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Releases: arkivanov/Decompose


22 Aug 09:08
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This is the same release as 1.0.0-alpha-03, but with Compose for iOS support:

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.7.0
Essenty: 0.5.2
JetBrains Compose: 1.2.0-alpha01-dev753


12 Aug 21:54
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  • Fixed incorrect initialValue in extensions-compose-jetpack DefaultStackAnimator (#176)

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.7.0
Essenty: 0.5.2


Jetpack Compose: 1.2.0
Jetpack Compose Compiler: 1.2.0


JetBrains Compose: 1.2.0-alpha01-dev753


05 Aug 12:19
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  • Version updated: Kotlin 1.7.0, Gradle 7.4.2, JB Compose 1.2.0-alpha01-dev753, Jetpack Compose 1.2.0 (#158)
  • Replaced BackPressedHandler with BackHandler (#164)
  • Added otherChild argument to stackAnimation selector function (#162)
  • Removed IDLE entry from Compose animation Direction enum (#161)
  • Nullable result in StackAnimation selector function (#163)
  • Nullable Children animation argument (#165)
  • Better error messages when creating child components with same keys (#87)
  • Removed previously deprecated Router (#159)
  • Removed previously deprecated ValueObserver type alias (#160)

Breaking changes

This release brings Decompose closer to v1.0.0 release. The main focus was to support latest Compose versions, further improve stack animation API, and support the new Predictive Back Gesture on Android 13. Please read about breaking changes in this release.

This release is binary and source incompatible with v0.8.0.

Predictive Back Gesture on Android 13

Android 13 introduces the new Predictive Back Gesture. It is essential for Decompose to support it, so BackPressedHandler was replaced with the new BackHandler from Essenty library. The new BackHandler has different API (closer to AndroidX OnBackPressedDispatcher) compatible with Predictive Back Gesture. Please read corresponding section in Essenty readme.

If you are not using BackPressedHandler or BackPressedDispatcher, then most likely you won't notice any changes and the source code should compile just fine. However, if you do use either of them, then you will need to update your code.

Migration tips

// Before

class SomeComponent(componentContext: ComponentContext) : ComponentContext by componentContext {
    init {
        backPressedHandler.register {
            // Process back pressed event
            true | false // return true to consume the event, false to allow other handlers
// After

class SomeComponent(componentContext: ComponentContext) : ComponentContext by componentContext {
    private val backCallback = BackCallback(isEnabled = false) { /* Process back pressed event */ }

    init {

    private fun updateBackCallback() {
        backCallback.isEnabled = true | false // return true to consume all back button events, false to allow other handlers
// Before
val backPressedDispatcher = BackPressedDispatcher()
val componentContext = DefaultComponentContext(..., backPressedHandler = backPressedDispatcher)
// ...

val backHandled = backPressedDispatcher.onBackPressed()
// After
val backDispatcher = BackDispatcher()
val componentContext = DefaultComponentContext(..., backHandler = backDispatcher)
// ...

val backHandled = backPressedDispatcher.back()

Changes in stack animation API

The stackAnimation {} function's selector got an additional argument - otherChild. Now it is possible to choose StackAnimator for a child based on both - the child itself, and the second child (the other one) in the scene. For example - having different animations for a child X when it is being opened from child A or B. It is also now possible to return null from the selector function, if no animation is required for a child

The Direction.IDLE enum entry is removed, animators are not called when there is no ongoing animation, thanks to the new movableContentOf Compose API.

Removed Router and ValueObserver

The Router API was deprecated in v0.8.0 and is now completely removed. Please read v0.8.0 release notes for migration guides if you didn't migrate yet.

The previously deprecated ValueObserver type alias is also removed. Please use normal function types instead - (T) -> Unit.

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.7.0
Essenty: 0.5.2


Jetpack Compose: 1.2.0
Jetpack Compose Compiler: 1.2.0


JetBrains Compose: 1.2.0-alpha01-dev753


05 Aug 12:21
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This is the same release as 1.0.0-alpha-01, but with Compose for iOS support:

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.7.0
Essenty: 0.5.2
JetBrains Compose: 1.2.0-alpha01-dev753


16 Jul 08:09
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The new Child Stack

The Router and all its surroundings are now deprecated. There is new concept introduced - Child Stack. It is located in a separate package and doesn't conflict with Router. The main purpose of introducing Child Stack is to bring more flexibility and compile time safety. And also to allow the room for another kinds of routing in the future.

Please refer to the updated docs and #134 for more information.

Migration tips

// Before

interface Root {
    val routerState: Value<RouterState<*, Child>>

class RootComponent(componentContext: ComponentContext): ComponentContext by componentContext {
    private val router = router<Config, Child>(..., childFactory = ::child)
    override val routerState = router.state

    private fun foo() {

fun RootContent(component: Root) {
    val routerState by component.routerState.observeAsState()
    Children(routerState = routerState, ...) {
        // ...
// After

interface Root {
    val childStack: Value<ChildStack<*, Child>>

class RootComponent(componentContext: ComponentContext): ComponentContext by componentContext {
    private val navigation = StackNavigation<Config>()
    private val stack = childStack(source = navigation, ..., childFactory = ::child)
    override val childStack = stack

    private fun foo() {

fun RootContent(component: Root) {
    val stack by component.childStack.observeAsState()
    Children(stack = stack, ...) {
        // ...

Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes in this release, it should be both binary and source compatible.

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.6.10
Essenty: 0.2.2


Jetpack Compose: 1.1.1
Jetpack Compose Compiler: 1.1.1


JetBrains Compose: 1.1.0


16 Jul 09:18
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This is the same release as 0.8.0, but with Compose for iOS support:

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.7.0
Essenty: 0.4.2
JetBrains Compose: 1.2.0-alpha01-dev745


14 Jul 19:52
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  • Updated Kotlin to 1.7.0, Compose to 1.2.0-alpha01-dev741, Essenty to 0.4.2, AGP to 7.2.0, Gradle to 7.4.2 (#141)

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.7.0
Essenty: 0.4.2
JetBrains Compose: 1.2.0-alpha01-dev745


26 Jun 22:29
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This is the same release as 0.7.0, but with the following changes:

  • extensions-compose-jetbrains supports additional targets: iosX64, iosArm64, macosX64 and macosArm64 (iosSimulatorArm64 is not yet supported, because Compose doesn't support it)
  • extensions-compose-jetpack module is removed

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.6.21
Essenty: 0.2.2
JetBrains Compose: 1.2.0-alpha01-dev716


26 Jun 22:08
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  • Added onComplete callback to Router.popWhile(...) function (#104 by @Tommyten)
  • Added onComplete callback to Router.push(...), Router. replaceCurrent(...) and Router. bringToFront(...) functions (#128)
  • Added ensureNeverFrozen to MutableValue (#116)
  • Interfaces DefaultWebHistoryController.Window and DefaultWebHistoryController.History are marked internal (#127)
  • Fixed DefaultWebHistoryController not working on Chrome for iOS (#127)

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.6.10
Essenty: 0.2.2


Jetpack Compose: 1.1.1
Jetpack Compose Compiler: 1.1.1


JetBrains Compose: 1.1.0


02 May 10:01
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  • Updated Compose to 1.2.0-alpha01-dev675 (#86)
  • Updated Kotlin to 1.6.21 (#89)

Versions and dependencies

Kotlin: 1.6.21
Essenty: 0.2.2


JetBrains Compose: 1.2.0-alpha01-dev675