Unreleased (7dd7301..4703e38)
- add direnv config - (4703e38) - Will Rogers
- update changelog - (b763a32) - @astutecat
- add changelog - (0e600b6) - @astutecat
0.2.1 - 2023-05-08
- remove cog prebump - (0e3b44b) - @astutecat
0.2.0 - 2023-05-08
- (neovim) add cleaner work header - (d7572b0) - @astutecat
- move version bump hook - (1c5dbf8) - @astutecat
- add changelog - (4972de8) - @astutecat
- add direnv config - (3f230d2) - @astutecat
0.1.0 - 2023-05-08
- (neovim) adjust BEAM code - (20b6f2a) - @astutecat
- (neovim) fix telescope - (01767be) - @astutecat
- (neovim) fix some more mappings - (0818d11) - @astutecat
- (neovim) fix bad command name - (e8d00bf) - @astutecat
- (neovim) fix tag jump rebind - (e0597e7) - @astutecat
- (neovim) duplicate warning - (5a2e1d1) - @astutecat
- (neovim) null_ls improvements - (bf7e022) - @astutecat
- (neovim) fix swap/sort map clash - (6208315) - @astutecat
- (neovim) fix LSP keymaps - (0d1e28b) - @astutecat
- (neovim) sessions config tweak - (8763697) - @astutecat
- (neovim) fix LSP keymap - (7b3a519) - @astutecat
- (neovim) fix LSP keymap - (4c033aa) - @astutecat
- (neovim) fix issues with versioning - (e026636) - @astutecat
- (neovim) fix vim-lion - (8247c27) - @astutecat
- (neovim) fix completion - (0aee95d) - @astutecat
- (neovim) fix telescope mappings - (f27a200) - @astutecat
- (neovim) fix which-key - (84fba60) - @astutecat
- cog.toml schema fix - (5ac10bf) - @astutecat
- fix some keybind duplication and add output panel command - (97e42d4) - @astutecat
- fix elixir on-attach mappings - (6ab4761) - @astutecat
- fix nclipper config - (645e9f1) - @astutecat
- move projectionist config to init - (58990d9) - @astutecat
- duplicate keybind - (9336112) - @astutecat
- move buffer open to vl - (d569b20) - @astutecat
- cmp tweak - (aee8420) - @astutecat
- move away from on-file-open - (5c7bf1c) - @astutecat
- move treesitter to a different event - (09f418f) - @astutecat
- adjust beam conditional use - (39e4a4a) - @astutecat
- fix some naming of stuff - (86669ab) - @astutecat
- (lazygit) parse emoji in lazygit - (4c072b2) - @astutecat
- (neovim) re-enable TS for erlang - (7efd657) - @astutecat
- (neovim) session commands update - (9958f44) - @astutecat
- (neovim) delete session by name - (65a4fe4) - @astutecat
- (neovim) shorter startup list - (fe5a7b5) - @astutecat
- (neovim) add quotes module - (55fc225) - @astutecat
- (neovim) more headers! - (8463a7b) - @astutecat
- (neovim) some more headers because why not - (38eba23) - @astutecat
- (neovim) session management commands - (de6f262) - @astutecat
- (neovim) tweak mini cursor word - (e4594fe) - @astutecat
- (neovim) dashboard tweaks - (b77ef37) - @astutecat
- (neovim) rust and erlang treesitter tweaks - (e1f9ee0) - @astutecat
- (neovim) tjump / select - (aefced3) - @astutecat
- (neovim) some tweaking of startup order - (e78e109) - @astutecat
- (neovim) lazygit config - (de95828) - @astutecat
- (neovim) some LSP hacking - (631cc89) - @astutecat
- (neovim) neotree reveal - (1aa59c3) - @astutecat
- (neovim) conditionally set up elixir stuff based on version in PATH - (e8a2748) - @astutecat
- (neovim) conditionally set up erlang_ls based on version in PATH - (eb1b858) - @astutecat
- (neovim) erl_version checking - (5d4dced) - @astutecat
- (neovim) session plugin - (e8a7c69) - @astutecat
- (neovim) dashboard stuff - (c0bca77) - @astutecat
- (neovim) project.nvim tweak - (a5f4560) - @astutecat
- (neovim) some more deferred plugin loading - (92cdcd6) - @astutecat
- (neovim) tokyonight colorscheme version - (832fac6) - @astutecat
- (neovim) move projectionist - (895304e) - @astutecat
- (neovim) alpha redraw on neotree - (c437ddd) - @astutecat
- (neovim) startup -> alpha - (ddfaeb4) - @astutecat
- (neovim) switch to lazy.nvim - (334e80f) - @astutecat
- add git squash - (eac6a2a) - @astutecat
- switch to mini for a lot of plugins - (f7edb5a) - @astutecat
- delta config - (a84fc29) - @astutecat
- add some more commands to legendary - (8144822) - @astutecat
- some more fancy UI stuff - (6015995) - @astutecat
- runtime performance improvements - (feb754a) - @astutecat
- remove nix - (edd618e) - @astutecat
- (neovim) rust_tools load on verylazy - (6fb3d2c) - @astutecat
- (version) 0.1.0 - (7dd7301) - @astutecat
- move lg to function - (d341e4e) - @astutecat
- don't check for conventional commits before latest tag - (d6342dd) - @astutecat
- add pre-commit - (dfcf12c) - @astutecat
- more tweaks - (9b05638) - @astutecat
- add luarc to ignore - (ae2c64e) - @astutecat
- rename - (a349b3c) - @astutecat
- some more version specs - (e749395) - @astutecat
- lualine on start - (f7073f5) - @astutecat
- tweak lazy config - (af98e10) - @astutecat
- rust_tools load on ft=rust - (bd9d7da) - @astutecat
- move headers - (5040fc2) - @astutecat
- limit the amount of chezmoi templating in the lua config - (d183da7) - @astutecat
- pre-lazy.nvim - (ebf80d1) - @astutecat
- (neovim) switch current cursor word to be bold - (0770f97) - @astutecat
- formatting - (6bda4c9) - @astutecat
- formatting - (827c571) - @astutecat
- slight re-org and formatting change - (204610e) - @astutecat
- make the LSP config less spaghetti - (0fa9e15) - @astutecat
- formatting - (1d34f8d) - @astutecat