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Adopt NEP 29 for CPython and Numpy Version Support

author: Stuart Mumford and Thomas Robitaille

date-created: 2020 October 16

date-last-revised: 2024 July 12

type: Standard Track

status: Accepted


NEP 29 has been superseded by the Scientific Python ecosystem coordination guideline SPEC 0 — Minimum Supported Versions. All mentions of NEP 29 apply to SPEC 0 likewise and the latter should be used in all future references.


APE 10 previously determined supported CPython versions, and provided a list up to the 4.0 release. Since APE 10 was written the wider scientific Python community have written and largely adopted NEP 29 as a policy for supported versions of both CPython and Numpy. This APE proposes that Astropy adopt this policy following other projects in the scientific ecosystem.

Detailed description

This APE fully adopts NEP 29 for both CPython and Numpy versions for the core astropy package, and it supersedes APE 10 wherever there is a conflict between that APE and this APE or NEP 29.

This APE will not replicate the content of NEP 29, and the full text of NEP 29 is adopted via this APE. In addition to the content of NEP 29, the APE also extends the numpy policy to all of the core package dependencies. This leads to the following support policy for dependencies of the core package.

Astropy core will support:

  • All minor versions of Python released 42 months prior to a non-bugfix, and at minimum the two latest minor versions.
  • All minor versions of numpy released in the 24 months prior to a non-bugfix, and at minimum the last three minor versions.
  • Versions of other runtime dependencies released 24 months prior to a non-bugfix release.

These versions of the dependencies are to be supported for bugfix lifetime of the given astropy version.

This version support policy allows, at the discretion of the maintainers, to adopt the supported version of the next release in situations where it is judged to be valuable. For example, this could be done in the case of an important change in numpy or a change over date very close to the release.


Some initial work has been done in #10900 on bumping the minimum Python version in the core astropy package to Python 3.7+.

The release calendar for the astropy core package will be updated over time to include the minimum Python and Numpy version for upcoming releases.

Backward compatibility

The version schedule here is more rapid than that proposed in APE 10, however, this allows the core library to adopt modern features, and reduces burden on maintainers. In addition to this, aligning ourselves with other projects in the ecosystem is consistent and prevents potential minimum version conflicts. See the text of NEP 29 for further justification.

This APE fully replaces APE10 where they are in conflict.


See NEP 29.

Decision rationale

After discussion and some revision in the PR, there was broad support and no objections to adopting this plan.