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108 lines (78 loc) · 6 KB


Project summary

Facebook Linq to Fql makes it easier for facebook developers to work with facebook data. You'll no longer have to use untyped Fql queries. Instead, you can work with compiled Linq queries using the Facebook object model.

FacebookLinq was a dead project that didn't compile and wasn't updated since 2009, I decided that the idea is good and created my modified version that is based on the original FacebookLinq. My goals where:

  • Get the code to run with the latest facebook-csharp-sdk.
  • Create code that generates classes for the FQL tables based on the FQL documentation on Facebook's site.

Use sample

This C# code:

var friendIds = from friend in db.Friend where friend.Uid1 == db.Me select friend.Uid2;
var friendDetails = (from user in db.User where  
friendIds.Contains(user.Uid)      select new { Name = user.Name, Picture = user.PicSmall }).Take(5);
listFriends.DataSource = friendDetails.ToArray();

Will execute the following FQL:

select name , pic_small from user where uid in ( select uid2 from friend where uid1 = me()  ) limit  5

Here is the list of changes I made to the original "facebook.Linq" code:

  • I made it work with the latest facebook-csharp-sdk project.
  • I created a class generator that reads the Facebook FQL documentation pages and generates C# classes from the pages, this saved me the time creating them by hand, and also a way to quickly update them with future changes. The project is named CreateTableClassesFromFacebookPages, it logins to Facebook at start - as some of the FQL documentation pages require the user to be logged in to view them.
  • I fixed the SimpleQuery webpage sample project that demonstrate the facebook.Linq to work with the latest facebook-csharp-sdk and my new naming changes.


  • CreateTableClassesFromFacebookPages is a quick hack - it may be a good idea to sort the code out and add support for all the special datatypes that are converted to string for now.
  • Performance can always be improved.

Credits and licenses:

The code of the facebook.Linq project is based on FacebookLinq - and it has the same code license as in the project link on this line. The code of the SimpleQuery project is based on FacebookLinq - and it has the same code license as in the project link on this line. The code for the Facebook project is based on facebook-csharp-sdk - and it has the same code license as in the project link on this line. The code for the CreateTableClassesFromFacebookPages project is based on facebook-csharp-sdk - and it has the same code license as in the project link on this line.

Here are some more use samples:

var albumQuery = from album in db.Album where album.Aid == new AlbumId("20531316728_324257") select album;
var albumResult = albumQuery.ToArray();

var applicationQuery = from application in db.Application where
							application.AppId == new AppId("231464590266507") // servicestack-dev
							|| application.Namespace == "skype" // Skype
							|| application.Namespace == "inthemafia" // Mafia Wars
							|| application.Namespace == "m_calendar" // MyCalendar
						select application;  
var applicationResult = applicationQuery.ToArray();

var apprequestQuery = from apprequest in db.Apprequest
						where apprequest.RecipientUid == db.Me
							&& apprequest.AppId == new AppId("231464590266507")
						select apprequest;
var apprequestResult = apprequestQuery.ToArray();
var checkinQuery = from checkin in db.Checkin where checkin.AuthorUid == db.Me  select checkin;
var checkinResult = checkinQuery.ToArray();

var albumObjectIdQuery = from album in db.Album where album.Aid == new AlbumId("20531316728_324257") select album.ObjectId;
var commentQuery = from comment in db.Comment where albumObjectIdQuery.Contains(comment.ObjectId) select comment;
var commentResult = commentQuery.ToArray();
var connectionQuery = from connection in db.Connection where connection.SourceId == db.Me select connection;
var connectionResult = connectionQuery.ToArray();

var cookiesQuery = from cookies in db.Cookies where cookies.Uid == db.Me select cookies;
var cookiesResult = cookiesQuery.ToArray();

var developerQuery = from developer in db.Developer where developer.DeveloperId == db.Me select developer;
var developerResult = developerQuery.ToArray();

var eventQuery = from event_ in db.Event where event_.Eid == new EventId("209798352393506") select event_;
var eventResult = eventQuery.ToArray();

var commentsQuery = from comments in db.Comment where comments.ObjectId == new ObjectId("483854529708") select comments;
var commentsResult = commentsQuery.ToArray();

var threadQuery = from thread in db.Thread where thread.FolderId == FolderId.Inbox select thread.ThreadId;
var messageQuery = from message in db.Message where threadQuery.Contains(message.ThreadId) select message;
var messageResult = messageQuery.ToArray();

DateTime yesterday = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);
var threadQuery2 = from thread in db.Thread where thread.FolderId == FolderId.Inbox select thread.ThreadId;
var messageQuery2 = from message in db.Message
					where threadQuery2.Contains(message.ThreadId)
						&& message.CreatedTime > yesterday
					select message;
var messageResult2 = messageQuery2.ToArray();

var notificationQuery = from notification in db.Notification where notification.RecipientId == db.Me select notification;
var notificationResult = notificationQuery.ToArray();

var groupQuery = from group_ in db.Group where group_.Gid == new GroupId("146797922030397") select group_;
var groupResult = groupQuery.ToArray();

var streamQuery = from stream in db.Stream where stream.SourceId == db.Me select stream;
var streamResult = streamQuery.ToArray();