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ssh login-attempt monitoring

This repo is based on this create article called Geolocating SSH Hackers In Real-Time, and goes in a little more details in setting-up the environment. I will be using kubernetes to run the following pieces:

  • infludb: the time series database
  • grafana: for visualizing the login attempts on a map
  • login collector: tcp socket listener called by rsyslogd

In the first step we will go trough the basic setup of the components:

  1. influxdb
  2. grafana
  3. logincollector
  4. rsyslog

and in a second step will will configure these components.

1. Setting up influxdb

1.1. Install

The setup of influxdb is pretty straignt forward: we will not expose influxdb to the network (because we don't need this in this use-case). We will be using helm as the package manager to do the install, based on a slightly modified values.yml.

helm install --name influxdb -f ./values7influxdb/values.yaml stable/influxdb --namespace influxdb


The influxdb user is admin and you can retrieve the auto-generated password with: kubectl -n influxdb get secret influxdb-influxdb-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.influxdb-password}" | base64 -d

1.2. Create the database

We will use the influxdb cli to connect and create the database login-attempts.

First, retrieve the password: export PASSWORD=$(kubectl -n influxdb get secret influxdb-influxdb-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.influxdb-password}" | base64 -d)

Then forward the local port 8086 to the influxdb pod: kubectl port-forward --namespace influxdb $(kubectl get pods --namespace influxdb -l app=influxdb-influxdb -o jsonpath='{ .items[0] }') 8086:8086

...and finally connect to the database: influx -host -port 8086 -username admin -password $PASSWORD

Now create the database: create database "login-attempts" with duration 30d

2. Setting up grafana

2.1. Install

We will use helm to setup grafana as well:

helm install --name grafana -f ./values/grafana/values.yaml stable/grafana --namespace grafana

and retrieve the password (the username is admin):

kubectl get secret --namespace grafana grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo

To expose grafana to the network we need an ingress and there are two ways to deploy that kubernetes object:

  1. let helm create the ingress by setting ingress.enabled to true in values/grafana/values.yaml
  2. Deploy an own ingress: this is the way I prefer to do things because I use traefik as an ingress controller on my kubernetes cluster, that takes care of generating Let's Encrypt certificates automatically for any new ingress. Aside from that I did not want to expose grafana to the internet so I added a whitelist-source-range definition to the ingress to make sure that grafana only accepts incoming traffic coming from my local network.

To create the ingress using Traefik:

  1. Edit the hostname in manifests/grafana/ingress.yaml
  2. Deploy the ingress: kubectl -n grafana apply -f manifests/grafana/ingress.yaml

2.2. Add Worldmap Panel

Next we will add the Worldmap panel to grafana.

  1. connect to the grafana pod: kubectl -n grafana exec -it $(kubectl get pods --namespace grafana -l app=grafana -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') /bin/bash
  2. Install the panel: grafana-cli plugins install grafana-worldmap-panel
  3. Force the pod to restart: kubectl -n grafana delete pod $(kubectl get pods --namespace grafana -l app=grafana -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
  4. Wait for grafana to restart and verify that the panel is available: click "Add Dashboard" and check that the "Worldmap Panel" is available

2.3. Add datasource to influxdb

  1. Go to "Configuration - Datasources" and select "Add Datasource"
  2. Select "InfluxDB"
  3. Name the datasource InfluxDB
  4. Add the cluster internal URL: http://influxdb-influxdb.influxdb.svc:8086
  5. Enter the database name: _internal (the default database)
  6. Add admin and his password as credentials
  7. Hit save and test: you should see a positiv test-result

3. Deploying the log receiver

3.1. Create an account

The tcp listener uses to resolve IPs to geohashes.

1. Register a free account at 1. Grab your API key and add it to config.json

**Update 2019-03-31: I reached's quota of free api-calls far too soon so I moved to the free (for non commercial use)

3.2. Build and deploy

The log receiver is a tcp socket listener written in nodejs that will get called from rsyslogd.

We will deploy it as container to kubernetes, and expose it through a nodePort (we can not use an ingress as the communication will happen over tcp, not http):

  1. Build the container: docker build -t <your-dockerhub-name>/logincollector:<tag>
  2. Push the container: docker push <your-dockerhub-name>/logincollector:<tag>
  3. Change the deployment in manifests/logincollector/deployment.yaml according to your docker image
  4. Create the namespace: kubectl create ns logincollector
  5. Deploy: kubectl -n logincollector apply -f manifests/logincollector/

You should see the following output:

deployment.apps "collector-deployment" created
service "collector-svc" created

Now get the details of the service: kubectl -n logincollector get svc

That should display something like this:

NAME            TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
collector-svc   NodePort   <none>        8080:31829/TCP   40s

Where 31829 is the port that is exposed on each closter node. We will need this port to configure the log shipping in the rsyslogd config.

4. Configure rsyslogd

4.1. Find out the log pattern we are looking for

On the node running sshd check the result of less /var/log/auth.log | grep ssh. The output may look like this:

Feb 20 11:59:55 pve sshd[31596]: Invalid user netflow from port 48854
Feb 20 11:59:55 pve sshd[31596]: Invalid user netflow from port 48854
Feb 20 11:59:55 pve sshd[31596]: input_userauth_request: invalid user netflow [preauth]
Feb 20 11:59:55 pve sshd[31596]: input_userauth_request: invalid user netflow [preauth]
Feb 20 11:59:55 pve sshd[31596]: Received disconnect from port 48854:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Feb 20 11:59:55 pve sshd[31596]: Received disconnect from port 48854:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Feb 20 11:59:55 pve sshd[31596]: Disconnected from port 48854 [preauth]
Feb 20 11:59:55 pve sshd[31596]: Disconnected from port 48854 [preauth]
Feb 20 12:00:20 pve sshd[31651]: Invalid user mc from port 41876
Feb 20 12:00:20 pve sshd[31651]: Invalid user mc from port 41876
Feb 20 12:00:20 pve sshd[31651]: input_userauth_request: invalid user mc [preauth]
Feb 20 12:00:20 pve sshd[31651]: input_userauth_request: invalid user mc [preauth]
Feb 20 12:00:20 pve sshd[31651]: Received disconnect from port 41876:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Feb 20 12:00:20 pve sshd[31651]: Received disconnect from port 41876:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Feb 20 12:00:20 pve sshd[31651]: Disconnected from port 41876 [preauth]
Feb 20 12:00:20 pve sshd[31651]: Disconnected from port 41876 [preauth]
Feb 20 12:01:36 pve sshd[31816]: Invalid user ts3 from port 33903
Feb 20 12:01:36 pve sshd[31816]: Invalid user ts3 from port 33903
Feb 20 12:01:36 pve sshd[31816]: input_userauth_request: invalid user ts3 [preauth]
Feb 20 12:01:36 pve sshd[31816]: input_userauth_request: invalid user ts3 [preauth]
Feb 20 12:01:36 pve sshd[31816]: Received disconnect from port 33903:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Feb 20 12:01:36 pve sshd[31816]: Received disconnect from port 33903:11: Bye Bye [preauth]
Feb 20 12:01:36 pve sshd[31816]: Disconnected from port 33903 [preauth]
Feb 20 12:01:36 pve sshd[31816]: Disconnected from port 33903 [preauth]

(IP addresses have been redacted)

Your log may look different so you may have to adapt the patterns. What we are looking for here is: Invalid user netflow from port 48854, so a less /var/log/auth.log | grep ssh | grep " Invalid user" will show the list of login attempts we are looking for.

4.2. Create the rsysdlog rules

Edit /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf and add:

#  Default rules for rsyslog.
#                       For more information see rsyslog.conf(5) and /etc/rsyslog.conf

# First some standard log files.  Log by facility.

if $programname == 'sshd' then {
   if $msg startswith ' Invalid user' then {
      # Transform and forward data!
      action(type="omfwd" queue.type="LinkedList" action.resumeRetryCount="-1" queue.size="10000" queue.saveonshutdown="on" target="" port="31829" protocol="tcp" template="ip-json")
#   stop

auth,authpriv.*                 /var/log/auth.log
*.*;auth,authpriv.none          -/var/log/syslog
#cron.*                         /var/log/cron.log
#daemon.*                       -/var/log/daemon.log
kern.*                          -/var/log/kern.log
#lpr.*                          -/var/log/lpr.log
mail.*                          -/var/log/mail.log
#user.*                         -/var/log/user.log

What this script does is pretty straight forward:

  • if $programname == 'sshd' then { filters for log entries coming from sshd
  • if $msg startswith ' Invalid user' then { describes the entries we are lookging for (see 4.1.)
  • action(type="omfwd" target="<your-kubernetes-node-ip-goes-here>" port="<your-nodeport-goes-here>" protocol="tcp" template="ip-json") uses the omfwd forwarder to send log entries as tcp packets (see protocol) to the IP defined in target and to the port defined in port
  • additional options to the action make sure that no message is lost. See here for more details:
  • template="ip-json" describes the format of the tcp packet that we are going to define in the next step

4.3. Create the message template

Still on the node running sshd, edit /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf and add:

# We handle "Invalid user q from port 10664"
template(name="ip-json" type="string" string="{\"username\":\"%msg:R,ERE,1,DFLT:^ Invalid.*user ([a-zA-Z]*).* ([0-9][0-9]*[0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*[0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*[0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*[0-9]*).* port ([0-9]*)--end%\",\"ip\":\"%msg:R,ERE,2,DFLT:^ Invalid.*user ([a-zA-Z]*).* ([0-9][0-9]*[0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*[0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*[0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*[0-9]*).* port ([0-9]*)--end%\",\"port\":\"%msg:R,ERE,3,DFLT:^ Invalid.*user ([a-zA-Z]*).* ([0-9][0-9]*[0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*[0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*[0-9]*.[0-9][0-9]*[0-9]*).* port ([0-9]*)--end%\"}")

Please note that the template needs to be consistent with the pattern we have identified in 4.1.

4.4. Start forwarding

To start forwarding we now need to restart syslogd: /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart, and check that everything works well: /etc/init.d/rsyslog status

5. Verify that data flows to influxdb

5.1. Check the socket listener logs

To check the logs execute: kubectl -n logincollector logs -l app=collectorapp

If packets are received from syslogd and stored to the database you should see something like:

Received data: {"username":"b","ip":"","port":"33614"}

Intruder added
Received data: {"username":"teamspeak","ip":"","port":"34994"}

Intruder added
Received data: {"username":"admin","ip":"","port":"62561"}

Intruder added
Received data: {"username":"sftp","ip":"","port":"53614"}

5.2. Check the database

  1. Logon to influxdb (see 1.2.) and check if the data gets persisted: select * from "login-attempts"..geossh

The result should look like:

name: geossh
time                geohash		ip		        port	username	value
1550665352142176076	u09tvnqgx	33614	b		    1
1550665395520243219	w4rqnpjee	34994	teamspeak	1
1550665416291991522	qw8nv8qdk	62561	admin		1
1550665424640376618	w21z773kz	53614	sftp		1
1550665465950918696	wx4g0kz6e	39072	yarn		1
1550665718062144620	wx4g0kz6e	11142	b		    1

6. Setup the dashboard

Finally we will setup the dashboard in grafana:

  1. Create a new dashboard names "Login Attempts"
  2. Add the World panel and edit it
  3. Go to [General] and edit the title: "Failed Login Attempts"
  4. Go to [Metric] and add "InfluxDB" as datasource
  5. Edit the query to be SELECT "value" AS "metric" FROM "login-attempts".."geossh" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY "geohash"
  6. Set the format to Table
  7. Go to [Worldmap] and edit the visual options to suit your needs (defaults are fine as well)
  8. In "Map data options" set "Location data" to geohash, "Geohash field" to geohash, "Metric field" to metric

Et voila!