the shell with build/release/duckdb.

Now we can use the features from the extension directly in DuckDB. For example, we can execute a faiss index using the following:

D CALL faiss_create('flat8', 8, 'Flat');
│ Success │
│ boolean │
│ 0 rows  │

Possible values for index type

The index type is passed directly into index_factory. Refer to the following wiki pages for the value of this parameter:


Here is one example, using random data. You can play with the dimensionality, number of datapoints, number of queries, and the faiss index type. If you want to modify add parameters as well, check out how to use the _param variants below.

-- Generate semi-random input data and queries
-- Note that the dimensionality of our data will be 5
CREATE TABLE input AS SELECT i as id, apply(generate_series(1, 5), j-> CAST(hash(i*1000+j) AS FLOAT)/18446744073709551615) as data FROM generate_series(1, 1000) s(i);
CREATE TABLE queries AS SELECT i as id, apply(generate_series(1, 5), j-> CAST(hash(i*1000+j+8047329823) AS FLOAT)/18446744073709551615) as data FROM generate_series(1, 10) s(i);
-- Create the index
CALL FAISS_CREATE('name', 5, 'IDMap,HNSW32');
-- Optionally, we can manually train the index. Possible using a subset of the data.
-- CALL FAISS_MANUAL_TRAIN((SELECT data FROM input), 'name');
-- Insert the data into the index
CALL FAISS_ADD((SELECT id, data FROM input), 'name');
-- Get 10 results with uneven id
SELECT id, UNNEST(FAISS_SEARCH_FILTER('name', 10, data, 'id%2==0', 'rowid', 'input')) FROM queries;
-- Get 10 results with even id
SELECT id, UNNEST(FAISS_SEARCH_FILTER('name', 10, data, 'id%2==0', 'rowid', 'input')) FROM queries;
-- Get 10 results
SELECT id, UNNEST(FAISS_SEARCH('name', 10, data)) FROM queries;


The initial thesis this was written for, can be found here. This contains benchmarks of all 3 methods implemented in this extension, for 3 different indexes, 2 IFV and one HNSW on page 26-28. This also has one comparison against the vss extension for duckdb, however this is outdated and only includes a small amount of data. The methodology section also provides the setup and details on the benchmarks.

There are also benchmarks directly against vss, these use the same methodology as the thesis above. Here is the graph of VSS vs FAISS vs SQL:

Comparison against vss

The batch size is 1, since VSS doesn't support batches (yet). The number of results are computed based on the passingrate, setting the binomial(P) CDF to 99.

Note that this is a Logarithmic scale, since otherwise the only thing you could see would be one SQL line and one VSS/FAISS line. As you can see faiss is significantly faster using single-query batch queries (since vss doesn't support batch operations).

It is important to note that faiss can to batch operations, and is heavily optimised for it. For example, using a batch of 48 queries is only 25% slower than a single query batch. (not included in this graph).


The faiss extension provides several functions that can be used to interact with faiss. These are split into a couple general catagories: Creation/deletion, adding, and searching. You can see the all these functions below


These functions allow you to do all kinds of things with indexes, without modifying the data.


CALL faiss_create(string name, int dimension, string index_type);
  • name: The name given to the index. Each database can only have a single index per name, this function will crash when you give it a name with an index already attached. These are global, and can be refered to back later.
  • dimension: The dimensionality of the data.
  • index_type: The index type given to the faiss index factory.


CALL faiss_create_params(string name, int dimension, string index_type, MAP<string, string> parameters);
  • name: The name given to the index. Each database can only have a single index per name, this function will crash when you give it a name with an index already attached. These are global, and can be refered to back later.
  • dimension: The dimensionality of the data.
  • index_type: The index type given to the faiss index factory.
  • parameters: The parameters of the index. For example passing {'efConstruction': '1000'} when creating an HNSW index, will set the efConstruction field to 1000. This is recursive, for example, when using an IVF with HNSW, ivf.efConstruction can be used to set the efConstruction value on the HNSW index. Note that currently, the implementation is verry limmited. Recursion is only implemented for IDMap, and only efConstruction is implemented for HNSW. Other than that, no other parameters are implemented. This is because I did not need these for my thesis, but should be easy to add.


CALL faiss_save(string name, string path);
  • name: The name of the index to be saves.
  • path: The target path to be saved to.

Note that saving/loading an index, may remove the ability to add data to it or train it. Only if the index is still untrained, it it not mutable. This is because if the index is trained, we do not know the training data. In the future this restriction might be eliminated when using the manual train function.


CALL faiss_save(string name, string path);
  • name: The name given to the loaded index
  • path: The location of the index to be read.

Note that saving/loading an index, may remove the ability to add data to it or train it. Only if the index is still untrained, it it not mutable. This is because if the index is trained, we do not know the training data. In the future this restriction might be eliminated when using the manual train function.


CALL faiss_destroy(string name, string path);
  • name: The name of the index to be destroyed

Training and Adding


CALL faiss_add(TABLE data, string name);
  • data: A table with one or 2 columns. If there is only one column, this is the data column, and ids are creatd by faiss if possible. If there are 2 columns, the first is the id column of an integer type, and the second column is the data column. The data column most be a list of length equal to the index dimension
  • name: The name of the index that should be added to.

faiss_add always retrains the index, and keeps a copy of all the data for later retraining, unless previously trained with faiss_manual_train. If retraining in undesired, or if memory usage is important, use faiss_manual_train for more control over training.


CALL faiss_manual_train(TABLE data, string name);
  • data: A table with a single column. The type of this column must be a list of length equal to the index dimension.
  • name: The name of the index that should be added to.

faiss_manual_train trains the index, and flags this index to be manually trained. This means that calls to faiss_add will not train the index, and do not store copies of the data. This saves on retraining when adding later, and a lot of memory for larger indices.

Searching and filtering


CALL faiss_search(string name, integer k, List q);
  • name: The name of the index that should be added to.
  • k: The amount of results to be returned.
  • q: The query vector for which the nearest neighbors should be computer.

And a variant with parameters:

CALL faiss_search(string name, integer k, List q, MAP<string, string> parameters);
  • parameters: The parameters for searching the index. For example passing {'efSearch': '1000'} when searchingHNSW index, will set the efSearch field to 1000. This is recursive, for example, when using an IVF with HNSW, ivf.efSearch can be used to set the efSearch value for the HNSW index. Note that currently, the implementation is verry limmited. Recursion is only implemented for IDMap and IVF, and only very few fields are implemented. This is because I did not need these for my thesis, but should be easy to add.

faiss_search returns a list of structs with 3 fields: rank of type INTEGER, label of type BIGINT, distance of type DISTANCE. The length of this list is always k, even if not enough results were found. In this case the label field is -1.


CALL faiss_search_filter(string name, integer k, List q, string filter, string idselector, string tablename);
  • name: The name of the index that should be added to.
  • k: The amount of results to be returned.
  • q: The query vector for which the nearest neighbors should be computer.
  • filter: Expression to be used to select which rows are selected for search. If this expresion results in a 1 for a certain row, the result of idselector will be included in the search.
  • idselector: Expression to be used to select the id of the row.
  • tablename: The name of the table on which filter and idselector are executed.

And a variant with parameters:

CALL faiss_search_filter(string name, integer k, List q, MAP<string, string> parameters);
  • parameters: The parameters for searching the index. For example passing {'efSearch': '1000'} when searchingHNSW index, will set the efSearch field to 1000. This is recursive, for example, when using an IVF with HNSW, ivf.efSearch can be used to set the efSearch value for the HNSW index. Note that currently, the implementation is verry limmited. Recursion is only implemented for IDMap and IVF, and only very few fields are implemented. This is because I did not need these for my thesis, but should be easy to add.

faiss_search_filter returns a list of structs with 3 fields: rank of type INTEGER, label of type BIGINT, distance of type DISTANCE. The length of this list is always k, even if not enough results were found. In this case the label field is -1.

For context, currently the way this filter is constructed, is by executing approximatly this query: SELECT {filter}, {idselector} FROM {tablename}. All the ids for which the filter is 1, will be selected for search. The amount of rows in table is assumed to be equal to the amount of vectors. If this is not the case, the extension might crash. This function creates a bitmap of size n where n is the size of the table, this operation is O(n). To improve performance, make sure that the ids are incremental, in order, and start at a multiple of 64. This greatly helps the performance of creating the bitmap.


CALL faiss_search_filter\_set(string name, integer k, List q, string filter, string idselector, string tablename);
  • name: The name of the index that should be added to.
  • k: The amount of results to be returned.
  • q: The query vector for which the nearest neighbors should be computer.
  • filter: Expression to be used to select which rows are selected for search. If this expresion results in a 1 for a certain row, the result of idselector will be included in the search.
  • idselector: Expression to be used to select the id of the row.
  • tablename: The name of the table on which filter and idselector are executed.

And a variant with parameters:

CALL faiss_search_filter_set(string name, integer k, List q, MAP<string, string> parameters);
  • parameters: The parameters for searching the index. For example passing {'efSearch': '1000'} when searchingHNSW index, will set the efSearch field to 1000. This is recursive, for example, when using an IVF with HNSW, ivf.efSearch can be used to set the efSearch value for the HNSW index. Note that currently, the implementation is verry limmited. Recursion is only implemented for IDMap and IVF, and only very few fields are implemented. This is because I did not need these for my thesis, but should be easy to add.

faiss_search_filter_set returns a list of structs with 3 fields: rank of type INTEGER, label of type BIGINT, distance of type DISTANCE. The length of this list is always k, even if not enough results were found. In this case the label field is -1.

For context, currently the way this filter is constructed, is by executing approximatly this query: SELECT {idselector} FROM {tablename} WHERE {filter}=1. All the ids for which the filter is 1, will be selected for search. The amount of rows in table is assumed to be equal to the amount of vectors. If this is not the case, the extension might crash. This function creates a set of size m where m is the amount of vectors that are included in the search, this operation is O(m).

Compiling yourself

First step to getting started is to clone this repo:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Note that --recurse-submodules will ensure the correct version of duckdb is pulled allowing you to get started right away.

Building the extension

To build the extension:


The main binaries that will be built are:

  • duckdb is the binary for the duckdb shell with the extension code automatically loaded.
  • unittest is the test runner of duckdb. Again, the extension is already linked into the binary.
  • faiss.duckdb_extension is the loadable binary as it would be distributed.

Running the tests

Sql test:

make test

Running the conformance/accuracy tests

For now, the accuracy tests are seperate from the normal tests, since they require a large download. To run the index index accuracy tests run:

make run_msmarco_queries

TODO list

Ideas that could still be implemented

  • Use array of fixed size instead of lists as input for greater type-safety
  • Check types of input, again for greater type-safety