Git & Github Tutorials Series Playlist created by Learning with Jelly on Youtube!
Hello learners, this repository is designed to help you "Get Git". @LearningwithJelly on Youtube has a playlist designed to teach Git/Github concepts so that you are able to create your own project repositories and collaborate with others!
- Video 1: Intro to Version Control
- Video 2: Creating a Local Git Repo and Installing Git/Vs Code
- Video 3: Connecting a Local Git Repo to a Remote Repo
- Video 4: Git Push: Pushing Files to Github
- Video 5: Creating a Remote Repo BEFORE a Local One
- Video 6: Forking and Cloning
- Video 7: Git Fetch and Git Merge
- Video 8: Creating a .Gitignore
- Video 9: Git Log and Git Revert
- Video 10: Creating Branches
- Video 11: The Why Behind Merge Conflicts
The Slide Deck is all the slides shared across all videos. The QR code on the Thank You slides will take you to that video!