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Installation and Deployment

This document describes installation and deployment of the application on Ubuntu Server. Tested on Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTE.

Table of content

  1. Install requirements
  2. Ruby
  3. MySQL Server
  4. Phusion Passenger for Apache2
  5. Deploy application
  6. Apache Host file
  7. Passenger restart configuration
  8. Permissions
  9. Install missing gems
  10. Application configuration
  11. Secrets
  12. Database connection & rake
  13. Cron job
  14. Application settings and variables
  15. Links

Install requirements

1.i Install Ruby

We recommend to install ruby with a Manager such as Ruby Version Manager (RVM). This installation may conflict with prior ruby installations. Full documentation is available here.

Install RVM: We advise a multiuser installation. That way you don't have to setup and configure the ruby environment for multiple users.

Install the stable version of RVM with the command

\curl -sSL | sudo bash -s stable

Install Ruby Version 2.2.1

rvm install 2.2.1

You can check the installation with

ruby -v

Disable rdoc and ri installation for every gem by adding the following line to your ~/.gemrc or /etc/gemrc

gem: --no-rdoc --no-ri

Install Rails Version 4.2.0

gem install rails -v 4.2.0

1.ii MySQL Server

Install MySQL Server and thedatabase development files

sudo apt-get install mysql-server
sudo apt get install libmysqlclient-dev

You can reset the root password with

sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.5

1.iii Phusion Passenger for Apache2

The Apache2 Webserver is most likely pre-installed, if not you can install Apache2 with

sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-doc

Full installation documentation for Phusion Passenger can be found here.

You can install Passenger via APT Repository or Gem:

gem install passenger

The gem only contains source files. You need to run the installer:


Check if Apache loads Passenger

sudo a2enmod passenger

Verify that Passenger is running


Deploy application

2.i Configure Apache

Deploy the application to /var/www/webapp or another directory. You need to create an Host file for Apache. Browse to /etc/apache2/sites-available

Create a new file ror.conf containing the lines

<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot /var/www/webapp/public
  Alias /phpmyadmin /var/www/phpmyadmin
  <Directory /var/www/webapp/public>
    Allow from all
    Options -MultiViews
    PassengerAppEnv development
    # Uncomment this if you're on Apache >= 2.4:
    #Require all granted

The variable PassengerAppEnv defines the ruby Environment. For more information see here.

2.ii Passenger restart coniguration

Passenger needs a file called restart.txt to be able to automatically restart (e.g if you use continouse integration). Browse to the applicatipon directory /var/www/webapp and create a tmp directory and a restart file:

mkdir tmp
touch tmp/restart.txt

The file doesn't need to have any content.

2.iii Permissions

The Spring gem needs to write to /tmp. You need to change the directory permissions if the spring gem is denied access:

sudo chmod 1777 -R /tmp

(not 777 nor tmp/)

2.iv Install missing gems

Browse to the application root webapp/. In the terminal type

bundle install

3 Application configuration

3.i Secrets File

A secrets file named secrets.yml must be present in webapp/config and contain the Twitter keys in addition to the secret key base:

twitter_client_consumer_key: ****
twitter_client_consumer_secret: ****
twitter_client_access_token: ****

3.ii Database connection & rake

The database connection can be configured in the file database.yml located in webapp/config. Our default configuration is:

adapter: mysql2
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
username: root
password: root
encoding: utf8mb4
collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci

If you have trouble connecting to the DB, you may specifie the socket path:

socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

The socket path may vary. In the application root path ẁebapp/ you can invoke rake to create your DB tables with

rake db:create

If you need to reset the DB type

rake db:reset

3.iii Cron Job

If you have configured the application you can invoke the cron job. Browse to the application directory /var/www/webapp and run in the terminal

whenever --update-crontab MegaUltraTweet

You can check the cron jobs with

crontab -l

and edit them with

crontab -e

or directly in the file webapp/config/shedule.rb .The cron log file is located in webapp/log/

3.iv Application settings and variables

The application settings can be changed by setting the global variables in webapp/config/application.rb.

# Global Variables
# These values will be initiated as the first hashtags
# They are always part of the first Startingpoint object
DEFAULT_STARTING_VALUES = %w[ Technology Smartphone ]
# Only tweets since this date are taken into account when searching twitter
TWEETS_SINCE_STRING = 2.days.ago.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# Short rollover is performed every n minutes
# Long rollover is performed every n days
# Popularity class returns times of usage of an object for this many short rollover entries
# Time interval should be consistent with INTERVAL_SHORT_TIME
# Popularity class returns times of usage of an object for this many short rollover entries
# Time interval should be consistent with INTERVAL_LONG_TIME
# This many hashtags are included in the top/bottom statistic
# used by the Trending object
# This many hashtags are added to the Startingpoint object
# Maximum number of hashtags in Startingpoint object
# Recursive steps taken during search
# Number of hashtags to start a new query during search
# Get this many tweets from twitter for each search
# All tweets older than this are removed during rollover
# Search during rollover will stop after this many searches
# Add some buffer for user input. Max searches provided by twitter is at 450
# This is the limit as how many tweets in the DB are to be considered. Set to nil to disable.
# Save and analyse tweet only if rank is higher than this value
