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Configuration parameters can be passed to the Relay server either as environment variables or flags.

./hagall --public-endpoint (where is the public, external address where this Relay server is reachable) will launch the Relay server with sane defaults, but if you for some reason want to modify the default configuration of the Relay server you can run ./hagall -h for a full list of parameters.

Here are some example parameters:

Flag Environment variable Default Example Description
--addr HAGALL_ADDR :4000 :4000 Listening address for client connections. This is the port you want your reverse proxy to forward traffic to.
--log-indent HAGALL_LOG_INDENT false true Indent logs
--public-endpoint HAGALL_PUBLIC_ENDPOINT N/A The public endpoint where this Relay server is reachable. This endpoint will be registered with Hagall Discovery Service.
--log-level HAGALL_LOG_LEVEL info debug The log level (debug, info, warning or error)
--private-key-file HAGALL_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE N/A hagall-private.key The file that contains the private key of a Relay server-unique Ethereum-compatible wallet
--private-key HAGALL_PRIVATE_KEY N/A 0x0 The private key of a Relay server-unique Ethereum-compatible wallet

Every Relay server needs a unique wallet. You can generate it in a wallet app of your choice (such as MetaMask) and copy its private key to a file called hagall-private.key. If you wish to generate a wallet on the command-line, make sure that you back up your private key (for example by adding it to your wallet app) to not lose your stake or rewards. Here is an example command to generate a wallet and save its private key to a file so the Relay server can use it:

pip3 install web3
python3 -c "from web3 import Web3; w3 = Web3(); acc = w3.eth.account.create(); print(f'{w3.to_hex(acc.key)}')" > hagall-private.key
chmod 400 hagall-private.key

We recommend that the private key is supplied as a file (HAGALL_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE) rather than directly on the command line or through environment variables (HAGALL_PRIVATE_KEY) as files are more secure.

DO NOT CONFIGURE A WALLET WITH EXISTING ASSETS, instead generate a new wallet for every Relay server you operate. The private key of your wallet is only used by the Relay server for authentication and verification of your reputation deposit and will stay on your machine. But if someone gains access to the private key file on your server, they will get access to your wallet, so please take appropriate precautions.