title | description |
How to get started on any of our tech stacks |
The getting started guides |
We often hear that learning to google (or perhaps DuckDuckGo) and use stack overflow are the most important core competencies of any programmer, but growth and learning happen best outside the vacuum of the internet. This page is a list of the engineering team's favorite resources -tutorials, essays, starting points and general thoughts- on a variety of programming topics.
This is a living document; if you find something out of date or have an addition please open a pull request.
Name | Description |
Egghead.io | a large library of courses, which tend to be very informative and easily digestible. For access check 1Password in the engineering vault. |
b0rk's zines | Julia Evans makes great comics about *nix programming - |
here's a team favorite on learning | |
Scenic tours of pretty much every language | |
@damassi/learn-vim | "It's not so bad, really." |
answer to the classic interview question, "what happens when you type google.com into your browser and hit enter?" |
See also Frontend Practice Resources below
Name | Description |
JavaScript: The Weird Parts | [video] - 'An advanced Javascript course for everyone, giving a deep understanding of the language by understanding how it works under the hood' |
Intro to ES6 | An intro to modern JS features |
Modern JS explained for dinosaurs | How we got from <script src='foo'/> <script src='bar' /> <script... to export default App |
See also Platform Practice Resources below
Name | Description |
advancedreact | Advanced React course. For access check 1Password in the engineering vault “React + Graph QL Course)” |
See also Platform Practice Resources below
Name | Description |
Scala Exercises | Exercises divided by topic (std lib, akka, play, fp...) |
Ramping up a team in scala | Short video tour of the language from Thoughtworks engineer Susie Marshall |
Effective Scala | Style Guide + Patterns from Twitter |
Free ebooks from Underscore | Essential Scala, Slick, Play... |
Scala Book | Free Scala book from Alvin Alexander |
iOS, and specifically iOS at Artsy, is such a large topic that we have resources collected under the
Name | Description |
Cocoa Core Competencies | Deprecated but still useful context around development for iOS, especially Objective-C |
Name | Description |
RailsGuides | Good starting points for foundational Rails Concepts, covention over configuration and so on |
Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial | Another popular rails tutorial in book form |
Platform Practice |
Name | Description |
[A.] JavaScriptures | A series of Artsy workshops covering our 2018 frontend stack: Js, TypeScript, React, Relay and more |
[A.] Is GraphQL the future? | Thoughts from Artsy Alum Alan Johnson |
Getting Started- React | From the official react docs |
React Patterns | A rundown on clean & effective react syntax |
How to pass props to components in React | Key to understanding React as a whole |
Learn GraphQL | "GraphQL is a query language for your API" - specify only the data you need in the shape that works for your application |
Relay | Define your components' api dependencies in the same file and let relay request them automatically via GraphQL |
Redux - Egghead.io | [subscription required] An introduction to Redux with creator Dan Abramov |
A Gist about Jest and Enzyme | Difference between shallow , mount and render of Enzyme |
TypeScript Deep Dive | Get to the part where TypeScript feels good quicker |
The hidden power of Jest matchers | Check out all the cool matchers built into Jest |
See also JavaScript & Swift + Objective C
Name | Description |
React Native | The official docs |
iOS Learning Group (Notion) 🔐 | |
iOS Learning Resources |