Build Bootstrap with Assemble instead of Jekyll.
- Converts the liquid templates to Handlebars
- Builds the HTML from templates using Assemble.
- Swaps out some Bootstrap content with metadata from _config.yml.
You must have NPM, Bower and Grunt installed globally before you begin.
Do one of the following:
- download this project
git clone git://
bower install boilerplate-bootstrap
Next, cd
into the project run the following in the command line:
npm i && git clone git:// "vendor/bootstrap" && cd vendor/bootstrap && npm i
3. Customize _config.yml
Optionally update the metadata and config defaults to how you want them for your project.
You may now run grunt
to build the project.
If you haven't used Assemble before, please visit to learn how to customize the task.
In the project's Gruntfile, the example assemble
task is pre-loaded with paths and options to build the project successfully:
assemble: {
options: {
flatten: true,
assets: '<%= site.assets %>',
// Metadata
site: '<%= site %>',
// Templates
partials: '<%= site.includes %>',
layoutdir: '<%= site.layouts %>',
layout: '<%= site.layout %>',
docs: {
src: ['templates/*.hbs'],
dest: '<%= site.dest %>/'
Take a look at _config.yml to see some of the metadata and config data is defined.
Jon Schlinkert
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.
- 2013-12-22 v0.2.6 Updated dependencies, Bootstrap paths. A number of updates to gruntfile and config. Adds _config.yml to project root, to make project metadata more customizable from the start.
- 2013-08-03 v0.2.0 Refactored to be awesome.
- 2013-07-16 v0.1.0 First commit.