This is a static HTML/JS project which provides Pathfinder user interface.
Is is based on SigmaJS and Linkurous javascript frameworks to render the graph, and JQuery UI to create the User interface.
#Getting Started
Since it's a 100% static project, communicating with backend via Ajax calls you can deploy it on your favorite web server (e.g. Apache Httpd), deploy it into pathfinder-server static web folder or even start it from your filesystem path.
Copy all submodule content into pathfinder-server submodule public content (e.g. pahfinder/pathfinder-server/src/main/resources/public/ ), start pathfinder-server as usual and point your browser at http://localhost:8080/pathfinder.html
This is the default behaviour of pathfinder-server packaging.
Simply copy all submodule content into your main docroot/ and open http://YOUR_HOSTNAME/pathfinder.html
Simply open pathfinder.html with your favorite browser.
#UI at a glance
This is a very quick description of different UI sections, please refer to User Guide for more detail on how to use them.
Filtering: this section will allow you to filter graph content to match you desired view
Impact Path: use this section to search for all nodes impacted by changes on a single artifact
Node Rearrange: Nodes usually auto-arrange themselves upon rendering, but if you want to try to re-arrange them without re-run the search again, you can use this section.
Legenda: it simply displays how many Nodes and Edges are present in current graph
Graph area: Make a guess? ;)