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Provisioning a CA and Generating TLS Certificates

In this lab you will provision a PKI Infrastructure using the popular openssl tool, then use it to bootstrap a Certificate Authority, and generate TLS certificates for the following components: etcd, kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, kube-scheduler, kubelet, and kube-proxy.

Where to do these?

You can do these on any machine with openssl on it. But you should be able to copy the generated files to the provisioned VMs. Or just do these from one of the master nodes.

In our case we do the following steps on the master-1 node, as we have set it up to be the administrative client.

Certificate Authority

In this section you will provision a Certificate Authority that can be used to generate additional TLS certificates.

Query IPs of hosts we will insert as certificate subject alternative names (SANs), which will be read from /etc/hosts. Note that doing this allows us to change the VM network range more easily from the default for these labs which is

Set up environment variables. Run the following:

MASTER_1=$(dig +short master-1)
MASTER_2=$(dig +short master-2)
LOADBALANCER=$(dig +short loadbalancer)

Compute cluster internal API server service address, which is always .1 in the service CIDR range. This is also required as a SAN in the API server certificate. Run the following:

API_SERVICE=$(echo $SERVICE_CIDR | awk 'BEGIN {FS="."} ; { printf("%s.%s.%s.1", $1, $2, $3) }')

Check that the environment variables are set. Run the following:

echo $MASTER_1
echo $MASTER_2

The output should look like this. If you changed any of the defaults mentioned in the prerequisites page, then addresses may differ.

Create a CA certificate, then generate a Certificate Signing Request and use it to create a private key:

  # Create private key for CA
  openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048

  # Comment line starting with RANDFILE in /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf definition to avoid permission issues
  sudo sed -i '0,/RANDFILE/{s/RANDFILE/\#&/}' /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf

  # Create CSR using the private key
  openssl req -new -key ca.key -subj "/CN=KUBERNETES-CA/O=Kubernetes" -out ca.csr

  # Self sign the csr using its own private key
  openssl x509 -req -in ca.csr -signkey ca.key -CAcreateserial  -out ca.crt -days 1000



Reference :

The ca.crt is the Kubernetes Certificate Authority certificate and ca.key is the Kubernetes Certificate Authority private key. You will use the ca.crt file in many places, so it will be copied to many places. The ca.key is used by the CA for signing certificates. And it should be securely stored. In this case our master node(s) is our CA server as well, so we will store it on master node(s). There is no need to copy this file elsewhere.

Client and Server Certificates

In this section you will generate client and server certificates for each Kubernetes component and a client certificate for the Kubernetes admin user.

The Admin Client Certificate

Generate the admin client certificate and private key:

  # Generate private key for admin user
  openssl genrsa -out admin.key 2048

  # Generate CSR for admin user. Note the OU.
  openssl req -new -key admin.key -subj "/CN=admin/O=system:masters" -out admin.csr

  # Sign certificate for admin user using CA servers private key
  openssl x509 -req -in admin.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial  -out admin.crt -days 1000

Note that the admin user is part of the system:masters group. This is how we are able to perform any administrative operations on Kubernetes cluster using kubectl utility.



The admin.crt and admin.key file gives you administrative access. We will configure these to be used with the kubectl tool to perform administrative functions on kubernetes.

The Kubelet Client Certificates

We are going to skip certificate configuration for Worker Nodes for now. We will deal with them when we configure the workers. For now let's just focus on the control plane components.

The Controller Manager Client Certificate

Generate the kube-controller-manager client certificate and private key:

  openssl genrsa -out kube-controller-manager.key 2048

  openssl req -new -key kube-controller-manager.key \
    -subj "/CN=system:kube-controller-manager/O=system:kube-controller-manager" -out kube-controller-manager.csr

  openssl x509 -req -in kube-controller-manager.csr \
    -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out kube-controller-manager.crt -days 1000



The Kube Proxy Client Certificate

Generate the kube-proxy client certificate and private key:

  openssl genrsa -out kube-proxy.key 2048

  openssl req -new -key kube-proxy.key \
    -subj "/CN=system:kube-proxy/O=system:node-proxier" -out kube-proxy.csr

  openssl x509 -req -in kube-proxy.csr \
    -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial  -out kube-proxy.crt -days 1000



The Scheduler Client Certificate

Generate the kube-scheduler client certificate and private key:

  openssl genrsa -out kube-scheduler.key 2048

  openssl req -new -key kube-scheduler.key \
    -subj "/CN=system:kube-scheduler/O=system:kube-scheduler" -out kube-scheduler.csr

  openssl x509 -req -in kube-scheduler.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial  -out kube-scheduler.crt -days 1000



The Kubernetes API Server Certificate

The kube-apiserver certificate requires all names that various components may reach it to be part of the alternate names. These include the different DNS names, and IP addresses such as the master servers IP address, the load balancers IP address, the kube-api service IP address etc.

The openssl command cannot take alternate names as command line parameter. So we must create a conf file for it:

cat > openssl.cnf <<EOF
req_extensions = v3_req
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
basicConstraints = critical, CA:FALSE
keyUsage = critical, nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = kubernetes
DNS.2 = kubernetes.default
DNS.3 = kubernetes.default.svc
DNS.4 = kubernetes.default.svc.cluster
DNS.5 = kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local
IP.2 = ${MASTER_1}
IP.3 = ${MASTER_2}
IP.5 =

Generate certs for kube-apiserver

  openssl genrsa -out kube-apiserver.key 2048

  openssl req -new -key kube-apiserver.key \
    -subj "/CN=kube-apiserver/O=Kubernetes" -out kube-apiserver.csr -config openssl.cnf

  openssl x509 -req -in kube-apiserver.csr \
  -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial  -out kube-apiserver.crt -extensions v3_req -extfile openssl.cnf -days 1000



The Kubelet Client Certificate

This certificate is for the api server to authenticate with the kubelets when it requests information from them

cat > openssl-kubelet.cnf <<EOF
req_extensions = v3_req
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
basicConstraints = critical, CA:FALSE
keyUsage = critical, nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth

Generate certs for kubelet authentication

  openssl genrsa -out apiserver-kubelet-client.key 2048

  openssl req -new -key apiserver-kubelet-client.key \
    -subj "/CN=kube-apiserver-kubelet-client/O=system:masters" -out apiserver-kubelet-client.csr -config openssl-kubelet.cnf

  openssl x509 -req -in apiserver-kubelet-client.csr \
  -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial  -out apiserver-kubelet-client.crt -extensions v3_req -extfile openssl-kubelet.cnf -days 1000



The ETCD Server Certificate

Similarly ETCD server certificate must have addresses of all the servers part of the ETCD cluster

The openssl command cannot take alternate names as command line parameter. So we must create a conf file for it:

cat > openssl-etcd.cnf <<EOF
req_extensions = v3_req
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
[ v3_req ]
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alt_names
IP.1 = ${MASTER_1}
IP.2 = ${MASTER_2}
IP.3 =

Generates certs for ETCD

  openssl genrsa -out etcd-server.key 2048

  openssl req -new -key etcd-server.key \
    -subj "/CN=etcd-server/O=Kubernetes" -out etcd-server.csr -config openssl-etcd.cnf

  openssl x509 -req -in etcd-server.csr \
    -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial  -out etcd-server.crt -extensions v3_req -extfile openssl-etcd.cnf -days 1000



The Service Account Key Pair

The Kubernetes Controller Manager leverages a key pair to generate and sign service account tokens as describe in the managing service accounts documentation.

Generate the service-account certificate and private key:

  openssl genrsa -out service-account.key 2048

  openssl req -new -key service-account.key \
    -subj "/CN=service-accounts/O=Kubernetes" -out service-account.csr

  openssl x509 -req -in service-account.csr \
    -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial  -out service-account.crt -days 1000



Verify the PKI

Run the following, and select option 1 to check all required certificates were generated.


Expected output

PKI generated correctly!

If there are any errors, please review above steps and then re-verify

Distribute the Certificates

Copy the appropriate certificates and private keys to each instance:

for instance in master-1 master-2; do
  scp ca.crt ca.key kube-apiserver.key kube-apiserver.crt \
    apiserver-kubelet-client.crt apiserver-kubelet-client.key \
    service-account.key service-account.crt \
    etcd-server.key etcd-server.crt \
    kube-controller-manager.key kube-controller-manager.crt \
    kube-scheduler.key kube-scheduler.crt \

for instance in worker-1 worker-2 ; do
  scp ca.crt kube-proxy.crt kube-proxy.key ${instance}:~/

Optional - Check Certificates

At master-1 and master-2 nodes, run the following, selecting option 1


Prev: Client tools
Next: Generating Kubernetes Configuration Files for Authentication