Meshing Application provides several tools to create, manipulate and interact with meshes. It containts several interfaces to both Kratos thrid party libraries (Triangle, TetGen, MMG)
The application offers the functionalities listed below. If there is an Object without methds it means it can be called using the Execute() function.
- PFEMGidIO: A specialized instance of GiDIO for the PFEM Application. It redefines several IO methods:
- WriteMesh
- WriteNodeMesh
- InitializeMesh
- FinalizeMesh
- InitializeResults
- FinalizeResults
- WriteNodalResults
- PrintOnGaussPoints
- Flush
- CloseResultFile
- DirectModelPartInterpolation
- DirectScalarVarInterpolation
- DirectVectorialVarInterpolation
BinBasedMeshTransfer3D: Alternative implementation of the MeshTransfer utility based on bins. Inherits the procedures from MeshTransfer and also adds:
- MappingFromMovingMesh_ScalarVar
- MappingFromMovingMesh_VectorialVar
- MappingFromMovingMesh_VariableMeshes_ScalarVar
- MappingFromMovingMesh_VariableMeshes_VectorialVar
LocalRefineTriangleMesh: Refines a Trianglular Mesh.
LocalRefinePrismMesh: Refines a Prism Mesh.
LocalRefineSPrismMesh: Refines a SPrism Mesh.
LocalRefineTetrahedraMesh: Refines a Tetrahedra Mesh.
- GenerateScalarVarCut
- GenerateVectorialComponentVarCut
- GenerateVectorialVarCut
- AddModelPartElements
- AddSkinConditions
- UpdateCutData
- DeleteCutData
- ReGenerateMesh
- ReGenerateMeshGlass
- ReGenerateMesh
- ReGenerateMesh
- InternalVariablesInterpolationProcess: Inerpolates Nodal v
- MetricFastInit2D:
- MetricFastInit3D:
- ComputeLevelSetSolMetricProcess2D:
- ComputeLevelSetSolMetricProcess3D:
- ComputeHessianSolMetricProcess2D: For double values.
- ComputeHessianSolMetricProcess3D: For double values.
- ComputeHessianSolMetricProcessComp2D: For components.
- ComputeHessianSolMetricProcessComp3D: For components.
- ComputeErrorSolMetricProcess2D:
- ComputeErrorSolMetricProcess3D:
Meshing application can make use of several third party libs as an alternative (or sometimes unique) way to implementd the interface shown. You can find information about these libs in their respective pages which are listed below:
TetGen is a program to generate tetrahedral meshes of any 3D polyhedral domains. Please note that Tetgen license is not compatible with Kratos, and hence it is not included as part of Kratos. You must indicate in compile time where it can find a tetgen already in your system.
Tetgen enables to use the following utilities:
- AddHole
- GenerateMesh
- EvaluateQuality
- TestRemovingElements
- OptimizeQuality
- FinalizeOptimization
- updateNodesPositions
- setMaxNumThreads
- setBlockSize
- isaValidMesh
Tetgen also enable to use the following meshers:
- ReGenerateMesh
- ReGenerateMesh
- ReGenerateMesh
- GenerateCDT
- ReGenerateMesh
MMG is an open source software for simplicial remeshing. It provides 3 applications and 4 libraries. In Kratos it provides the following additioanl procedures:
- MmgProcess: This class is a remesher which uses the MMG library. The class uses a class for the 2D and 3D cases (solid and surfaces). The remesher keeps the previous submodelparts and interpolates the nodal values between the old and new mesh