This is a module that sends Zipkin trace data to a configurable HTTP endpoint.
npm install zipkin-transport-http --save
const {
jsonEncoder: {JSON_V2}
} = require('zipkin');
const {HttpLogger} = require('zipkin-transport-http');
const noop = require('noop-logger');
const recorder = new BatchRecorder({
logger: new HttpLogger({
endpoint: 'http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans', // Required
jsonEncoder: JSON_V2, // JSON encoder to use. Optional (defaults to JSON_V1)
httpInterval: 1000, // How often to sync spans. Optional (defaults to 1000)
headers: {'Authorization': 'secret'}, // Custom HTTP headers. Optional
timeout: 1000, // Timeout for HTTP Post. Optional (defaults to 0)
maxPayloadSize: 0 // Max payload size for zipkin span. Optional (defaults to 0)
agent: new http.Agent({keepAlive: true}), // Agent used for network related options. Optional (defaults to null)
log: noop // Logger to use. Optional (defaults to console)
fetchImplementation: require('node-fetch') // Pluggable fetch implementation (defaults to global fetch or fallsback to node fetch)
const tracer = new Tracer({
ctxImpl, // this would typically be a CLSContext or ExplicitContext
localServiceName: 'service-a' // name of this application
- endpoint - HTTP endpoint which spans will be sent.
- agent - HTTP(S) agent to use for any networking related options.
// Example using a self-signed CA, along with cert/key for mTLS.
new HttpLogger({
endpoint: 'http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans',
agent: new http.Agent({
ca: fs.readFileSync('pathToCaCert'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('pathToCert'),
key: fs.readFileSync('pathToPrivateKey')
- headers - Any additional HTTP headers to be sent with span.
- Will set
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
at a minimum
- Will set
- httpInterval - How often to sync spans.
- Defaults to 1000
- jsonEncoder - JSON encoder to use when sending spans.
- Defaults to JSON_V1
- maxPayloadSize - Max payload size for zipkin span.
- Will drop any spans exceeding this threshold.
- Defaults to 0 (Disabled)
- log - Internal logger used within the transport.
- Defaults to console
- timeout - Timeout for HTTP Post when sending spans.
- Defaults to 0 (Disabled)
- fetchImplementation - The fetch API to be used for sending spans.
Defaults to default global fetch or fallsback to
. -
A different fetch implementation can be plugged to fulfill different requirements, for example one can use fetch-retry to allow retries and exponential back-off:
const {HttpLogger} = require('zipkin-transport-http'); const fetch = require('node-fetch'); const fetchRetryBuilder = require('fetch-retry'); const fetchRetryOptions = { // retry on any network error, or > 408 or 5xx status codes retryOn: (attempt, error, response) => error !== null || response == null || response.status >= 408, retryDelay: tryIndex => 1000 ** tryIndex // with an exponentially growing backoff }; const fetchImplementation = fetchRetryBuilder(fetch, fetchRetryOptions); const httpLogger = new HttpLogger({ endpoint: `http://localhost:9411/api/v1/spans`, httpInterval: 1, fetchImplementation });