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ArviZ Release Checklist

Osvaldo Martin edited this page Dec 17, 2018 · 10 revisions

This documents the recommended procedure for creating a new release of ArviZ. Each of the following steps should be executed in order:

  1. Create branch for release, and check out this branch.

  2. Ensure that the example notebooks in docs/source/notebooks run without error.

  3. Increment the version number. This is currently located in arviz\

  4. Install for local development (with new version number), and run tests:

    python develop
    pytest arviz/tests
  5. Test that it installs with pip:

    • create test virtual environment (virtualenv)
    • activate virtualenv
    • install to virtualenv with pip
    • deactivate and delete virtualenv
  6. Push branch to GitHub and confirm TravisCI test pass.

  7. Merge into master.

  8. Draft a new release using github

  9. Release on PyPI using Twine:

    python sdist bdist_wheel
    twine upload dist/*
  10. Announce the good news on twitter!

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