Installation | Examples | Feedback | Change log
(18 Feb 2025)
A suite of graph functions for Stata. The program is designed to be called by other programs, but it can be used as a standalone as well. The page will provide some minimum examples, but for the full scope, see the relevant help files.
Currently, this package contains:
Program | Version | Updated | Description |
labsplit | 1.1 | 08 Oct 2024 | Text wrapping |
catspline | 1.2 | 18 Feb 2025 | Catmull-Rom splines |
arc | 1.2 | 20 Nov 2024 | Draw arcs between two points |
shapes | 1.3 | 05 Nov 2024 | Contains shapes circle , shapes pie , shapes square , shapes rotate , shapes area |
The programs here are designed/upgraded/bug-fixed on a needs basis, mostly to support other packages. If you have specific requests, or find major bugs, then please open an issue.
The package can be installed via SSC or GitHub. The GitHub version, might be more recent due to bug fixes, feature updates etc, and may contain syntax improvements and changes in default values. See version numbers below. Eventually the GitHub version is published on SSC.
SSC (v1.51):
ssc install graphfunctions, replace
GitHub (v1.52):
net install graphfunctions, from("") replace
See the help file help graphfunctions
for details.
If you want to make a clean figure, then it is advisable to load a clean scheme, especially if you are not using newer Stata versions. My own setting is the following:
ssc install schemepack, replace
set scheme white_tableau
graph set window fontface "Arial Narrow"
(v1.1: 08 Oct 2024)
The program allows users to split text labels based on flexible or fixed character length or word positions.
labsplit variable, [ wrap(int) word(int) strict generate(newvar) ]
set obs 5
gen x = 1
gen y = _n
gen mylab = ""
replace mylab = "Test this really-hyphenated label." in 1
replace mylab = "Yet another label to test." in 2
replace mylab = "This is the third label" in 3
replace mylab = "How about we test this label as well" in 4
replace mylab = "Finally we are at the fifth label" in 5
Let's test the labsplit
labsplit mylab, wrap(10) gen(newlab1)
labsplit mylab, wrap(10) gen(newlab2) strict
labsplit mylab, word(2) gen(newlab3)
Code for figures:
twoway (scatter y x, mlabel(mylab) mlabsize(3)), title("Standard")
twoway (scatter y x, mlabel(newlab1) mlabsize(3)), title("Wrapping")
twoway (scatter y x, mlabel(newlab2) mlabsize(3)), title("Wrapping strict")
twoway (scatter y x, mlabel(newlab3) mlabsize(3)), title("Word wrap")
(v1.2: 18 Feb 2025)
The program allows users to generate splines based on the Catmull-Rom algorithm.
catspline y x, [ rho(num [0,1]) obs(int) close genx(newvar) geny(newvar) ]
set obs 5
set seed 2021
gen x = runiformint(1,5)
gen y = runiformint(1,5)
catspline y x
twoway ///
(scatter y x) ///
(line _y _x, cmissing(n))
cap drop _id _x _y
catspline y x, close
twoway ///
(scatter y x) ///
(line _y _x, cmissing(n))
Draw minor or major arcs between two points. The arc orientation and be switched using swap
, and major arcs can be drawn using major
arc, x1(num) y1(num) x2(num) y2(num) [ radius(num) n(int) swap major genx(newvar) geny(newvar) replace ]
arc, y1(-2) x1(-4) y2(4) x2(2) rad(6) replace
twoway ///
(scatteri -2 -4) (scatteri 4 2) ///
(scatteri `r(ycirc)' `r(xcirc)') ///
(line _y _x) ///
, legend(order(1 "Point 1" 2 "Point 2" 3 "Circumcenter" 4 "Arc") pos(6) row(1)) ///
xlabel(-10(2)10) ylabel(-10(2)10) aspect(1) xsize(1) ysize(1) ///
title("Right of starting point - minor")
arc, y1(-2) x1(-4) y2(4) x2(2) rad(6) major replace
twoway ///
(scatteri -2 -4) (scatteri 4 2) ///
(scatteri `r(ycirc)' `r(xcirc)') ///
(line _y _x) ///
, legend(order(1 "Point 1" 2 "Point 2" 3 "Circumcenter" 4 "Arc") pos(6) row(1)) ///
xlabel(-10(2)10) ylabel(-10(2)10) aspect(1) xsize(1) ysize(1) ///
title("Right of starting point - major")
arc, y1(-2) x1(-4) y2(4) x2(2) rad(6) swap replace
twoway ///
(scatteri -2 -4) (scatteri 4 2) ///
(scatteri `r(ycirc)' `r(xcirc)') ///
(line _y _x) ///
, legend(order(1 "Point 1" 2 "Point 2" 3 "Circumcenter" 4 "Arc") pos(6) row(1)) ///
xlabel(-10(2)10) ylabel(-10(2)10) aspect(1) xsize(1) ysize(1) ///
title("Left of starting point - minor")
arc, y1(-2) x1(-4) y2(4) x2(2) rad(6) swap major replace
twoway ///
(scatteri -2 -4) (scatteri 4 2) ///
(scatteri `r(ycirc)' `r(xcirc)') ///
(line _y _x) ///
, legend(order(1 "Point 1" 2 "Point 2" 3 "Circumcenter" 4 "Arc") pos(6) row(1)) ///
xlabel(-10(2)10) ylabel(-10(2)10) aspect(1) xsize(1) ysize(1) ///
title("Left of starting point - Major")
shape circle, [ n(int) rotate(degrees) radius(num) x0(num) y0(num) genx(newvar) geny(newvar) genorder(newvar) genid(newvar) replace stack/append ]
shapes circle, replace
twoway ///
(connected _y _x, mlabel(_order)) ///
, xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1) ///
xlabel(-10 10) ylabel(-10 10)
shapes circle, n(6) replace
twoway ///
(connected _y _x, mlabel(_order)) ///
, xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1) ///
xlabel(-10 10) ylabel(-10 10)
shapes circle, n(6) rotate(30) replace
twoway ///
(connected _y _x, mlabel(_order)) ///
, xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1) ///
xlabel(-10 10) ylabel(-10 10)
shapes circle, rotate(45) rad(8) n(4) replace
twoway ///
(connected _y _x, mlabel(_order)) ///
, xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1) ///
xlabel(-10 10) ylabel(-10 10)
shapes circle, n(100) replace
twoway ///
(line _y _x) ///
, xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1) ///
xlabel(-10 10) ylabel(-10 10)
shapes circle, n(8) replace
shapes circle, rotate(30) n(6) rad(8) append
shapes circle, rotate(60) n(4) rad(3) x0(1) y0(1) append
twoway (connected _y _x, cmissing(n)), aspect(1)
shape pie, [ n(int) start(degrees) end(degrees) rotate(degrees) radius(num) x0(num) y0(num) genx(newvar) geny(newvar) genorder(newvar) genid(newvar) dropbase replace stack/append ]
shapes pie, end(60) replace
twoway (area _y _x), xlabel(-10 10) ylabel(-10 10) xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
shapes pie, start(0) end(270) n(200) replace
twoway (area _y _x), xlabel(-10 10) ylabel(-10 10) xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
shapes pie, start(0) end(45) ro(0) rad(5) replace
shapes pie, start(0) end(45) ro(30) rad(6) stack
shapes pie, start(0) end(45) ro(60) rad(7) stack
shapes pie, start(0) end(45) ro(90) rad(8) stack
shapes pie, start(0) end(45) ro(120) rad(9) stack
shapes pie, start(0) end(45) ro(150) rad(10) stack
twoway (area _y _x, fcolor(%90) cmissing(n) nodropbase) ///
, xlabel(-10 10) ylabel(-10 10) xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
without base:
shapes pie, start(0) end(230) rad(10) rotate(90) n(200) dropbase replace
shapes pie, start(0) end(230) rad(9) rotate(90) n(200) dropbase append
shapes pie, start(0) end(200) rad(8) rotate(90) n(200) dropbase append
shapes pie, start(0) end(180) rad(7) rotate(90) n(200) dropbase append
shapes pie, start(0) end(160) rad(6) rotate(90) n(200) dropbase append
twoway (line _y _x, cmissing(n) nodropbase) ///
, xlabel(-10 10) ylabel(-10 10) xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
without base flipped direction:
shapes pie, start(0) end(350) rad(10) rotate(90) n(200) dropbase flip replace
shapes pie, start(0) end(150) rad(9) rotate(90) n(200) dropbase flip append
shapes pie, start(0) end(130) rad(8) rotate(90) n(200) dropbase flip append
shapes pie, start(0) end(80) rad(7) rotate(90) n(200) dropbase flip append
shapes pie, start(0) end(60) rad(6) rotate(90) n(200) dropbase flip append
twoway (line _y _x, cmissing(n) nodropbase) ///
, xlabel(-10 10) ylabel(-10 10) xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
shapes square, len(8) rotate(90) replace
twoway ///
(area _y _x, nodropbase fcolor(%50)) ///
(scatter _y _x, mlab(_order)) ///
, ///
legend(off) ///
xlabel(-10(2)10) ylabel(-10(2)10) xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
shapes square, x0(1) y0(1) len(10) rotate(40) replace
shapes square, x0(1) y0(1) len(9) rotate(30) append
shapes square, x0(1) y0(1) len(8) rotate(20) append
shapes square, x0(1) y0(1) len(7) rotate(10) append
shapes square, x0(1) y0(1) len(6) rotate(0) append
twoway ///
(area _y _x, cmissing(n) nodropbase fcolor(%100) lw(0.1) lc(white)) ///
, ///
legend(off) ///
xlabel(-10(2)10) ylabel(-10(2)10) xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
Let's generate a basic shape:
shapes square, x0( 5) y0(0) len(5) replace
shapes square, x0(-5) y0(0) len(5) append
twoway ///
(area _y _x, cmissing(n) nodropbase fcolor(%80) lw(0.1) lc(white)) ///
(scatteri 0 0) ///
, ///
legend(off) ///
xlabel(-10(2)10) ylabel(-10(2)10) xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
shapes rotate _y _x, rotate(30)
twoway ///
(area _y _x, cmissing(n) nodropbase fcolor(%80) lw(0.1) lc(white)) ///
(area ynew xnew, cmissing(n) nodropbase fcolor(%80) lw(0.1) lc(white)) ///
(scatteri 0 0) ///
, ///
legend(off) ///
xlabel(-10(2)10) ylabel(-10(2)10) xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
shapes rotate _y _x, rotate(30) x0(5) y0(5) genx(xnew) geny(ynew)
twoway ///
(area _y _x, cmissing(n) nodropbase fcolor(%80) lw(0.1) lc(white)) ///
(area ynew xnew, cmissing(n) nodropbase fcolor(%80) lw(0.1) lc(white)) ///
(scatteri 0 0) ///
, ///
legend(off) ///
xlabel(-10(2)10) ylabel(-10(2)10) xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
shapes rotate _y _x, rotate(60) center genx(xnew2) geny(ynew2)
twoway ///
(area _y _x, cmissing(n) nodropbase fcolor(%80) lw(0.1) lc(white)) ///
(area ynew2 xnew2, cmissing(n) nodropbase fcolor(%80) lw(0.1) lc(white)) ///
(scatteri 0 0) ///
, ///
legend(off) ///
xlabel(-10(2)10) ylabel(-10(2)10) xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
shapes rotate _y _x, rotate(30) center by(_id) genx(xnew3) geny(ynew3)
twoway ///
(area _y _x, cmissing(n) nodropbase fcolor(%80) lw(0.1) lc(white)) ///
(area ynew3 xnew3, cmissing(n) nodropbase fcolor(%80) lw(0.1) lc(white)) ///
(scatteri 0 0) ///
, ///
legend(off) ///
xlabel(-10(2)10) ylabel(-10(2)10) xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
shapes pie, start(0) end(45) ro(0) rad(5) replace
shapes pie, start(0) end(45) ro(30) rad(6) stack
shapes pie, start(0) end(45) ro(60) rad(7) stack
shapes pie, start(0) end(45) ro(90) rad(8) stack
shapes pie, start(0) end(45) ro(120) rad(9) stack
shapes pie, start(0) end(45) ro(150) rad(10) stack
twoway (area _y _x, fcolor(%90) cmissing(n) nodropbase) ///
, xlabel(-10 10) ylabel(-10 10) xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
calculate the areas
shapes area _y _x, by(_id)
Generate some ranking of areas and plot
xtile grps = _area, n(4)
levelsof _id, local(lvls)
foreach x of local lvls {
colorpalette reds, nograph
local myarea `myarea' (area _y _x if _id==`x', fcolor("`r(p`x')'%90") lc("`r(p`x')'") cmissing(n) nodropbase)
twoway ///
`myarea' ///
, ///
xlabel(-10 10) ylabel(-10 10) ///
legend(off) ///
xsize(1) ysize(1) aspect(1)
Please open an issue to report errors, feature enhancements, and/or other requests.
v1.52 (18 Feb 2025)
now generate the stated number of points.catspline
now respectsif/in
conditions.- Minor corrections and bug fixes.
v1.51 (28 Nov 2024)
- Fixed
to correct generate splines. Added options to replace variables. Change in routine to make it more efficient in computations. - Added
. Various bug fixes. - Added
as a substitute forstack
. - Added
in `shapes.
v1.5 (05 Nov 2024)
shapes square
added for squares. Note thatshapes circle, n(4)
also returns a square but here we define the center-to-corner length using the radius, where asshapes square
generates a side with a predefined length. Hence the area ofshapes circle, n(4) rad(5)
>shapes square, len(5)
.shapes rotate
added for generation rotations at specific points or center of shapes. Note that this is a more advanced rotation than what each individual function provides.shapes area
added for calculating the areas (currently in undefined units) using Meister's shoelace formula.- Option
added as a substitute forstack
. This is more in line with standard Stata syntax. - Option
added to change the drawing direction. This flips from counter-clockwise (Stata default) to clockwise. - Better information added for rotations, orientations, and starting points.
- Cleanup of helpfiles.
v1.4 (15 Oct 2024)
is now also mirrored asshape
.shape circle
updated, andshape pie
added.- In
, users can now also define an origin usingx0()
options. - More controls and checks.
v1.3 (13 Oct 2024)
added. Minor fixes to index tracking.arc
bug fixes plus code cleanup.
v1.2 (08 Oct 2024)
added.- Bug fixes in
. - Additional checks in programs.
v1.1 (04 Oct 2024)
v1.0 (28 Sep 2024)
added.- Public release.