- Vocābunt, complēbunt, properābunt.
They will call, they will filll, they will hasten.
- Armābitne? superābit, tenēbitmus.
Will he arm? he will overcome, we will hold.
- Manēbuntne? dēmōnstrābimus, terrēbō.
Will they wait? we will show, I will scare.
- Labōrābis, docēbitis, habēbō.
You will work, you will teach, I will have.
- Quō properābit agricola validus?
Whither will the strong farmer hasten?
- In agrōs properābunt agricola et puerī.
The farmer and the boys will hasten to the fields.
- In agrīs labōrābunt magnō cum studiō.
They will work in the fields with great zeal.
- Cum cūrā frūmentum in vīcum portābunt.
They will carry the grain to the village with care.
- Magnā dīligentiā nāvigium aedificābitis.
You will build the boat with great diligence.
- Servī aegrī parvō studiō labōrant.
The sick slaves were working with little zeal.
- You (sing.) will build.
- He will hasten.
- Who will not remain?
Qui nōn manēbit?
- You (plur.) will hold.
- We shall carry the sick men with great care.
Magnō curō aegrōs virōs portābimus.
- Whither will the lieutenant hasten?
Quō lēgātus properābit.
- He will hasten into Greece and also will arm the inhabitants.
In Graeciam properābit atque incolōs armābit.
- Where will our friends fight zealously?
Ubi amīcī nostrī cum studiō pugnābunt.
- The men were diligently filling the boats.
Virī cum dīligentiā navigia complēbant.