NSDb exposes a Command Line Interface to perform simple SQL operations. NSDb CLI allows to execute SQL statements such as:
- data retrieval (SELECT statements)
- data deletion (DELETE statements)
- data insertion (INSERT statements)
Furthermore users can execute schema related operations, commonly defined as commands :
- retrieve namespaces, metrics lists
- retrieve metric description
NSDb CLI makes use of gRPC client to communicate with NSDb cluster.
CLI launch command:
./nsdb-cli --host --port 7817 --database database_name
accepts 4 parameters:
--host : NSDb host address, default value is localhost (mandatory)
--port : NSDb host port, default value is 7817 (mandatory)
--database: database name on which establish connection (mandatory)
--with: table max with (optional)
To perform previously described operations users must select the namespace on which execute statements:
use namespace_name
If users try to execute commands or statements, without selecting the operating namespace, will get the following error:
Namespace must be selected
Existing namespaces can be retrieved using the following command:
show namespaces
nsdb $ show namespaces
|Namespace Name |
Existing metrics for the selected namespace can be retrieved using :
show metrics
nsdb $ show metrics
|Metric Name |
|people |
Users can access metric schema using the below-mentioned command, returning a tabular description of metric's dimensions. Each dimension is described by name and data type.
describe metric_name
Results example :
nsdb $ describe famous_people
|Field |Type |
|Name | |
|name |VARCHAR|
|surname |VARCHAR|
|timestamp|BIGINT |
|value |BIGINT |
SQL Statements such as SELECT
from metrics can be executed using NSDb CLI. Statements' execution results are display in console using tabular representation.
Statements' syntax is the same described in NSDb SQL Dialect Documentation.
nsdb $ select * from famous_people
|timestamp |value|name |surname|
|1525439380976|1 |John |Wayne |
|1525439777854|2 |Harrison|Ford |
nsdb $ select count(*) from famous_people
|0 |2 |2 |
nsdb $ select * from people
Statement executed successfully, no records to display
nsdb $ INSERT INTO famous_people DIM(name=John, surname='Wayne') VAL=1
|timestamp |value|name|surname|
|1525439380976|1 |John|Wayne |
nsdb $ INSERT INTO famous_people DIM(name=Harrison, surname=Ford) VAL=2
|timestamp |value|name |surname|
|1525439777854|2 |Harrison|Ford |
nsdb $ delete from famous_people where name = John
Statement executed successfully, no records to display