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10-Day Interview Preparation Schedule

This schedule is designed to help me prepare for the Google SDE3 interview, covering the most critical topics.

Day 1: Array/String and Two Pointers


  1. Merge Sorted Array (Easy) - Question #88
  2. Product of Array Except Self (Medium) - Question #238
  3. Trapping Rain Water (Hard) - Question #42

Two Pointers

  1. Container With Most Water (Medium) - Question #11
  2. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (Medium) - Question #3
  3. 3Sum (Medium) - Question #15

Day 2: Dynamic Programming

  1. House Robber (Medium) - Question #198
  2. Coin Change (Medium) - Question #322
  3. Longest Increasing Subsequence (Medium) - Question #300
  4. Partition Equal Subset Sum (Medium) - Question #416
  5. Target Sum (Medium) - Question #494
  6. Maximum Product Subarray (Medium) - Question #152

Day 3: Heap/Priority Queue

  1. Top K Frequent Elements (Medium) - Question #347
  2. Top K Frequent Words (Medium) - Question #692
  3. Kth Largest Element in an Array (Medium) - Question #215
  4. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix (Medium) - Question #378
  5. K Closest Points to Origin (Medium) - Question #973

Day 4: Graph Algorithms and Union Find

Graph Algorithms

  1. Course Schedule (Medium) - Question #207
  2. Network Delay Time (Medium) - Question #743

Union Find

  1. Redundant Connection (Medium) - Question #684
  2. Accounts Merge (Medium) - Question #721
  3. Largest Component Size by Common Factor (Hard) - Question #952

Day 5: Tree

  1. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal (Medium) - Question #103
  2. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree (Medium) - Question #236
  3. Kth Smallest Element in a BST (Medium) - Question #230
  4. Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree (Hard) - Question #297
  5. Maximum Width of Binary Tree (Medium) - Question #662
  6. House Robber III (Medium) - Question #337

Day 6: Backtracking

  1. Combination Sum (Medium) - Question #39
  2. Permutations (Medium) - Question #46
  3. Subsets (Medium) - Question #78
  4. Palindrome Partitioning (Medium) - Question #131
  5. Word Search II (Hard) - Question #212

Day 7: Sorting/Searching and Sliding Window


  1. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array (Medium) - Question #34
  2. Find K Closest Elements (Medium) - Question #658

Sliding Window

  1. Minimum Window Substring (Hard) - Question #76
  2. Find All Anagrams in a String (Medium) - Question #438
  3. Permutation in String (Medium) - Question #567

Day 8: Linked List and Trie

Linked List

  1. Add Two Numbers (Medium) - Question #2
  2. Merge Two Sorted Lists (Easy) - Question #21
  3. Copy List with Random Pointer (Medium) - Question #138
  4. Reverse Nodes in k-Group (Hard) - Question #25


  1. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) (Medium) - Question #208

Day 9: Hashmap and Interval


  1. Two Sum (Easy) - Question #1
  2. Group Anagrams (Medium) - Question #49
  3. Longest Consecutive Sequence (Medium) - Question #128


  1. Merge Intervals (Medium) - Question #56
  2. Non-overlapping Intervals (Medium) - Question #435

Day 10: Review and Mock Interviews

  • Review of the most challenging problems encountered during the previous days.
  • Simulate mock interviews focusing on problem-solving, optimizing solutions, and explaining my thought process.
  • Tackle one or two additional problems from key areas where my confidence is lower.