- Monuit, monuērunt, docuit.
He warned, they warned, he taught.
- Docuērunt, habuit, habuērunt.
They taught, he had, they had.
- Terruistī, terruistis, tenuistīne?
You scared, you (pl.) scared, did you hold?
- Vīdī? vīdēruntne? mānsimus.
Did I see? Did they see? We remained.
- Tenuit, tenuērunt, terruērunt.
He held, they held, they scared.
- I have filled, you have seen, we have held.
Complēvī, vīdīstī, tenuimus.
- He frightened, it had, they have filled.
Terruit, habuit, complēvimus.
- She has remained, I have taught, you (plur.) have warned.
Mānsit, docuī, monuistis.
- Puerī carrum nostrum frūmentō complēvērunt.
The boys filled our wagon with grain.
- Cum cūrā puellam aegram certē portāvērunt.
The certainly carried the sick girl with care.
- Scūta et gladiōs captīvōrum prō portīs vīdī.
I saw the shields and the swords of the captives in front of the doors.
- Locus proeliō idōneus nōn erat.
The location was not fit for battle.
- Lēgātus cum multīs virīs in Germāniam properāvit.
The lieutenant hastened to Germany with many men.
- Causam bellī dēmōnstrābit.
He will show the reason of the war.
- In Graeciā cum amīcīs vestrīs hiemāvī.
I wintered in Greece with your friends.
- Magnō cum perīculō mānsērunt.
The remained with great danger.
- The swords and the javelins frightened the captives.
Pilī et gladіī captivōs terruērunt.
- They fought with the tribune in the long war.
Cum tribūnō longō in bellō pugnāvērunt.
- The women were spending the winter in Italy.
In Italiā fēminae hiemābant.
- Who will tell the lieutenant the cause of the war?
Quis lēgatō causam bellī nārrābit.
- They have filled the place with arms.
Cum armīs locum complēverunt.
- The Romans have fought with the allies in defense of Rome.
Prō Romā Romanī cum sociīs pugnavērunt.