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Using this Node JS sample, a bot can receive real-time meeting events. For reference please check Real-time Teams meeting events

This feature shown in this sample is currently available in public developer preview only.

Meeting start event Meeting end event


  1. Office 365 tenant. You can get a free tenant for development use by signing up for the Office 365 Developer Program.

  2. To test locally, NodeJS must be installed on your development machine (version 10.14 or higher).

    # determine node version
    node --version
  3. To test locally, you'll need Ngrok installed on your development machine. Make sure you've downloaded and installed Ngrok on your local machine. ngrok will tunnel requests from the Internet to your local computer and terminate the SSL connection from Teams.

NOTE: The free ngrok plan will generate a new URL every time you run it, which requires you to update your Azure AD registration, the Teams app manifest, and the project configuration. A paid account with a permanent ngrok URL is recommended.

To try this sample

  • Register Azure AD applications

    • Register your bot using bot channel registration in Azure AD portal, following the instructions here.
  • Clone the repository

    git clone
  • In a console, navigate to samples/meeting-events/nodejs

    cd samples/meeting-events/nodejs
  • Run ngrok - point to port 3978

    ngrok http -host-header=localhost 3978
  • Update the .env configuration for the bot to use the MicrosoftAppId (Microsoft App Id) and MicrosoftAppPassword (App Password) from the Bot Framework registration.

NOTE: the App Password is referred to as the client secret in the azure portal and you can always create a new client secret anytime.

  • Install modules & Run the NodeJS Server

    • Server will run on PORT: 3978
    • Open a terminal and navigate to project root directory
    npm run server

    This command is equivalent to: npm install > npm start

  • This step is specific to Teams.

  • Modify the manifest.json in the /AppPackage folder and replace the following details

    • <<App-ID>> with your app id

    • <<VALID DOMAIN>> with your app domain e.g. *

    • Zip up the contents of the appPackage folder to create a

    • Add in a meeting to test

      • Select Apps from the left panel.
      • Then select Upload a custom app from the lower right corner.
      • Then select the file from appPackage.

Interacting with the bot in Teams

Once the meeting where the bot is added starts or ends, real-time updates are posted in the chat.

Deploy the bot to Azure

To learn more about deploying a bot to Azure, see Deploy your bot to Azure for a complete list of deployment instructions.

Further reading