- Make ExecutionStrategy more flexible (#6680)
- Migrations: Detect renamed properties (#6582)
- Memory-optimized table support for Sql Server (#6405)
- Set current/original values directly from dictionary (#6368)
- Support opting out of wrapping database operations in a transaction during SaveChanges() (#6339)
- Make replacing internal EF services easier in the common case (#6306)
- Expose way to get simple, human-readable, representation of the model for debugging (#6304)
- Add string-based Property API that does not require a type (#6303)
- Migrations: Top level APIs for All/Applied/Pending (#6110)
- Top level API to mark a value as temporary. (#6028)
- Add non-generic Find to context (#5998)
- Allow navigation properties to be typed as IEnumerable so long as backed by ICollection (#5771)
- Fluent API: Timestamp/RowVersion (#5554)
- API to get current transaction (#5552)
- Simple way to specify a value generator for a property (#5537)
- Query: Support for String.CompareTo (#5369)
- Implement new architecture of dotnet-ef and PowerShell commands for ASP.NET Core/.NET Core (#5334)
- Make setting navigation property to modified delegate to setting fk property(s) modified (#5114)
- Add QueryTracking behavior to DbContextOptionsBuilder (#5057)
- Add a way to configure property materialization to not use the backing field (#4855)
- Change Tracker: Enable using backing fields (#4461)
- Migrations: verbose logging to include actual sql (#4401)
- Enable model-level entity properties to be associated to a backing field but no property getter or setter (#4357)
- String based Include (#3921)
- Add DbSet.Local (or similar) (#3915)
- Provide an IsUnicode API (#3420)
- Support Enum.HasFlag in LINQ (#2852)
- Commands: Drop Database (#2476)
- RelationalTypeMapper: FK facet propagation (#2455)
- Implement missing APIs from ChangeTacker/Entry (#2295)
- Support AddAsync && AddRangeAsync (#2291)
- Query: Include and ThenInclude should support collection navigation properties that are just IEnumerable (#1481)
- Implement EntityEntry.Reload (#1203)
- Implement relationship access methods on EntityEntry (#1201)
- Implement CurrentValues, OriginalValues, and GetDatabaseValues on EntityEntry (#1200)
- Implement ChangeTracker.HasChanges (#1198)
- Generic string based HasForeignKey (#1172)
- Migrations: Support x64 assemblies in package manager console commands (#1074)
- Add Find method on DbSet (#797)
- Commands: Assembly-based Command Line Interface (ef.exe) (#646)
- Explicit loading support (#625)
- Connection resiliency (#237)
Bugs Fixed
- Review EventId names in Design assemblies (#6807)
- Breaking changes to relational command methods may affect Npgsql provider (#6783)
- Changes in EF Core 1.1 break Npgsql 1.0 provider (#6768)
- Release Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design version 1.0.1 (#6742)
- API docs for DbContext.Update etc. have incorrect info about state of related entities (#6739)
- Revert 57b7656 once we pick up dotnet/core-setup#423 fix (#6727)
- System.MissingMethodException : Method not found: 'System.Type Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IProperty.get_ClrType()' (#6709)
- Provider specific ExpressionFragmentTranslators should override default ones (#6691)
- SaveChanges() deadlocks in overlapping scenarios (#6666)
- Add more error codes to the transient list (#6665)
- Query: Subquery projection being selected incorrectly with required navigation filter (#6657)
- Shadow property naming docs are incorrect (#6655)
- Incorrect table alias name in translated sql (#6636)
- Review provider breaking changes approach (#6622)
- Stop registering ICollectionTypeFactory in D.I. (#6616)
- Query :: we are adding redundant navigation joins to query in some cases, resulting in correct but unnecessarily complex queries (#6609)
- "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object" in some queries with navigation and paging (#6597)
- Conditional Order By with collection include generates incorrect SQL (#6591)
- Variable in a group JOIN clause added to ORDER BY as a SQL variable (#6580)
- Including an inherited navigation throws IndexOutOfRangeException (#6570)
- EF mismatches the inherited navigation property with the inverse key property (#6554)
- Enable tools to work with 1.0 runtime (#6549)
- Remove ability to force shadowness in core metadata (#6548)
- Change IPropertyBase.DeclaringEntityType to DeclaringType (#6542)
- The instance of entity type X cannot be tracked because another instance of this type with the same key is already being tracked (#6490)
- Property 'Street' is not defined for type 'System.String' then sorting (#6478)
- SQL Server update does not get values updated by trigger. (#6474)
- No server-side handling of Contains (LIKE) on optional relationships (#6473)
- Script-Migration fails for ASP.NET Core project on .NET Framework (#6465)
- SQLite Migrations: Autoincrement annotation not prefixed (#6461)
- Query :: during nav-rewrite we sometimes add null protection logic in places where it's not needed (#6453)
- Query: Joining same entity twice with Skip Take using rownumberpaging throws exception (#6437)
- Query :: NRE protection is not applied to manually created GroupJoin when trying to extract keys from collections potentially containing nulls (#6429)
- EF trying to Insert into Identity field (#6426)
- Incorrect SQL generated for multiple "from" clauses (#6390)
- Migrations scaffolding error when renaming table and adding another table with FK to first table (#6340)
- Query: Projected values can be the wrong type (#6337)
- PMC + xproj: dotnet-ef uses incorrect build directory (#6335)
- Skip, Take and Select return incorrect results (#6318)
- Add support for data annotations on fields (#6316)
- Key.ReferencingForeignKeys can have different orderings (#6295)
- Using DateTime.Year in complex query fails on SQL Server (#6270)
- DateTime converted to Nullable inside optional navigation property, throws exception on AddDays (#6261)
- Migrations scaffolding error when renaming column and adding a table with FK to that column (#6258)
- Linq generation error (OrderBy/Skip/Take?) (#6257)
- FromSql and SqlParameter issue when calling by 2 ways the query (#6249)
- left join, bug when show data (#6232)
- Navigation fixup fails with composite FKs using server-generated values (#6212)
- ArgumentException using same query source for multiple separate queries (#6209)
- Query :: errors for some queries with navigations and DefaultIfEmpty (#6207)
- SQLite throws System.FormatException: 'Input string was not in a correct format' when decimal numbers stored in exponential format (#6205)
- Migrations: Enum literal generated for defaultValue (#6193)
- BatchExecutor.ExecuteAsync invokes sync BeginTransaction instead of BeginTransactionAsync (#6185)
- Query: INNER JOIN generated for navigation traversals from principal to dependents (#6177)
- Fixup can be inconsistent for 1:1 relationships changed in store (#6171)
- ChangeTracker.Entries() throws NullReferenceException (#6157)
- Error when setting default value for child classes in TPH (#6117)
- Model Building: StackOverflowException when two properties share the same foreign key (#6115)
- ChangeTracker shouldn't throw on conceptual nulls if one of the fk properties is nullable (#6109)
- Original values must be required for principal keys (#6106)
- SQL Server Migrations: Rebuild indices on narrowed columns (#6102)
- Log machine readable & queryable structured log entries (#6096)
- New collection navigation is not fixed up after reparenting (#6067)
- HasDefaultValue type casting (#6056)
- Guid wrongly generated for alternate key Guid columns (#6048)
- Issue with Computed Fields using User Defined Functions (#6044)
- AddColumn migrations created with bad default (#6035)
- StackOverflowException in dotnet.exe when creating migrations with one-to-one relationship configured incorrectly (#6017)
- BUG? Created migration throw exception and cannot be reversed (only delete) (#5966)
- Queries with "Contains" broken after upgrade from RC2 to RTM (#5939)
- Query: | and & operators fail (#5930)
- Generating Migrations loses using / namespace for custom types (#5912)
- Query: TPH query with shared column includes column multiple times. (#5909)
- Query: Remove ClientEval warning for Single() (#5897)
- Group by multiple properties Extension methods error. (#5887)
- Commands: show better error when executing on a UWP class library (#5878)
- NotMapped on overridden mapped base class property on EF6 throws, but has no effect on EF Core (#5864)
- Remove JsonUtility (#5859)
- Commands: Better error when x64, ARM, or .NET Native (#5839)
- 'must be reducible node' when aggregating over a join (#5812)
- SQL Server Migrations: Rebuild columns after altering HasComputedColumnSql (#5789)
- HasKey and ValueGeneratedOnAdd have a declaration order dependency (#5776)
- Duplicate Foreign Key Constraints created in Migrations with TPH inheritance (#5769)
- Query Perf: Selecting entire table for navigation properties in projections (#5738)
- Query: Short-circuiting is not working (#5736)
- Query: Can Include be a no-op on non-EF queries (#5735)
- Nit - reveng generated DbContext violates SA1201: A property should not follow a method (#5721)
- ForeignKeyAttribute can't be overriden with explicit configuration (#5695)
- Commands: Only look for ConfigureServices on Startup (#5677)
- Query :: Include with multiple navigations (including optional navigation) fails (#5672)
- RC2 EF LINQ Query exception (#5664)
- Query :: optional navigations null-ref protection logic doesn't work for some cases involving multiple optional navs and method calls (#5613)
- Query :: force client evaluation on First() inside a query (#5544)
- Script migration fails if directory does not exist (#5535)
- Migrations: Avoid redundant IS NOT NULL on indexes (#5532)
- SQL Server Migrations: RenameIndex generates bad SQL when table unspecified (#5520)
- RC2, using ?? operator in select fails with casting error (#5439)
- Metadata :: confusing exception when setting up Navigation with shadow FK (#5377)
- Sql Server Migrations: Throw when altering IDENTITY (#5345)
- Consider pay-for-play for tools packages (#5273)
- Test issue with Substring_with_constant and Substring_with_closure (#5220)
- Test fixture base class uses SqlServer-specific code (#5216)
- Better error message when using nav prop in string overload of Property (#5056)
- Query: SELECT subquery order condition is ignored when filtering (#4955)
- Extracting subquery to a variable causes local evaluation (#4857)
- Query :: error during groupjoin flattening for complex query with multiple joins subquery and LOJ (#4749)
- Query :: invalid sql generated for query with joins where key selector is a null comparison (#4748)
- unable to groupby item.Date.Month (#4581)
- Contains on Sub query with navigation and projection throws ArgumentException (#4352)
- Query :: we could be smarter about removing redundant joins when expanding multiple navigations (#3816)
- Query: [Nav Prop Translation] EF can't join between same types if one of them is queryed inside the expression (#3141)
- Error when specifying AttachDbFileName in connection string (#2810)
- When mapping to backing fields handle cases where field is on base type (#758)
- Query: Improve translation of String's StartsWith, EndsWith and Contains (#474)