- Nostrī centuriōnem inter captīvōs vīdērunt.
Our men saw the centurion among the captives.
- Fīnitimī propter eam victōriam Rōmānōrum dolent.
Our neighbors greive on account of this victory of the Romans.
- Cūr cohortēs per silvās ad oppidum fugiēbant?
Why were the cohorts fleeing through the woods to the town.
- Cum cūrā vestrās fīliās libris docuistis.
You used books to teach your daughters with care.
- Equitēs et peditēs ante portam sunt.
The horseman and foot soldiers are in front of the gate.
- Sine perīculō in urbe manēbimus.
We will remain in the town without danger.
- Atque multa ex eā urbe portāvērunt.
Also, they carried many from this city.
- Trāns agrum lātum explōrātōrēs
He leads the scouts across the broad field.
- In prōvinciā cum multis mīlitibus fuit.
He was in the provincee with many soldiers.
- After this battle he will send our men into Germany.
Post id proelium nostrōs in Germaniam mittet.
- They captured the town without help.
Sine auxiliō oppidum cēpērunt.
- The neighbors were fighting bravely against the enemy.
Fīnitimī cum vitutē contrā hostēs pugnabant.
- In front of the town was a hill.
Ante oppidum collis fuit.
- Near the lieutenant a messenger was waiting.
Apud legatum nuntius manēbat.
- We shall hurry through Italy and shall spend the winter among those mountains.
Per Italiam properābimus et inter eā montēs hiemābimus.