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Android Library for device-gestures detection.

  1. Distribution

The source code is distributed under GNU LGPL ver. 3 (

  1. Concept

Library analyses accelerometer data and compares current measures with "model" device-gestures. If requirements of similarity met, it generates detection event.

  1. Representation

Library source code is represented as Eclipse "Android Library Project". There are 2 ways to use it: attach as a Library to your main Android project (Properties -> Android), or use as external jar. All library classes are bundled into info.augury.devicegesturelib package. Classes you require to utilize library are public.

  1. Usage

At first, you need to create model of gesture. It's better to create model with real accelerometer data, other than put synthetic constants.

Class to receive accelerometer data record:

class DataReciever implements IGestureRecordReceiver {

	public void onResults(float[] side, float[] front, float[] vert) {
		... //result processing


Action to record data:

DataReceiver receiver;
long interval = 50 * 1000000; //Interval between measures in nanoseconds (50ms)
int count = 10; //Number of measures  

DeviceGestureLibrary.recordGesture(GetApplicationContext(), interval, count, receiver); 

Now we can create up to 3 Axis, which are components of gesture model. Example for front axis:

float[] frontAxisRecord; 
float requiredProximity = 0.75f; //Threshold of detection
CompareMode mode = CompareMode.Flattened; //Mode of axis data comparison

Axis frontAxis = new Axis(frontAxisRecord, requiredProximity, mode);

When everything ready to create gesture model:

Axis frontAxis;
Axis sideAxis;
Axis vertAxis;
int id = 100; //Gesture identification number
long interval = 50 * 1000000; //Interval between measures in nanoseconds (50ms)
long cooldown = 1000 * 1000000; //Idleness interval after detection event in nanoseconds (1000ms)
long deviation = 200 * 1000000; //Possible deviation of total duration in nanoseconds (200ms)

DeviceGestureModel model = new DeviceGestureModel(id, frontAxis, sideAxis, vertAxis, interval, cooldown, deviation);

Then we may create detector object:

IGestureDetector detector = DeviceGestureLibrary.createGestureDetector(getApplicationContext());

For detection events we need listener:

class DetectListener implements IGestureDetectListener {

	public void onGestureDetected(int gestureID, long timestamp) {
	... //event processing


Finally, activate gesture detection:

DeviceGestureModel model;
IGestureDetector detector;
DetectListener listener;
detector.registureGestureDetection(model, listener);
  1. Example

Demo application on Google Play:

App usage video on Youtube:

  1. Hints

  • Library can effectively detects very complex gestures, but only on precisely tuned models.
  • If your gesture model do not use specific axis, it's highly recommended to set it null.
  • If your gesture model have frequent direction shifts, ensure interval between measures is small enough.
  • In rare cases, Straight compare mode is preferable rather than default Flattened mode.
  • Complex gestures often require lower than average(0.7f) proximity threshold (at least on specific axis).
  • Vice versa, common\short gestures require higher than average proximity threshold, to cut off false detection events.
  • Often, there are sequence of detection events generated on single gesture - use model's cooldown parameter.