Using the pysearchimages Raspbian distro (which has OpenCV 3.2 bundled), install the required Python packages with:
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r pip/requirements.txt
sudo -H pip install arc852-robotics --extra-index-url
Info on arc852-robotics is here. is used to choose a target BGR value.
$ ./
Option | Description | Default |
-u, --usb | Use USB Raspi camera | false |
-w, --width | Image width | 400 |
--display | Display image | false |
-x, --flipx | Flip image on X axis | false |
-y, --flipy | Flip image on Y axis | false |
--http | HTTP hostname:port | localhost:8080 |
--delay | HTTP delay secs | 0.25 |
-i, --file | HTTP template file | |
--verbose-http | Enable verbose HTTP log | false |
-v, --verbose | Enable debugging output | false |
-h, --help | Summary of options |
Keystroke | Action |
c | Print current BGR value to console |
k | Move ROI up |
j | Move ROI down |
h | Move ROI left |
k | Move ROI right |
- | Decrease ROI size |
+ | Increase ROI size |
< | Decrease image size |
> | Increase image size |
r | Reset ROI size and image size |
q | Quit |
The script runs the LocationServer, which generates the location of the object having the target BGR value. It supplies data to clients like via gRPC. The smaller the image width, the smaller the matching target area. Thus, decreasing the image width may require also decreasing the minimum target pixel area.
$ python --bgr "174, 56, 5" --display
Option | Description | Default |
--bgr | BGR target value | |
-u, --usb | Use USB Raspi camera | false |
-w, --width | Image width | 400 |
-e, --percent | Middle percent | 15 |
--min | Minimum target pixel area | 100 |
--range | HSV Range | 20 |
--leds | Enable Blinkt led feedback | false |
--display | Display image | false |
-x, --flipx | Flip image on X axis | false |
-y, --flipy | Flip image on Y axis | false |
-t, --http | HTTP hostname:port | localhost:8080 |
--delay | HTTP delay secs | 0.25 |
-i, --file | HTTP template file | |
-p, --port | gRPC server port | 50051 |
--verbose-http | Enable verbose HTTP log | false |
-v, --verbose | Enable debugging output | false |
-h, --help | Summary of options |
Keystroke | Action |
- | Decrease center area |
+ | Increase center area |
w | Decrease image size |
W | Increase image size |
r | Reset center area and image size |
s | Save current image to disk |
q | Quit |
The script reads the location values provided by and adjusts the pan/tilt servos accordingly.
$ --port ttyACM0 --grpc localhost
Option | Description | Default |
-s, --serial | Arduino serial port | ttyACM0 |
-g, --grpc | Object Tracker gRPC server hostname | |
-x, --xservo | X servo PWM pin | 5 |
-y, --xyservo | Y servo PWM pin | 6 |
--calib | Calibration mode | false |
-v, --verbose | Enable debugging output | false |
-h, --help | Summary of options |
Instructions on how to display Raspi OpenCV camera images on a Mac are here