This should be a good starter code for this year and hopefully the year to come, it's not too broad, and it's specific enough to basically serve as a starter code for the actual robot.
It has a hopefully working tank drive and cheesy drive, PID controls, and some other basic structures.
Follow for setup instructions, or just ask a Programming Lead.
RobotMap: this is where you map your motors or anything else that connects to the roborio.
OI: binds controller buttons and joysticks
Robot: file that connects everything and runs them
Triggers: declare button input
Subsystems: declares what to do, make a system of commands and system, subsystem declares the methods while commands declares the execution orders and function
Comamnds: decalres how to do an action, requires subsystem and execute a specific command
Subsystem class is declared and initialized in Robot
The subsystem object is passed into a command
Implement Feed Forward Augment Control PID
Add Encoder Skeleton
Create Drive Mode Trigger, probably will be one of the button on the joystick
Pack CTRE Motor Library into Dependency