Oxalis should adapt to the changing requirements of PEPPOL transport and the BIS/EHF formats.
- 2014-xx-xx PEPPOL BIS v1 will be discontinued
- 2014-10-01 EHF v1.6 - faktura og kreditnota støttes ikke lenger
- 2014-09-01 PEPPOL BIS v2 becomes mandatory (BIS v1 becomes optional)
- 2014-09-01 EHF v2.0 - faktura og kreditnota obligatorisk for sender (leverandører)
- 2014-09-01 Changed PEPPOL policy - AS2 is required
- 2014-07-01 EHF v2.0 – faktura og kreditnota obligatorisk for mottakere
- 2014-04-01 Changed PEPPOL policy - START is optional for new access points in PEPPOL
- 2014-03-01 PEPPOL BIS v2 is optional
- Removal of obsolete / discontinued features (START, EHF v1.6, PILOT certs)
- Update tests to EHF v2.0 as v1.6 is phased out
- Bug fixes, enhancements, optimizations
- Rewritten meta data extraction from BIS/EHF documents
- Correctly identifying sender / receiver for BIS/EHF document types
- Finalized AS2 support and related bug fixes.
- Supports BIS v2 and EHF v2 formats
- Contains AS2 support aligned with other AS2-implementations in the marked.
- Updated API (should be final for 3.0)
- Should be used to prepare for production
- Contains AS2 support
- Updated API (still in flux)