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Releases: arq5x/bedtools2

bedtools version 2.25.0

bedtools version 2.24.0

28 May 00:46
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  1. The coverage tool now takes advantage of pre-sorted intervals via the -sorted option. This allows the coverage tool to be much faster,
    use far less memory, and report coverage for intervals in their original order in the input file.
  2. We have changed the behavior of the coverage tool such that it is consistent with the other tools. Specifically, coverage is now
    computed for the intervals in the A file based on the overlaps with the B file, rather than vice versa.
  3. The subtract tool now supports pre-sorted data via the -sorted option and is therefore much faster and scalable.
  4. The -nonamecheck option provides greater tolerance for chromosome labeling when using the -sorted option.
  5. Support for multiple SVLEN tags in VCF format, and fixed a bug that failed to process SVLEN tags coming at the end of a VCF INFO field.
  6. Support for reverse complementing IUPAC codes in the getfasta tool.
  7. Provided greater flexibility for "BED+" files, where the first 3 columns are chrom, start, and end, and the remaining columns are free-form.
  8. We now detect stale FAI files and recreate an index thanks to a fix from @gtamazian.
  9. New feature from Pierre Lindenbaum allowing the sort tool to sort files based on the chromosome order in a faidx file.
  10. Eliminated multiple compilation warnings thanks to John Marshall.
  11. Fixed bug in handling INS variants in VCF files.

bedtools version 2.23.0

22 Feb 22:48
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New features.

  1. Added -k option to the closest tool to report the k-closest features in one or more -b files.
  2. Added -fd option to the closest tool to for the reporting of downstream features in one or more -b files. Requires -D to dictate how "downstream" should be defined.
  3. Added -fu option to the closest tool to for the reporting of downstream features in one or more -b files. Requires -D to dictate how "downstream" should be defined.
  4. @lindenb added a new split tool that will split an input file into multiple sub files. Unlike UNIX split, it can balance the chunking of the sub files not just by number of lines, but also by total number of base pairs in each sub file.
  5. Added a new spacing tool that reports the distances between features in a file.
  6. @jayhesselberth added a -reverse option to the makewindows tool that reverses the order of the assigned window numbers.

Bug fixes.

  1. Fixed a bug that caused incorrect reporting of overlap for zero-length BED records. Thanks to @roryk.
  2. Fixed a bug that caused the map tool to not allow -b to be specified before -a. Thanks to @semenko.
  3. Fixed a bug in makewindows that mistakenly required -s with -n.

bedtools version 2.22.1

02 Jan 02:22
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  1. When using -sorted with intersect, map, and closest, bedtools can now detect and warn you when your input datasets employ different chromosome sorting orders.
  2. Fixed multiple bugs in the new, faster closest tool. Specifically, the -iu, -id, and -D options were not behaving properly with the new "sweeping" algorithm that was implemented for the 2.22.0 release. Many thanks to Sol Katzman for reporting these issues and for providing a detailed analysis and example files.
  3. We FINALLY wrote proper documentation for the closest tool.
  4. Fixed bug in the tag tool when using -intervals, -names, or -scores. Thanks to Yarden Katz for reporting this.
  5. Fixed issues with chromosome boundaries in the slop tool when using negative distances. Thanks to @acdaugherty!
  6. Multiple improvements to the fisher tool. Added a -m option to the fisher tool to merge overlapping intervals prior to comparing overlaps between two input files. Thanks to @brentp
  7. Fixed a bug in makewindows tool requiring the use of -b with -s.
  8. Fixed a bug in intersect that prevented -split from detecting complete overlaps with -f 1. Thanks to @tleonardi .
  9. Restored the default decimal precision to the groupby tool.
  10. Added the -prec option to the merge and map tools to specific the decimal precision of the output.

bedtools version 2.22.0

11 Nov 18:10
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  1. Multiple database support for the closest tool. The closest tool now requires sorted input, but it is between 10 and 60 times faster depending on the use case.

As an example:

➜  cat mq1.bed
chr1    80  100 q1  1   +

➜  cat mdb1.bed
chr1    5   15  d1.1    1   +
chr1    20  60  d1.2    2   -
chr1    200 220 d1.3    3   -

➜  cat mdb2.bed
chr1    15  35  db2.1   1   -
chr1    120 170 db2.2   2   -
chr1    210 230 db3 3   +

➜  cat mdb3.bed
chr1    70  90  d3.1    3   -

Find the closest interval in each B file.

➜  bedtools closest -a mq1.bed \
          -b mdb1.bed mdb2.bed mdb3.bed \
          -names foo bar biz
chr1    80  100 q1  1   +   foo chr1    20  60  d1.2    2   -
chr1    80  100 q1  1   +   bar chr1    120 170 db2.2   2   -
chr1    80  100 q1  1   +   biz chr1    70  90  d3.1    3   -

Find the closest interval among all B files.

➜  bedtools closest -a mq1.bed \
         -b mdb1.bed mdb2.bed mdb3.bed \
         -names foo bar biz \
         -mdb all
chr1    80  100 q1  1   +   biz chr1    70  90  d3.1    3   -
  1. Support for IMPRECISE SVs in VCF format.
  2. Added the -prec option to grouby to allow control over the reported decimal precision

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed a bug with zero length records.
  2. Fixed a precision bug in the fisher tool. Thanks to @brentp
  3. Fixed a bug in the bamtofastq tool. Thanks to @ryan-williams

bedtools version 2.21.0

18 Sep 19:12
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Version 2.21.0 (18-Sep-2014)

  • Added ability to intersect against multiple -b files in the intersect tool.
  • Fixed a bug causing slowdowns in the -sorted option when using -split with very large split alignments.
  • Added a new fisher tool to report a P-value associated with the significance of the overlaps between two interval sets. Thanks to @brentp!
  • Added a “genome” file for GRCh38. Thanks @martijnvermaat!
  • Fixed a bug in the -pct option of the slop tool. Thanks to @brentp!
  • Tweak to the Makefile to accomodate Intel compilers. Thanks to @jmarshall.
  • Many updates to the docs from the community. Thank you!

bedtools version 2.20.1

24 May 01:41
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  1. Fixed a float rounding bug causing occassional off-by-one issues in the slop added by the slop tool. Thanks to @slw287r.
  2. Fixed a bug injected in 2.19 arising when files have a single line not ending in a newline. Thanks to @cwarden45.

bedtools version 2.20.0

23 May 00:55
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  1. The merge tool now supports BAM input.
  2. The map tool now supports BAM input.
  3. The jaccard tool is now ~3 times faster.
    • It now supports the -split option.
    • It now supports the -s option.
    • It now supports the -S option.
  4. We have fixed several CLANG compiler issues.Thanks to John Marshall for the thorough report.
  5. We added support for “X” and “=” CIGAR operators. Thanks to Pierre Lindenbaum.
  6. Fixed bugs for empty files.
  7. Improved the -incl option in the shuffle tool such that the distibution is much more random.
  8. Fixed a bug in slop when very large slop values are used.

bedtools version 2.19.1

06 Mar 19:26
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  1. Bug fix to intersect causing BAM footers to be erroneously written when -b is BAM
  2. Speedup for the map tool.
  3. Map tool now allows multiple columns and operations in a single run.

bedtools version 2.19.0

09 Feb 02:30
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Setting Release-Version v2.19.0